Wednesday, 9 September 2009

9.5 months old

The last two days have been lovely. Robert is emerging more and more this past week or so as his own little personality, a real cheeky monkey who loves to play peek-a-boo and be tickled! He has been giving me lots of cuddles and shooting me gorgeous grins as well all day. I can't remember a time when I have had two such lovely wonderful days without feeling a bit bored, tired, lethargic, grumpy, or some other negative emotion.

The last two evenings after his bath, I then brush his teeth, and then get him ready for bed. He used to hate this part, and scream and scream while laying on the bed as I dried him. Now I play peek-a-boo with him, and he has cottoned on so fast and will now cover and uncover his own face with the towel, giving me huge grins. It really does melt my heart not only to see him happy, but also to see him develop, see him becoming more aware of what he can do. The feeling I have is just one of a big bubbly ball of love in my tummy, and I just want to hug and kiss and tickle him all the time!

His giggles when I tickle him are so so precious. He is so ticklish under his chin and armpits! It is the most gorgeous sound in the world.

Our bedtime routine is now my favourite part of the day. And then to finish off holding a sweet smelling, warm, cuddly baby to my breast as he slowly falls asleep... I cannot express how thankful I am that I am still breast feeding. It is the single best bonding experience I have had and I do feel sad about one day stopping breast feeding. I still don't know how long I will continue to breast feed Robert for. But for now at least 1 year old, possibly 2 years old. But we shall see.

This morning Robert gave us a lie in! He woke at 6am-ish for some milk, after which, unlike usual, he fell back to sleep and didn't wake up til 9am! It was so lovely I was so refreshed, although we did keep poking our heads into his room to check he was ok!

Here are some recent photos.

Trying to crawl up a slide!

Robert's first shoes! He didn't like them at all, but he will get used to them slowly!

Robert having a bath at his Grandma and Grandpa's house

Robert playing with cornflour "gloop". :)

On TTC news, still no period, and had another negative test last week. I am really not expecting to get pregnant for quite a while. I think it's safe to assume that my period won't show up until maybe I cut out another feed since it's now been about 3 weeks since Robert's been nightweaned. It looks like it will simply be a wait and see game! I really don't mind when it happens, but I am really looking forward to it!


  1. Beautiful boy! Lovely pics, as always. I remember reading that the average age for periods to return while still breastfeeding is 14 months, so maybe in the next few months for you?! Not long, anyway, I shouldn't think! :)

  2. Great photos. How exciting he has his first shpoes already :)

    My periods didn't return until Jovey was a year old and I'm pretty sure the first couple weren't fertile. I remember thinking how strange it was that being unable to breastfeed Jaya meant I'd been able to have Jove as she was ten months old when he was concieved. I'm sure it will happen for you when the time is right :)

  3. I love the photos...they are always so good. Good camera and photographer!! :)

  4. Love these photos. Just love them!! He is a cutie pie and growing up so fast before our eyes, eh'?
