Saturday, 15 November 2008

39 weeks - busy day ahead, practise contraction last night - no labour yet!

Sorry to disappoint again Sarah, but this isn't a "I've gone into labour entry!" Hehe. However, it is a "Oh my goodness I'm 39 weeks pregnant!" entry. ;)

Also, last night, I *think* I had a practise contraction... not just simply a braxton hicks, but something that made me think "oh goodness, am I in labour???!!!" We were downstairs watching a film, I was laying on the sofa, with my legs up on the beanbag I'd perched on the end, and after a while, I got this very strange feeling all over my abdomen, along with the tightness I usually get with braxton hicks. Unlike braxton hicks though, I was getting progressively more uncomfortable, and in the end I felt I had to get up, I was also feeling like I needed a wee, so I got up to have a wee, and as soon as I did get up, the odd feeling went away. I did get more braxton hicks afterwards, but they were just braxton hicks, not anything more.

I am finding sleeping progressively harder. Last night, thank GOODNESS I didn't have to get up to take gaviscon, although I did have to take some before I went to bed. But I did still get up to wee twice (not bad, usually it's 4+ times now). But I woke up many more times, simply trying to turn over. I feel lately like my joints have become stiffer and more painful, as well as the fact I'm carrying around a 7+lb baby and trying to shift him around as well! Sitting down is getting more painful in my knee joints. I sometimes wake up as well to find one or both of my hands have stiff and painful joints - possibly from how I've placed my hands while sleeping.

I do still wonder if it's likely to be the 17th... it's 5 days early and apparently first time mums are more likely to have late babies. I guess I'll see. But I hope he doesn't go too much overdue.

Jonathan has left for Aylesbury, and I'm just writing this entry quickly before I get to work too - putting on a load of (our) washing, doing the washing up while that's doing, then hanging up the washing, maybe putting on another load, and while that's doing, sort out some boxes in the spare room. Or take a rest and lay on the sofa for a while. Whatever my feet decide! ;) He almost went off without his phone, which would have been BAD... I wouldn't have been able to get hold of him incase things started to move along today.

I have my 39 week appointment on the 17th too, I wonder whether he'll start to move before or after that! ;) Anyway, I'd better get going now, and look lively, and all that!

Thanks again for your comments, I do appreciate hearing from each of you and value your insight! And sometimes it's nice to get comments which make me laugh like some of yours have!

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