Tuesday, 4 November 2008

37 weeks 3 days - sooooo pregnant, tmi bodily functions, parentcraft class tonight

Oooof. I just feel so pregnant. I have lost count of the amount of times I went to the toilet between going to bed last night and getting up this morning. And each time I got back into bed I felt like such a beached whale trying to turn over one way or other to get comfy. My belly is HUGE. I was almost considering taking an early belly picture yesterday. When you look dead on to my belly now it LOOKS pregnant, rather than just a load of flab. I have that pregnant belly button look. The one where it's not popping out (yet), but it's almost flush with the rest of my belly. And boy... has he got lower! I'm sure he has! And yet at the same time his feet have not! He must be growing for Britain in there for his feet to stay the same place and yet move down. Another thing thats making me think he's gone and moved is the fact that I must have peed about 6 times during the night last night. More pressure on the bladder and all that.

He has still been a wriggly chappy. Which I'm very pleased about. Last night he kicked me in the ribs, hard enough for me to cry out. But I don't mind too much. :) I'm still loving his movements, as they are such a wonderful source of reassurance and joy for me :) Even if he's quiet and I feel him move only slightly at various points during the day, I often find myself wondering if he's still ok, or if I imagined the movements. I've not been keeping track of them on a day to day basis really. That might be something I do with the next baby so I can see if I can spot patterns.

TMI of the bodily function variety in this paragraph
Some things I've noticed lately that I've not mentioned in here, is that the last week or two I've been quite sniffly and snotty. And coughy. Not really in a fullblown cold type way, but if something makes me cough, I can hardly stop and it's just sooo painful. Well, quite painful and annoying. And (sorry for TMI) I'm very very mucussy from my nose. Some mornings I'll blow my nose and the amount and the consistency of it is just... weird. The consistency being stringy and almost unbreakable. Now also, maybe it's related to my sort-of-cold-like-symptoms, or maybe it's pregnancy related, I don't know, but my bowel movements are softer than usual as well. Not always VERY soft, but soft enough to *ahem sorry* come easily, and then smear. (Sorry! I just want this on record for next pregnancy! Haha!) My poos have changed consistency a LOT during the pregnancy. At one point they became almost like larger rabbit droppings that floated. That lasted a long time, practically all the way through second trimester and a bit into third. Now they're back to normal length and consistency (aka they don't float) but are soft. Anyway enough about poo and snot! Haha. Ahhh the pleasantries of pregnancy!
TMI over

Right. Well tonight we have a class at the local hospital - I think it's the parentcraft evening. I'll also phone up the lady who had the baby clothes and the baby bouncer and beanbag, to see if she still has them, and if tonight will be a good time for us to come and get them. If not I can say we'll go this weekend.

I cannot believe I will be 38 weeks pregnant this Saturday. Where has the time flown to? I cannot believe that I will soon be holding my precious baby boy. I sometimes ache so much for him to be here. But then I also think "well, at least the longer he's in there, the longer we have to be us two, and get everything we need to do done." My life will so suddenly become full and busy, I don't know if I'm properly prepared for that. But in the same way it's something I've been waiting for for a long time, for my life to be full and busy.

Anyway, I need to go now, put on my support tights before my feet swell too much. And then get busy phoning the woman, phoning the surgery (need to get next week's antenatal appointment set up), doing the washing up, repacking Robert's hospital bag, etc etc :)

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