Sunday, 20 September 2009

Almost 10 months old - photos, playing with Bethany

What a week! My little man has gone from doing a few steps, to walking ALL the time! Whenever he stands up, that's it, off he goes! He's getting steadier all the time, and can walk for longer stints, and even stop/start, and is beginning to learn how to turn while walking!

He just loves to walk!

Something I think I may have mentioned in passing is how the Surestart Centre did a display on Robert's progress, since the centre opened last September, Robert is the oldest baby who has literally been going since birth (well, a month old). Click on the picture below to see the full resolution version.

They love him down there, I can tell that when Robert stops going they will be sad and miss him lots!

Well, onto other news ;) Yesterday we went to see Paul, Vikki and Bethany over at their house, and then went for a walk to the local park. I was absolutely amazed to see how nicely they played together! At first, in the house, they only really took notice of each other when they wanted each other's toy.

In that last photo I think Bethany was taking back her teething ring thing, but they look so cute like they're snuggling up together!

At the park though, they really started noticing each other, Robert was pulling up onto the buggy, so Bethany copied him.

Then came the bit that was SO cute. Seriously, I was awwing away, and even felt a little tear well up! They went round the back of the buggy to the basket, and started playing a funny little peekaboo game with the strap of the bag hanging off the handle. They were giggling away at each other as well it was SO SO SO cute! Bethany was fake-coughing, which I think is her way of laughing, but Robert was properly giggling away at Bethany! But then later copied her fake cough lol!

It was a lovely afternoon but as Robert hadn't slept much he got very grouchy by the time we thought we'd best head off. I'm pretty sure he's teething, his sleep has got worse again, waking up several times before we even go to bed! Plus the drooling is getting worse again. It's probably the bottom two outer-middle ones on their way.

Today when Robert went for his first nap I decided to get all the washing together in the living room, as it had been accumulating for some time (I don't like hanging up washing indoors, so only really do a load if I know it's going to stay nice outside!). Anyway, I managed to arrange the washing into at LEAST seven very full loads... Oooops... Today three loads of washing went on, and hung outside to dry, and all the washing up got done. So only 4 loads of washing to do. I can't really do more than 1 a day during the week as I have Robert on my own, but hopefully this will mean that all the washing will be up to date more or less by next weekend.

Talking of which, can you believe that my little Sausage will be TEN months old next week??!!! His birthday is coming up so fast! Oh I just can't wait! I'll probably bawl like a baby the whole time!

I know I am so so biassed but I think I have the cutest baby I've ever seen. :)

Although he's fast growing up into a little boy rather than a baby!!!


  1. All I can say is: aaaahhhhwwww :):):)

  2. Aaaaaw...the little game they played was SOOO cute!

    Alfie is also having a few terrible days as his two bottom teeth (next to his middle ones) are coming through...teething sucks, poor little guys! xXx
