I don't know why, but now I'm in the final bit of pregnancy - the bit where I'm just waiting and waiting for the little man to make his appearance, it seems that there's little point of me updating until something does happen. Because every day now until he comes it feels like it's going to be one of two things: either I have no signs of labour starting at all (like yesterday), or I have quite a few, and nothing happens (like the day before yesterday).
As for the mucus plug - well I can't be sure but I might be losing it gradually. I've heard it can happen, that it comes loose in bits and many women don't even know it's happening. Over the last several days (perhaps a week) I have had blobs of what seems to be just a sticky slimy type of cervical fluid, but I've not had any like that in ages before hand, I remember thinking "that's a bit odd". These blobs aren't huge by any means, usually about the diameter of a 5 pence piece. And they're not SPHERICAL either... in other words it could simply be cervical fluid. I don't know.
Either way I'm just waiting... waiting for a big blob, waiting for waters to release, waiting for strong contractions that will let me know I am in labour... until then I just get on with whatever I feel I can get on with, even if it's just laying on the sofa watching telly, or napping, or catching up on emails/forums/facebook etc on the internet. With only 2 days to my EDD I am now beginning to think that it's incredibly unlikely I will be early with Robert. After all, I was 12 days late being born. He's probably lazy like his mum, doesn't want to get moving when it's so warm and comfy where he is. But please Robert, get moving before 12 days have passed from now - or we won't be able to have your home birth.
Anyway, gonna go get breakfast. Tata for now. And if I don't update in a while... erm... well it might mean I'm in labour but then it might mean I just feel I have nothing to update. If I'm unable to make an entry to say I'm in labour I'll get Jonathan to do it so you're not all left wondering what's going on, okay?
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