Sometimes it's hard to appreciate it when I feel like I am constantly telling him off, asking him to stop kicking, pushing, or hitting Christopher. But I need to tell myself that Robert really IS a good boy. He is, but it is often so hard to see it. This morning he came up to me and asked me for one of Daddy's sweets. I told him no, but if he was still hungry he could go downstairs and get himself some fruit. And off he went, and got himself and Christopher an apple!
Robert still finds it difficult to know any time in advance when he needs a wee. I'll see him clutching himself, and if I ask him "Do you need a wee?", 90% of the time I'll get a "no Mummy." But if I say "Would you go to the toilet please?" 90% of the time he will go with no fuss. That's another good boy moment. I really need to start looking out for all the things he does that makes me happy. I know it makes ME happy when people notice things I do that are good.
Other news today is that we now have an understairs cupboard!!!! I'm so thrilled! It still needs a tiny bit of work - mostly cosmetic.
This was on Friday evening, with the framework for the tall cupboard, and part of the door framework. |
Shelves in main section, and partition wall going up. Dave (my mum's partner) was amazing and did this so quickly! Especially considering he had dodgy knees. What a star! |
This technically was the last photo but it shows the insides of the cupboards and the doors. |
How the cupboard looks from the outside. There is a strip or two missing in this photo - it is completely filled in and flat now. |
All that's left to do of the cupboards now is to put some beading on to make the edge of the doors look more seamless, stain and varnish the doors, and put handles on!
Let me assure you, telling your kids off feels the same story over a million times to a million of us mums. James is going through a trying stage similar to how you described Robert but it's something they do grow out of. Unfortunately, such is the world that as they grow out of something that irritates us as parents they start on something else. Even with Matthew 8.5yrs now, I feel that I am always on his back to do this, do that, stop this, stop that. It's a constant cycle and we get through it. Kids normally forget being told off within minutes anyway (thats why they keep doing it!) and get over it. I do think us mums carry far more guilt and bad feeling over telling them off than they feel towards us so don't worry about it. Being a mum means you are in control and you shape the future they have so having no discipline at this age is ALOT worse than telling them off. Us mums need to stop the guilt complex sometimes and it's something we learn over time and experience (And I STILL get it from time to time.)
ReplyDeleteWell done on the stair cupboard. Done a good job this weekend.
Love becca's comment! ;) and you know I love the cupboard under the stairs ;)