Well the health visitor came and went, was a very fleeting visit compared to last week, but the good news is that Robert is now 10lbs 5oz, up from 10lbs last Friday! She seemed quite happy and said I should definitely try and head over to the Bumps and Babes session next Friday if I could, and she's coming on Thursday next week so I can go over there then.
Mum has also left, she's heading up to Chester to see her other grandson, but she's going to pop back in on her way back with Nicky's breast pump.
We've been trying to give Robert some nappy free time, but he doesn't seem to like it very much, it usually ends up in us cuddling him in a towel, to keep us clean and dry (although that didn't work this morning, I got a wet leg haha). We've now taken to giving him a comforter, mainly to save my nipples when he's not necessarily hungry. We did give him the foot of a cuddly rattle thing to suck on, but today I've given him a corner of muslin to suck on as that's easily washable!
Right, well it's photo time! Jonathan's finally got the ones on his camera on the net.
As we gave him nappy-free time last week we decided to take a photo of his little feet poking out of the towel. They're quite cute! :)
Here's Robert with his Nanna, one of many cuddles she got this week!
Here's a couple of Robert with his Mama! Nice ones finally of not just him with boob or him with Mama's nose, but actually with the whole Mama!
One with his Mummy AND Daddy together...
And finally one I took last night, where Robert had woken up and his Daddy was giving him a cuddle in bed. A few of the ones I took looked like Jonathan had Robert in a headgrip, so he loosened his arm for the next few, which this is one of.
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