I've been looking back at the entries I've written since Robert was born, and WOW I've just realised it's been TWO WEEKS since he's been given nothing but Mummy Milk! I'm so so so pleased with myself, and pleased that Robert likes it! And pleased that it's all gone so well and that I have plenty (I need to wear my bra all night unfortunately or I get nice wet patches on the bed! Haha!) to give him.
He's sleeping again (I think), although the sleeping is a bit erratic at the moment we're trying our best to get him down for a while. Yesterday I managed to get him to sleep through his normal (for this week anyway) wakeful period from lunchtime through to tea time, I put him down when he was sleepy, he started stirring as usual less than half an hour after I'd put him down, and I managed to stroke him back to sleep without picking him up! Yay!
Oh. Yesterday was very good, as well as the sleeping during the day for several hours, Mum and I decided to go out with Robert into town, as she wanted to make us a shepherd's pie but we didn't have any mince meat. So off we went, we stopped by the Sure Start Center that's attached to the local primary school, and got shown around and had someone talk to us about the different things they do there. It sounds really great, I might start off going to the Bumps and Babes session on Friday mornings, although I can't go tomorrow as the health visitor is coming back. They have a baby massage session too but the current one is fully booked so will have to wait for the next course. I think my mum is pleased I seem so enthusiastic about it now we've been and had a look around, and I think Jonathan's parents are too, as they think I'm a bit of a "loner" in that they're afraid I'll spend a lot of time on my own in the house. So they think going to the Sure Start Center will be good for me to get out with Robert, and also have some company with other mums.
I'm actually dying to get some more photos up here, but there's no new ones uploaded yet. My mum's been taking some of me and Robert, as the ones J took mostly had just my nose, or my boob, or something, rather than a picture of me with my baby boy! And they're gorgeous, Jonathan copied them so we can get some uploaded soon. And I don't know why but I'm liking photos of me a lot more now I've got a baby in the photos with me! Haha! My face doesn't seem so fat to me anymore, although that might be because of my new glasses. I might also see this weekend how much weight I've lost (well it'll be hard for me to tell, but I will go on the wii fit and see if my weight has dropped at all since the last time I weighed myself during pregnancy). I should have weighed myself just before I gave birth! Haha. 10lbs of baby instantly dropped, plus amniotic fluid, placenta, blood, etc! Bound to be quite a lot! ;) A couple of stones thereabouts.
I still can't BELIEVE that Robert was 10lbs. I looked at the 40 week pregnancy bump photo I took, and stare at it thinking "how on EARTH did a 10lber fit in there??!" I guess a lot of him was hiding in the flab rather than sticking out as a bump ;)
Anyway, I'm feeling quite refreshed at the moment, so I think I'll see what I can do around the house while Mum is doing the washing up. I am feeling a LOT more confident in myself to be able to cope next week when she's not here! It's been nice having that buffer, she's left me more or less to take care of Robert, except when he's been screaming his head off and I've been going a bit mental, just doing a few bits around the house, and of course she's had a few cuddles and changed a few nappies as well.
Thanks so much for your comments on the last few entries telling me I've been doing okay and that I'm not the only new mum who feels the way I feel! It is quite an adjustment but I'm enjoying it for the most part and I'm sure once the real smiles set in it'll be even more rewarding than it is now!
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