Saturday, 15 September 2012

Arrival of morning sickness

So, I'm around 7 weeks 4 days (give or take a few days) and morning sickness has arrived. The last few days I've felt nauseous at random times throughout the day. Not enough to make me sick.. yet. But enough to make traveling uncomfortable, and sometimes standing or even sitting. This is definitely the worse I've felt in any of my three pregnancies and I hope this is the worse it gets. I know this is still mild comparatively to how some people suffer.

Despite how I'm feeling I've not allowed it to get me down yet especially as we're enjoying our last term time holiday for the foreseeable future! I'm still very much looking forward to the rest of the pregnancy. My booking in appointment is in less than a week, then will be my 12 week scan, then hearing the heartbeat at 16 weeks, then the BIG scan at 20 weeks (hoping it'll be nearer to 20 weeks this time as I'm slimmer - I KNOW they book in heavier women for the second scan at 21 weeks here). And yes, we will be finding out the sex this time. I don't know if we'll be telling though! ;) although, I'll tell you now, I'll be surprised (shocked, disbelieving) if my tiniest baby (currently about the size of a grape!) doesn't have a willy! ;) I completely 100% believe that we have our third boy on the way. He even already has a name, which is growing on me every day, despite its popularity.

Lots of things to look forward to, its just a shame I won't be booking in with my regular midwife, it'll be at 16 weeks I first see her. How lovely though that she is the person I've seen throughout all my pregnancies. :)


  1. I'm still on a spring girl baby :)

  2. ps, I had NO DOUBT in my mind at all that I was having a third boy though everyone else told me otherwise. Mummies instinct do work, :)

  3. Ive been wondering how you were doing! I kind of think boy for you too but maybe this sickness means girl?! How can you not tell us?? That's mean! Lol!!

  4. thats really interesting about the 20 week scan date for heavier women - where did you find that out? i always thought it was just random when you had it, my SIL didn't have hers until 21 weeks and she's skinny as a rake lol!

    hope your morning sickness stays manageable :-) i hope you do share the gender with us, i'll never stand the suspense otherwise ;-) xx

    1. Maybe its just at my hospital. My friend and I were pregnant at the same time, she was overweight like me, I had my scan booked at 21 weeks and she had hers at 20, and had to come back at 21 weeks as they couldn't see everything they needed to, they then told her they usually delay the anomaly scans for overweight women to increase the chance they'll see everything they need to. Maybe they just couldn't fit your SIL I'm the week before?

  5. GIRL GIRL GIRL!!!! I seem to recall you didn't suffer from morning sickness with your other pregnancies, so this makes me reeeeally think it's a girl this time!!! How exciting! I'm so hoping you'll get a nub shot at the earlier scan! :)
