So only two months until Robert is ONE! I can't believe how fast it has gone and yet what a long time it seems to have been! I have completely forgotten what it was like to NOT have Robert in my life, it's like he's been here forever! He brings me such joy every day. I look at him and my heart fills with pride. When I carry him to his cot, where he's fallen asleep at my breast, I look down at his precious sleepy face and to me it is the most beautiful thing in the world. I watch him toddle around the room (which he does ALL the time now!) and the cuteness of it is overwhelming! He can steady himself if he goes off balance slightly, he can deliberately change direction.
We have all managed to get a cold, mine has been quite bad, although it is slightly better today. Robert though is still very snotty. It's quite good though in one way and that is that my appetite seems to have decreased a bit, and as such I've lost about 3lbs this week, and am now finally down to 13 stone 12lbs, which I was at back in July... I really want to get down to 13 and a half stone within the next couple of weeks. And hopefully 13 stone by Robert's birthday by the latest. Assuming of course that I'm not pregnant by then!
Thursday, 24 September 2009
Sunday, 20 September 2009
Almost 10 months old - photos, playing with Bethany
What a week! My little man has gone from doing a few steps, to walking ALL the time! Whenever he stands up, that's it, off he goes! He's getting steadier all the time, and can walk for longer stints, and even stop/start, and is beginning to learn how to turn while walking!

He just loves to walk!
Something I think I may have mentioned in passing is how the Surestart Centre did a display on Robert's progress, since the centre opened last September, Robert is the oldest baby who has literally been going since birth (well, a month old). Click on the picture below to see the full resolution version.

They love him down there, I can tell that when Robert stops going they will be sad and miss him lots!
Well, onto other news ;) Yesterday we went to see Paul, Vikki and Bethany over at their house, and then went for a walk to the local park. I was absolutely amazed to see how nicely they played together! At first, in the house, they only really took notice of each other when they wanted each other's toy.

In that last photo I think Bethany was taking back her teething ring thing, but they look so cute like they're snuggling up together!
At the park though, they really started noticing each other, Robert was pulling up onto the buggy, so Bethany copied him.

Then came the bit that was SO cute. Seriously, I was awwing away, and even felt a little tear well up! They went round the back of the buggy to the basket, and started playing a funny little peekaboo game with the strap of the bag hanging off the handle. They were giggling away at each other as well it was SO SO SO cute! Bethany was fake-coughing, which I think is her way of laughing, but Robert was properly giggling away at Bethany! But then later copied her fake cough lol!

It was a lovely afternoon but as Robert hadn't slept much he got very grouchy by the time we thought we'd best head off. I'm pretty sure he's teething, his sleep has got worse again, waking up several times before we even go to bed! Plus the drooling is getting worse again. It's probably the bottom two outer-middle ones on their way.
Today when Robert went for his first nap I decided to get all the washing together in the living room, as it had been accumulating for some time (I don't like hanging up washing indoors, so only really do a load if I know it's going to stay nice outside!). Anyway, I managed to arrange the washing into at LEAST seven very full loads... Oooops... Today three loads of washing went on, and hung outside to dry, and all the washing up got done. So only 4 loads of washing to do. I can't really do more than 1 a day during the week as I have Robert on my own, but hopefully this will mean that all the washing will be up to date more or less by next weekend.
Talking of which, can you believe that my little Sausage will be TEN months old next week??!!! His birthday is coming up so fast! Oh I just can't wait! I'll probably bawl like a baby the whole time!
I know I am so so biassed but I think I have the cutest baby I've ever seen. :)

