But before I do carry on I want to say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! to the commenters on the last entry! I miss getting comments, they make me smile!
Anyway! 20 weeks. TWENTY weeks! I cannot believe we are here already!
I feel Squidge kicking several times every day! I LOVE it! And, big news, about 5 days ago, Jonathan felt him kicking for the first time! This is WAY earlier than with Robert, which happened around 21 and a half weeks. So over TWO weeks earlier! Squidge is kicking as I am typing this, and it's making me smile. How I LOVE love LOVE the kicks and wriggles! And I'm glad because last night Squidge was in a different position to normal and was booting my bladder! Eeeeshk! I completely forgot the whole bladder booting feeling! But he seems to be back in a normal position and booting the front of my belly. :)
Talking of bellies, I have a belly picture!
Taken a few minutes ago. :) I'll update the belly gallery later, there should be a 13 week one there but it's not linked in on the right yet, something else to do! And add an ultrasound gallery! Woop!
Oh and for comparison - here is Robert's 20 week belly picture
And on the matter of ultrasounds, my next scan is in 8 days. I'm so excited! We are still holding strong on not finding out the sex (although Jonathan would still happily find out if I changed my mind). I keep thinking in the back of my mind how I would like to find out, and then I think to the birth day of Squidge, and how lovely it would be to find out then! And especially if my mum is there, to have the baby born, see what sex it is, and then introduce the baby to my mum with his/her name :)
Talking of names! (wow, I'm flitting about a bit aren't I!! So much to talk about!) We have FINALLY got somewhere with names! :) Girl's name is 100% decided, boy's name is decided too but I think a little less than the girl's name. I think we both like the girl's name more than the boy's name we've picked out, so I guess the boy's name is subject to change. I don't know if I want to share the names we've chosen yet! :)
One thing I will say is that the girl's name hasn't even been mentioned here at all! I just saw it on a name site, and thought "hmm, yeah I'll put that on the list" and then Jonathan saw it and said "Oh, I really like that name" and then I thought about it, and the more I think about it the more I love it! Her middle name though is one that's been mentioned here before :) I'm so excited that we've finally got names we agree on! It's a shame the boy's name isn't as WOW as the girl's name, if you know what I mean, but we'll see :)
Back on the note of pregnancy, I am feeling completely well! Apart from having to pee at 6am every morning if I've not already been even earlier in the morning! I had one slight twinge of heartburn about a week ago which disappeared fairly quickly, and nothing since. Looking back I was already riddled with heartburn by this stage with Robert!
Also, I have weighed myself, as I know I weighed myself around this stage of my pregnancy with Robert, and I am around 14 stone 11lb, a few days before my second scan with Robert I was 15 stone 11lb, so unless I gain a stone in 2 weeks I am lighter at this stage than I was with Robert :) I am very happy about this although I am fast gaining on 15 stone so I think I will more than likely be at least 15 and a half stone by the time baby is born, if not 16+ so I will need to lose 4 stone to reach my goal of 12 stone by the time baby is a year old. I am still determined to make sure I give myself a thorough kick up the backside to lose this weight and get down to a healthy happy weight! Within 2 years of the birth I would ideally like to be down to my ideal weight of around 10 stone, if I'm not already pregnant again hahaha! But I would be happy to start off another pregnancy at 12 stone rather than 14 stone+ I've had with Robert and Squidge ;)
Anyway, here's to another good 20 weeks, and I really hope they don't whizz by too quickly! (these have gone by so fast I can't believe how fast it's all gone!!)
Yay, halfway there! Wow, the time has really flown by. It seems only yesterday that you were posting about TTC. And I was just thinking as I opened up this post that it was time for a belly pic, so that was a nice surprise. :)
ReplyDeleteI was hoping to see another update soon! :) The belly pics from your two pregnancies look exactly the same to me, except that you can see that you've lost weight this time - well done! :) I think you'll do fine on losing weight with your plan, after Squidge is born!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to hear how your scan goes - sooo exciting that it's getting so close now! I am really impatient for mine, but I will happily use yours to tide me over, lol! I can't decide whether I'm excited or hugely frustrated (lol!) that you're not finding out the sex!! ;) The suspense will be so wonderful, and waiting to read the news that he/she is here and know that we'll find out if it's a boy or a girl at the same time will be so exciting! But how I wish I only had 8 days to wait, all the same! ;)
Glad you've settled on names! We felt that way about our boys name for #3 - we had the "wow" factor with Arthur and Matthew's names, as we loved loved loved those from before Arthur was born, but then we didn't have any other boys' names on the list that had the "wow" factor for us, so it didn't feel right to choose our next favourite (Nathan) and not feel WOW about it! But it was still the right name :) We have a boy's name this time that wows us, which is odd after what I just said, lol! But I don't know if we'll bother choosing a girl's name, unless we find out that we need to! ;) I didn't bother the last time either!
Looking forward to your next update! :)