Ah ok, so I had the appointment yesterday afternoon. :) The midwife seemed ok, but a little cold to begin with, but by the end of the appointment she began to "warm up" a little. She went through medical background, genetic background and so on, took my BP which she said was fine, tested my wee for sugar (surprisingly NOT to see if I was pregnant - I still have had no medical staff confirm my pregnancy), and there was none in my urine. Since I have never smoked, (although was a passive smoker for some years when living with my mother) and have given up drinking since I found out I was pregnant, and have had no major health worries at all apart from a bout of depression about 7 years ago, she says I am fine and healthy (although rather unfit and overweight - she didn't say that, but I know it myself). She's sent off the paperwork to Kettering Hospital (where I will be going for the birth most likely) for my scans, and hopefully I'll get the date for the scan in the mail in the next 2 weeks. But she said it was more likely to be at the 13 week mark rather than the 11-12 week mark, since they said they're fairly busy (lots of women having babies in Kettering in November??). So I'm expecting a date between 16th-23rd May for my first scan. They're also going to do the downs and spinadafria or whatever it's called test at the same time. And next Wednesday I'll be going in to get my antenatal blood test done which'll let me know what blood type I am, and whether I'm rhesus positive or negative. She gave us a lot of information and a free pregnancy book too!
I'm noticing lately that my queasiness while isn't anything very serious as such, is preventing me from wanting to go and get myself much to eat, at least not where I have to stand and prepare it for very long. I feel queasier standing up, and it doesn't all go away straight away now, although it is fairly mild still.
Also... boy, my hormones are sure kicking in... I was watching SG1, the episode where Janet Frasier dies, and I was BAWLING literally. I've seen the episode before, and am well known for crying at stuff, but usually if it's cry-worthy, it'll be a few tears and that's it, but I was crying almost as hard as a time I remember when I was in the process of breaking up with my ex who I'd been with for 2 years. And a week or so ago, I felt some tears running down my face when watching Friends - not the episode where Monica and Chandler get engaged - which has ALWAYS managed to extract some tears... but the episode where Monica hurts her hand when playing Mike at table tennis, so Chandler takes over, and beats Mike for her. It was like "Awwww Chandler beat Mike for Monica! That's sooo sweet *sob sob*" and while I was all teary and stuff I was thinking "What on EARTH?? Why am I crying over this episode???" It is just bizarre, the things I cry over these days, and the INTENSITY of my feelings and how much I cry over stuff.
But it's sooo great, how pregnant of me! Before long I'll be crying over baby oil commercials where they say "now YOU can have baby-soft skin!"
Oh and on a whim the other day I looked up my old diary, diaryland still has it! And it has a good few years of entries, leading up to our wedding and also the years I spent at work in the nursery. I read quite a lot of entries about work - and can't believe I stayed there for so long. I read back at these entries and it all comes flooding back how I felt about some of these things, some of the people there. Which was a shame, because I *LOVED* working with the children. But after a while it seemed that every day I was coming home, feeling crap, and dejected, and feeling like it wasn't worth going back the next day. Which is why hopefully I will LOVE having children - all the rewards and benefits, none of the snooty colleagues, or mouthy parents, and no friggin paperwork! The only thing is that I changed all the names of the particular children in the diary, so when I read back a particular one, I had no idea who was who! Well except for a couple of them, who I worked out from the description in the entry. But yes it's certainly possible to get attached to children you work with, so I have no DOUBT how much I will love this tiny being inside me.
Wow, a lot of waffling today! Hope you're all okay. x
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