Although he's fast growing up into a little boy rather than a baby!!!
He just loves to walk!
Something I think I may have mentioned in passing is how the Surestart Centre did a display on Robert's progress, since the centre opened last September, Robert is the oldest baby who has literally been going since birth (well, a month old). Click on the picture below to see the full resolution version.
They love him down there, I can tell that when Robert stops going they will be sad and miss him lots!
Well, onto other news ;) Yesterday we went to see Paul, Vikki and Bethany over at their house, and then went for a walk to the local park. I was absolutely amazed to see how nicely they played together! At first, in the house, they only really took notice of each other when they wanted each other's toy.
In that last photo I think Bethany was taking back her teething ring thing, but they look so cute like they're snuggling up together!
At the park though, they really started noticing each other, Robert was pulling up onto the buggy, so Bethany copied him.
Then came the bit that was SO cute. Seriously, I was awwing away, and even felt a little tear well up! They went round the back of the buggy to the basket, and started playing a funny little peekaboo game with the strap of the bag hanging off the handle. They were giggling away at each other as well it was SO SO SO cute! Bethany was fake-coughing, which I think is her way of laughing, but Robert was properly giggling away at Bethany! But then later copied her fake cough lol!
It was a lovely afternoon but as Robert hadn't slept much he got very grouchy by the time we thought we'd best head off. I'm pretty sure he's teething, his sleep has got worse again, waking up several times before we even go to bed! Plus the drooling is getting worse again. It's probably the bottom two outer-middle ones on their way.
Today when Robert went for his first nap I decided to get all the washing together in the living room, as it had been accumulating for some time (I don't like hanging up washing indoors, so only really do a load if I know it's going to stay nice outside!). Anyway, I managed to arrange the washing into at LEAST seven very full loads... Oooops... Today three loads of washing went on, and hung outside to dry, and all the washing up got done. So only 4 loads of washing to do. I can't really do more than 1 a day during the week as I have Robert on my own, but hopefully this will mean that all the washing will be up to date more or less by next weekend.
Talking of which, can you believe that my little Sausage will be TEN months old next week??!!! His birthday is coming up so fast! Oh I just can't wait! I'll probably bawl like a baby the whole time!
I know I am so so biassed but I think I have the cutest baby I've ever seen. :)
Although he's fast growing up into a little boy rather than a baby!!!
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
My cheeky monkey :)
My little monkey man is such a people pleaser already! He keeps blowing raspberries on my boob (sigh!) but it's so funny it makes us laugh! Then he keeps doing it because he sees that it is making us laugh! Keeps looking up and grinning his head off, and then carries on! Cheeky monkey lol!
Today I fed him downstairs (I was sat on the sofa, he was stood up). After a while he started pulling around a bit which got a little painful so the next time he pulled away I popped my bra back up. He turned back to find my boob gone, but he spotted the mole I have on my belly, and launched himself at that!!! Which made me laugh, and of course having made me laugh, he grins at me again and latches onto my belly again!
Such a funny little boy! His little personality is bursting through now in everything he does! I love him so much!

