As some already know from facebook, all is well with Squidge, he is healthy as he can be that they can tell by scans, which is great :) And also I stayed strong and Squidge remains a surprise! (but still saying "he" just because it's easier!) I was impressed by the scan on 2 accounts, one being that we arrived 10 minutes early for the scan and were seen straight away (so I couldn't go for a wee), and also, the woman doing the scan was brilliant! She gave such a good commentary on everything she was doing and everything that was seen, I was particularly impressed when she informed me that she would be looking at the heart next, and that it would take some concentration, so not to be concerned that she was staring at the screen with furrowed brow, if you know what I mean! She pointed out that at one point Squidge had his hand up behind his head, and showed us his little feet, and we could see his hand waving around. Ahhh it was so lovely and cute!
Unfortunately we didn't get any good profile shots of Squidge, but we got a couple face-on, 2 where he had flipped up the other way completely lol! And one of his feet and another which was the best side on shot which was a whole body shot so not very good for profile really.
Near the beginning of the scan she went down, and for a tiny moment I thought I saw a willy.... but it could have been the umbilical cord.... and at the end of the scan she was going down through the body and ended up at the feet, at the right angle for a toilet shot, and as she went through "that area" for the split second I thought I saw girly bits. But sooo so so not sure as it was so quick and they seemed so clear which a lot of girly bits AREN'T iykwim makes me think it was actually something else... so really not sure it could be either still! And I'm glad I think I saw some of each hahaha!
Here are the scan pictures!
Face on ones! He has quite a long thin face at the moment I think! In the first you can clearly see his heart!
Here's the side on view, unfortunately he's facing away slightly so you can't see his nose or a proper profile!
Here's the two upside down ones, he flipped face down part way through (probably after the sonographer vigorously jiggled my belly to get him to move so she could see his lips!) Second one is better than the first I think.
And finally, his little foot!
So so cute :) I feel so so lucky! And I love that I can feel him kicking so much! She told us the placenta was in a good position for "the big day" and it is, at the back and not low, which is fab, means I can feel lots of kicks. I'm sure Robert's placenta must have been at the front! (don't remember if they told me for his!)
But yes, little Squidge is happy and healthy! Measurements showed head circumference 6 days ahead (!!), tummy circumference 3 days ahead, and thigh length 1 day behind. So about right :) I hope you enjoyed reading and meeting little Squidge!
Ohhh such beautiful scan pictures! You're so lucky to get lots of them - and I LOVE the sweet little footie! Aww! :) I am trying my best to be patient but at the same time it's doing my head in to look at Squidge's pictures and wonder whether it's a boy or a girl! Aaaah! ;) Such an alien concept to one so weak-willed as myself, haha! I think you're very strong to have held out though! Well done! I'm even (daftly) scrutinizing the scan pics for any glimpse of anyTHING, haha! I will just have to be patient! I can't wait to find out who Squidge is!!!
ReplyDeleteSo glad all is well with your newest sweetie!
You know, I am no good at guessing sex from scans, but do you think this baby may have a more "feminine" face? I am probably completely wrong.
ReplyDeleteWhatever, as long as Squidge is happy and healthy, then October will be here in no time. I can't wait to find out. I just wish my old hospital gave us the option to find out. Still, now in a different region, maybe my new hospital will tell if we go for a fourth. I just need to persuede OH first. ;)