Thursday, 15 July 2010

28 weeks - mw appointment, diabetes.

As most of you will probably know from facebook, my results came back from the glucose tolerance test as me having "elavated blood sugar levels", which implies that I do indeed have gestational diabetes. I was in complete shock when she told me, I was completely expecting her to say it was fine. So now she has referred me to a diabetes nurse on Wednesday, as well as the consultant on Monday, and will probably get referred to a specialist consultant as well. What a nightmare!

I have no idea what to expect on Monday, what is going to be asked/discussed. I feel a little left out in the wind right now, not knowing what's going on. I feel fine in myself, apart from the odd spate of tiredness which I put down to pregnancy in general. What I'm finding weird is the sheer volume of appointments with various people I have had and been given to attend. Had my MW app at 24+4, then my blood test this monday gone at 27+4, MW at 27+6, got my consultant app on 28+4, diabetic nurse app 28+6, then MW again 29+4. Will likely have more cons apps, diabetic nurse apps, diabetes consultant apps and growth scans along with normal (and extra!!!) MW apps. I feel completely overwhelmed if truth be told.

This combined with needing to get over Robert's birth. I surprisingly had a normal BP after she told me I had diabetes, but I bet if she was to take it now having had time to digest it and everything else, it'd be sky high. And surprise surprise - no glucose in urine. She said she's going to speak to Louise for me regarding a debrief since I've not heard back from the community midwife unit yet.

I am confused following a phone call with my dad (supposed type 2 diabetic who says he never has any problem with it anymore and everyone who sees him regarding his diabetes always says "why are you here?") about the glucose levels she put in my notes, and just how low they've put the threshold for diabetes, as my sugar levels showed up as 8.9 after 2 hours from drinking that drink, 5.1 before hand. So I dunno. I am confused, and overwhelmed, and despite the extra scans I will get to see Squidge again, I am suddenly wishing for the normal pregnancy I appeared to have with Robert.

I am also somewhat selfishly wondering about what sort of diet changes I will have to make. I like my treats, maybe they are becoming more of a regularity than treat these days as the thought that I won't be able to have them anymore is scary. I already eat plenty of fruit and veg, I've made the switch from white to wholegrain bread (Hovis seed sensations, I'm not sure if it counts as wholemeal, but it's surely better than white?). I am worried though that maybe I will carry on having diabetes after Squidge is here. I wonder if I have to cut out all sugar completely. Can I have yoghurts? Can I have jam on my toast in the morning?

And then yesterday I made the mistake of telling Sarah while other people around. Off sparked a discussion amongst everyone in the room on gestational diabetes, how I would now HAVE to have a hospital birth, whether I like it or not, etc. Sigh. I just want to crawl under a rock and stay there for the rest of this pregnancy.

Then there's the guilt factor coming in - could my eating habits have made this happen? If I'd been more careful, and treated my treats as such, would I be happily telling people my blood test came back clear? If maybe I wasn't obese in the first place, if I'd made more of an effort to lose the weight before would I be here now?

Well it's 28 weeks today, so it is time for a new belly picture, which I've not got round to taking yet. I'll take it later today. I hope everyone's ok.


  1. Oh I'm sorry! This is a hard thing to deal with, on top of just normal pregnancy, and I'm sorry you're having to deal with it :(

    Please don't feel guilty about causing the GD - that isn't the case at ALL. From what I've read your diet has nothing to do with it, and obesity only increases the risk by a little bit (and you've lost loads of weight before this pregnancy in any case!). The primary factor is likely your dad, as one of the highest risk factors for developing GD is a first degree relative (so, immediate) with type 2 Diabetes.

    I don't know much about GD but if you haven't already, google it and check the Wikipedia link as it's very informative. Do you have any further testing to come? The Wikipedia link said that GD can be controlled by diet (with good outcome for the baby!) if you have elevated blood sugar after the GTT but normal blood sugar during fasting and 2 hours after meals. Treatment is different if it's elevated after meals as well. Hopefully it won't entail anything too difficult to maintain for you. The good news I guess is that if you manage the diabetes (which is likely to go away after you give birth), the issues for the baby will also be managed, so he/she wouldn't necessarily be anywhere near 10lbs. I would think without this diagnosis the baby would definitely end up 10lbs or so, because the cause would not have been managed.

    I would just carry on as normal until next week when you have your appts about it - you can't know what to eat or not eat until then, and it won't make much difference just a few more days. I don't see why you can't have a homebirth! That's a shame that everyone was on your back about having a hospital birth when they heard about the GD :S

    Hang in there! Hope you are not feeling too down about it. Sending you lots of hugs! xxxxx

  2. Oh no. I have no advice to offer, as I don't know anything about GD. But I will send you all my best wishes and I hope that managing it will be something nice and straightforward.