Today I fed him downstairs (I was sat on the sofa, he was stood up). After a while he started pulling around a bit which got a little painful so the next time he pulled away I popped my bra back up. He turned back to find my boob gone, but he spotted the mole I have on my belly, and launched himself at that!!! Which made me laugh, and of course having made me laugh, he grins at me again and latches onto my belly again!
Such a funny little boy! His little personality is bursting through now in everything he does! I love him so much!
Monday, 14 September 2009
9.5 months old - SO proud!
Oh I am soo so so so proud of Robert. I don't know why but the last couple of weeks it feels like my love and pride for him has multiplied 10 times. It seems crazy to say that because of course I loved him before and was proud of him, but lately it just feels so intense!
My little boy is WALKING! I can hardly believe it! He is sometimes stable and sometimes wobbly, but he tries every time he gets up now, and seems to LOVE it!
I love those excited squealy noises he makes when he starts toddling along!
I have as well been feeling a little off colour. Yesterday I just felt so "bleugh" all day, and I have kept on feeling queasy most mornings for a while now. And yes, I've been taking tests, and they're still negative. So I don't know what's up with that, or what really to do... I can't wait for my period to show up because I've not had one since February 2008! Because for all I know I may get pregnant without having had a period. So I guess I just take a test every now and then just to make sure?!
Something else I wanted to record here, as well as a question of sorts, was about babies Robert's age. I'm never quite sure if Robert is understanding anything we say to him. Or if it's just the tone of voice he picks up on. He does seem to be developing an understanding of certain things, for example, he keeps going to play with the radiator, and what with winter coming up I don't really want him to be playing with that! When I say "Robert, no." he'll sometimes turn round and look at me, grin, and then carry on playing with it. If I pick him up and take him away, he will crawl right on back to it!
I have a book which I got for my birthday (it was on my Amazon wishlist) called "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, Children are from Heaven". It is amazing. It has had such good reviews, and having read it, it makes such perfect sense, you know? The only thing is that while I have this book, and definitely intend to use it, I don't think Robert's at quite the age where I can apply the techniques. Since he cannot talk, I cannot listen to him to nurture his needs! Although the blurb says it's for children from birth to teens, it seems that all of the examples he gives are from children who can talk! I am wondering whether if I follow the first step (Ask a child to do something, directly - not order them) whether it will have any effect on him, at not even 10 months old. For example with the radiator, say "Robert, would you please come away from the radiator?" and then maybe give lots of excited praise if he does, and if not I don't know, maybe try and distract him?
I guess it's worth a try, to get him started on this stuff right away it can't hurt right?? But I'm so excited to try it when he is older! I want to be the best parent I can possibly be, and I am so excited to have found this book as I'm sure it will be well thumbed through over the years to come!
My little boy is WALKING! I can hardly believe it! He is sometimes stable and sometimes wobbly, but he tries every time he gets up now, and seems to LOVE it!
I love those excited squealy noises he makes when he starts toddling along!
I have as well been feeling a little off colour. Yesterday I just felt so "bleugh" all day, and I have kept on feeling queasy most mornings for a while now. And yes, I've been taking tests, and they're still negative. So I don't know what's up with that, or what really to do... I can't wait for my period to show up because I've not had one since February 2008! Because for all I know I may get pregnant without having had a period. So I guess I just take a test every now and then just to make sure?!
Something else I wanted to record here, as well as a question of sorts, was about babies Robert's age. I'm never quite sure if Robert is understanding anything we say to him. Or if it's just the tone of voice he picks up on. He does seem to be developing an understanding of certain things, for example, he keeps going to play with the radiator, and what with winter coming up I don't really want him to be playing with that! When I say "Robert, no." he'll sometimes turn round and look at me, grin, and then carry on playing with it. If I pick him up and take him away, he will crawl right on back to it!
I have a book which I got for my birthday (it was on my Amazon wishlist) called "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, Children are from Heaven". It is amazing. It has had such good reviews, and having read it, it makes such perfect sense, you know? The only thing is that while I have this book, and definitely intend to use it, I don't think Robert's at quite the age where I can apply the techniques. Since he cannot talk, I cannot listen to him to nurture his needs! Although the blurb says it's for children from birth to teens, it seems that all of the examples he gives are from children who can talk! I am wondering whether if I follow the first step (Ask a child to do something, directly - not order them) whether it will have any effect on him, at not even 10 months old. For example with the radiator, say "Robert, would you please come away from the radiator?" and then maybe give lots of excited praise if he does, and if not I don't know, maybe try and distract him?
I guess it's worth a try, to get him started on this stuff right away it can't hurt right?? But I'm so excited to try it when he is older! I want to be the best parent I can possibly be, and I am so excited to have found this book as I'm sure it will be well thumbed through over the years to come!
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
9.5 months old
The last two days have been lovely. Robert is emerging more and more this past week or so as his own little personality, a real cheeky monkey who loves to play peek-a-boo and be tickled! He has been giving me lots of cuddles and shooting me gorgeous grins as well all day. I can't remember a time when I have had two such lovely wonderful days without feeling a bit bored, tired, lethargic, grumpy, or some other negative emotion.
The last two evenings after his bath, I then brush his teeth, and then get him ready for bed. He used to hate this part, and scream and scream while laying on the bed as I dried him. Now I play peek-a-boo with him, and he has cottoned on so fast and will now cover and uncover his own face with the towel, giving me huge grins. It really does melt my heart not only to see him happy, but also to see him develop, see him becoming more aware of what he can do. The feeling I have is just one of a big bubbly ball of love in my tummy, and I just want to hug and kiss and tickle him all the time!
His giggles when I tickle him are so so precious. He is so ticklish under his chin and armpits! It is the most gorgeous sound in the world.
Our bedtime routine is now my favourite part of the day. And then to finish off holding a sweet smelling, warm, cuddly baby to my breast as he slowly falls asleep... I cannot express how thankful I am that I am still breast feeding. It is the single best bonding experience I have had and I do feel sad about one day stopping breast feeding. I still don't know how long I will continue to breast feed Robert for. But for now at least 1 year old, possibly 2 years old. But we shall see.
This morning Robert gave us a lie in! He woke at 6am-ish for some milk, after which, unlike usual, he fell back to sleep and didn't wake up til 9am! It was so lovely I was so refreshed, although we did keep poking our heads into his room to check he was ok!
Here are some recent photos.

Trying to crawl up a slide!

Robert's first shoes! He didn't like them at all, but he will get used to them slowly!

