Hi everyone!! Thanks for all your lovely comments about the names we've chosen! Of course they're not set in stone, and we might find ourselves thinking even when we're holding our baby boy (for example) and thinking "He doesn't seem like a Robert" But it's so nice for your comments. I told a couple of friends our names ideas and they both said "Love Chloe, don't like Robert" one said "But hey, it's not my baby." Which made me feel a bit "meh" inside. And think maybe what my sister in law and brother did with Ewan was right - not tell anyone until the birth and then say "His name is Ewan" then no-one will give any negative comments. "No, it's NOT your baby, and Robert is a GREAT name." I should have said.
I personally don't like the name Ewan much - but it's not my place to say that. If there was a reason not to use it, then fair enough. But as a bystander, simply "not liking it" is no reasons to dampen a name for someone who DOES. Anyway, mini rant over. I told my mum the names too, and asked her though if she did have any feelings about a name, to please keep them to herself, unless they were constructive (eg, my dad wanted to name my brother Mark. With a surname of Brown, when written down in a register, it would be written Brown Mark... not very good!) She did point out that the initial of both of their names, along with our surname (minus one letter) could both spell unfortunate words, but I don't think it will be much of a problem, if truth be told. Since our surname does have that extra letter on the front! And no-one when reading out for example M Brown would say "Mmmmmmm Brown", they'd say "Em Brown"
Anyway! End of rant and name discussion. The weekend was lovely, well yesterday. We went out for a meal, and I chose a vegetarian tart thing (just because I liked the look of it more), which in the end turned out to be a little bland if I got no pastry with cheese on it - seemed to be mostly sweet potato inside, but with a token amount of red onion and I don't think I saw any of the sweet chillis depicted on the menu. The garlic bread that came with it though was very nice. I gave the waiter some comments about the tart to relay to the chef, that I thought it would be nicer with less potato, and more variety of other veg. Then I ordered a raspberry cheesecake, thinking I'd get a normal cheesecake thing, the sort you'd get from tesco, but this one was handmade, and the cheese bit wasn't very sweet, and I think was made from actual cheese - mascapone or something. I didn't like it particularly so I got the waiter to take it back and bring me some icecream instead (which when I got was perfectly edible but had a slight taste of coffee or toffee - I wondered if it was because maybe my taste senses were mucked up with pregnancy, so I gave Jonathan a bit and asked him if he could taste any coffee/toffee-ish taste, and he could as well) But at least the soup starter was perfectly delicious :)
Dad brought along his pressure washer for the patio, because where the previous occupants had some plant pots on the patio they'd left rings where grime had gathered around but not underneath. And omg.... when Jonathan started... our patio was like... wtf? That was the colour of these tiles??? He could have done every other one and we'd have a very distinct chess board in our garden! Absolutely amazing, hehe :) After dinner and after the rest of the tiles had been cleaned off, we played a few rounds of a game we had, which was fun. It was one where you see who you're "in tune with" by everyone answering questions about one of the players, including the player themself, and seeing who gets the answer the player thinks of, and if wrong, if anyone got the same answer as each other, if either of those apply, you get points for that person. Unsurprisingly, I got over 30 points for Jonathan hehe, and about 17 for my dad, and a few less, about 14 for Caroline. "How many times a month does Jonathan scrub out the bath?" I said none, dad said 1, Caroline said 2, Jonathan said none. Hahaha :D Oh yeah, and "If Clive (Dad) was to dress up for a fancy dress party, what costume would he wear?" Dad said Superman (hahahahaha), Caroline said nothing, J and I both said Santa :D
But yes, had a lovely day! They arrived a little after 11, and didn't leave til 6! And never once thought "Bah, wish they'd leave already"
We didn't get the bookcases done in the end, but we can get those made tonight. I'll try and find all the clothes stashed in about 15 different boxes ;) And unpack them all into the newly finished wardrobe and chests of drawers.
I can't believe my midwife appointment is TOMORROW! I'm so excited. :) And so pleased Jonathan has the afternoon off work. His company writes computer games (usually for the PC - right now anyway, but he's worked on Xbox and PS games too) and they have "milestone weeks" which I THINK this week is... meaning they have to make sure they've completed certain things by the end of the week, so having time off during those weeks can be a bit of a pain. The latest game that got finished that he worked on was Hospital Tycoon, but he's worked on quite a lot of games. It's quite funny, I get to hear funny stories about how the game testers try to break the game so Jonathan and the other programmers can try and fix the bugs. One example for Hospital Tycoon was that apparently, it was possible for the game to crash while a patient was being sick and slipping on something at the same time :D But they fixed that one hehe.
Um right, diversing again. Oh yes! I had another pregnancy symptom yesterday morning! It was the MOST bizarre feeling I've had to date. One of my nipples (just one, not both, strangely enough) started tingling like MAD! It felt sooo weird! But so great - like YAY I'm pregnant! I can't WAIT til I start feeling my little babe moving around inside me. And I can't WAIT til the first scan! Only 4-5 weeks now! :D
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