To when I was TTC/early pregnant with Christopher, when Robert was a little younger than Christopher is now, makes me boggle in amazement, at various things. One being how difficult it is to realise all the little things that Christopher is doing. How I have less time to update on Christopher's cute little things he does and how, when I read about Robert at that age, it makes me think "goodness, Christopher does that too and I've not really updated about it!" It sounds silly, but it seems like these little things, the way he toddles back and forth between my leg and the opposite sofa, planting kisses on each in turn about three times over, with the biggest grin on his face, will just disappear into thin air as Christopher the toddler turns into Christopher the pre-schooler. I read these things about Robert, and feel a twinge of sadness how soon Christopher will outgrow them, and become a little boy, talking, making me laugh with what he says rather than just what he does, how he will just grow and grow until he is a little boy rather than a baby, and I will never realise where he went, because like Robert, it will happen so gradually that I won't notice until it's long gone. It's lovely to see them grow up and change and develop, but so sad that once those days are gone, they are gone.
I can't believe that Robert was ever this young, and little, but he was! This is when he was around the same age as Christopher is now. I can completely see how he has grown up from this baby to the boy he is today, but funny how it doesn't work the other way around! I can't imagine the little boy Christopher will grow up to be!

And Christopher...
Time does go by so fast doesn't it? And I can totally imagine that 2 kids is way more busy than one! I'm thinking I will be crazy busy with one. :P hope the boys have a lovely Christmas!