Tuesday, 13 July 2010

27 weeks 5 days - mothers instincts? Name spoiler finally!!

I don't know if it's because of the several dreams I have had now, but I can't help but think of Squidge as a little girl. Last night I was laying in bed, Squidge was being overly active, which was lovely and I was just watching my belly wobble around, feeling the little pokes wriggles and (for the first time this pregnancy!!) hiccups! I lay there looking fondly at my bump and allowing myself to daydream about little Erin (yes I finally succumbed, there you go!! That's our girl's name!!) joining us in October, signing cards from Nicola, Jonathan, Robert and Erin. I couldn't help but keep thinking about that name. And then I felt guilty, because what if it's Christopher and not Erin? Christopher still doesn't sit perfectly well in my mind and heart. Whether it's because I don't believe the baby is a boy deep down, or because I am thinking it's a girl because we both like the name Erin so much, I don't know.

I so want to tell myself that it's a boy. I just know so many people who are having girls and only a couple who are having boys so I just feel that for that reason I'll have another boy because then it'll be more even. I know it doesn't work like that but I can't help but think it. I'm actually terrified that by allowing myself to whole heartedly believe that the baby is a girl, that by thinking "Erin" automatically when I look at my bump, and feel the baby move, that I'm setting myself up for huge disappointment when I find out that I'm not having my Erin afterall. I can't believe what started out as a small niggly feeling in the back of my mind has now turned into such an overpowering feeling it's completely overriden my "boy" thoughts completely.

I keep thinking about the growth scans I am likely to get. Keep thinking "there's still that chance to find out". And I still think that although the urge gets stronger every day to find out the sex, will I be hugely disappointed that I caved in and disallowed myself the surprise? Part of me is looking forward to the surprise at the birth so much, but part of me now, with these overwhelming "it's a girl" thoughts is getting me scared that I will not accept a boy so lovingly in my mind if it's a surprise, especially since I have a leaning towards wanting a girl this time.

Every time I hear about someone who's found out they're having a girl, I inwardly groan, like it makes it less likely that I'm having one! How crazy is that?! I know that at the end of the day I will love my tiny baby boy just as much as if he were a girl, because I thought the same with Robert, I wanted him to be a girl, he wasn't, but I love him so much and wouldn't make him a girl for the world now! Wouldn't change a thing about him. He makes me so proud every day.

Anyway that's enough rambling about that. Tomorrow I will be having my 28 week midwife appointment, she will let me know the results of the glucose tolerance test I had yesterday, and do all the routine checks, and I'll talk to her about my birthing worries and my dreams and see what she says about that. I've not heard back from the community midwife office yet regarding my debrief on Robert's birth so I'll see what happens tomorrow.


  1. Ooooh I'm so impressed with you for waiting for the big surprise. How amazing will it be when they tell you!!
    I meant to say after your last blog (didn't get a chance it's crazy mad busy here!) that when I was pregnant with Jove before we had found out the gender, all the dreams in which the baby was a girl it died and when it was a boy he was fine. Maybe your dreams are predicting in that way too :-)
    I love both your names Erin and Dhristopher and look forward to finding out.... not that long to go really!
    Hope your test results are good news.

  2. 28 weeks already?!?! Wow!

    I didn't see this post until just now, having already commented on your FB update about the GTT. How did the rest of your appt go? How often will you have growth scans?

    I'm so excited to find out your name choices!!! :D That was a fun surprise I didn't expect yet! Erin is such a lovely name for a little girl! I don't have any willpower in that dept as you know (hehe!) so if I was leaning and yearning I would definitely find out. It would be too much for me otherwise and would consume the rest of my pregnancy probably, otherwise. But that is ME. I still think it would be lovely to find out at birth!

    I am doing the same thing that you are with Erin - I refer to my little one as, um, his name (not revealing quite yet! ;) ) constantly. Neil and I both love the name so much and I'm almost hoping it's him (MUCH as I'd love a girl)! I absent-mindedly reel off the boys' names in my mind sometimes, ending with ____'s and it just rolls off my tongue and happens without me thinking about it. That makes me think it IS a boy, as we've always found boys' names so easy to agree on and they seem so RIGHT to use in reference to my unborn little one whose gender we don't even know yet, every pregnancy! And it's always a boy, so for me the feeling has been right, lol! So maybe that is the same way for how you feel about Erin? Maybe it IS an Erin?!

    I can't wait to find out! :)