Robert having a bath at his Grandma and Grandpa's house

Robert playing with cornflour "gloop". :)
On TTC news, still no period, and had another negative test last week. I am really not expecting to get pregnant for quite a while. I think it's safe to assume that my period won't show up until maybe I cut out another feed since it's now been about 3 weeks since Robert's been nightweaned. It looks like it will simply be a wait and see game! I really don't mind when it happens, but I am really looking forward to it!
The last two evenings after his bath, I then brush his teeth, and then get him ready for bed. He used to hate this part, and scream and scream while laying on the bed as I dried him. Now I play peek-a-boo with him, and he has cottoned on so fast and will now cover and uncover his own face with the towel, giving me huge grins. It really does melt my heart not only to see him happy, but also to see him develop, see him becoming more aware of what he can do. The feeling I have is just one of a big bubbly ball of love in my tummy, and I just want to hug and kiss and tickle him all the time!
His giggles when I tickle him are so so precious. He is so ticklish under his chin and armpits! It is the most gorgeous sound in the world.
Our bedtime routine is now my favourite part of the day. And then to finish off holding a sweet smelling, warm, cuddly baby to my breast as he slowly falls asleep... I cannot express how thankful I am that I am still breast feeding. It is the single best bonding experience I have had and I do feel sad about one day stopping breast feeding. I still don't know how long I will continue to breast feed Robert for. But for now at least 1 year old, possibly 2 years old. But we shall see.
This morning Robert gave us a lie in! He woke at 6am-ish for some milk, after which, unlike usual, he fell back to sleep and didn't wake up til 9am! It was so lovely I was so refreshed, although we did keep poking our heads into his room to check he was ok!
Here are some recent photos.
Trying to crawl up a slide!
Robert's first shoes! He didn't like them at all, but he will get used to them slowly!
Robert having a bath at his Grandma and Grandpa's house
Robert playing with cornflour "gloop". :)
On TTC news, still no period, and had another negative test last week. I am really not expecting to get pregnant for quite a while. I think it's safe to assume that my period won't show up until maybe I cut out another feed since it's now been about 3 weeks since Robert's been nightweaned. It looks like it will simply be a wait and see game! I really don't mind when it happens, but I am really looking forward to it!
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
9 months old!
I can hardly believe that Robert has now been in our lives for 18 months! He is turning into such a little character, and he is already such a cheeky chap that even though he is doing something I don't want him to do (like pulling all the dvd cases off the bookshelf, or playing with the knob on the radiator) he shoots me this cheeky grin and I can't help but smile right along back at him!
He is also getting the hang of games. In particular, after I've given him a bath, I'll cover his face with the towel, and say "Where's Robert??" and he'll whip the towel off his face and grin at me while I say "Peep-bo!" or "There he is!" After a while he cottons on and actually covers his face back up himself! It's so so sweet!
He has also realised that things are still there when they get covered up. He goes over to it, and whips off the blanket to reveal whatever we have hidden in such glee!

Although we do usually do it with an inanimate object, like Daddy's keys ;) Having his grandad suddenly revealed made him jump and then made his lip quiver lol!
My dad and step-mum came up for the day on Monday, which was lovely, we went out for lunch in the same restaurant we told them we were expecting! Then we went for a walk around Stanwick Lakes, we picked blackberries en route and fed them to Robert. And got the first photo of Robert with Dad and Caroline together.

Something I can't quite believe, but I can, if you know what I mean, was that on Sunday, Robert took his first steps! Four careful deliberate steady steps in a row! He hasn't done it since, well not as many, but we are so so proud! It's not going to be long before he's running around!
He is also getting the hang of games. In particular, after I've given him a bath, I'll cover his face with the towel, and say "Where's Robert??" and he'll whip the towel off his face and grin at me while I say "Peep-bo!" or "There he is!" After a while he cottons on and actually covers his face back up himself! It's so so sweet!
He has also realised that things are still there when they get covered up. He goes over to it, and whips off the blanket to reveal whatever we have hidden in such glee!
Although we do usually do it with an inanimate object, like Daddy's keys ;) Having his grandad suddenly revealed made him jump and then made his lip quiver lol!
My dad and step-mum came up for the day on Monday, which was lovely, we went out for lunch in the same restaurant we told them we were expecting! Then we went for a walk around Stanwick Lakes, we picked blackberries en route and fed them to Robert. And got the first photo of Robert with Dad and Caroline together.
Something I can't quite believe, but I can, if you know what I mean, was that on Sunday, Robert took his first steps! Four careful deliberate steady steps in a row! He hasn't done it since, well not as many, but we are so so proud! It's not going to be long before he's running around!
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