Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Photo entry! Cuteness overload!

I think it's about time I made a photo entry don't you? :) First off, thank you Jeannie for your comment on the last entry, I really appreciate it and it's a good idea, certainly something I'll try and see how it goes. I really don't want to be a horrible stressed out/shouty/angry Mummy and I think that's the most important thing so if feeding doesn't sort itself out I'd rather give him formula and be happier within myself than to keep breastfeeding and be a bad mum and potentially do something I might regret! I think though that the expressing and feeding with bottles which I've been doing the last few days has been working okay. It means that if I want a break from him, I can go and have a sleep and there's milk for him in the fridge that Jonathan can warm up and give him.

Talking of which, here's the first photo! Jonathan feeding Robert some expressed milk in bed. He doesn't really like the high pitched sucky sounds he makes on the teat but I think he's getting used to doing it so he doesn't make that sound!

Robert was quite a lucky chappy this Christmas, and got lots of toys and things, including a rainforest mobile, which is great, it seems to keep him amused in bed if he's not in the screamy mode and will delay the screamy mode if he's put down when he's semi-quiet! ;)

It was a gift from his Nanna and Grandad (my Mum and her partner Dave)
They also got us a few lovely things. Mum knitted me a jumper, and it's soooo nice and cozy warm, although a bit of a challenge to feed Robert when I'm wearing it! They also got us a full dinner service set - as we've been using mishmash bits and bobs from all over for the past 7 years! It's fab, just plain white, circular dishes/plates etc. But they have mugs, glasses, serving bowls and dishes, and cutlery. We only had 3 ceramic food bowls before this Christmas! If we had more people over we had to give someone soup or dessert in a plastic bowl!

Anyway, back onto Robert things.

He got several rattle toys this Christmas, one from us, and I think the other was from his "Auntie" Barbara, who is actually the friend of Jonathan's late Grandma who used to live next door to his parents. But he's becoming more interested in toys now, although he's still not aware of his hands and therefore doesn't bat at toys yet, he will watch them intently and track them if moved in front of his eyes. We also put them around his wrist so they make noises when he moves his arms.

That last image is of his Auntie Naomi (Jonathan's sister) and Uncle Ben, who are getting married next August. I wonder if we will be getting a pregnancy announcement soon?! They both seem to love Robert, which is lovely. :) We were surprised at Ben's eagerness with him, but it was lovely to see. :)

I was also thrilled to get the following pictures of me and Robert, he's wearing some of his first "proper" clothes, and just looks so sweet! These were actually second hand stuff that we got in a huge bag of clothes for £10.

Tonight we fed Robert mainly expressed breast milk. He was so hungry he took almost 9 ounces in one sitting!!! And then a short while later took another 2 ounces that I'd expressed just then (after I expressed a bottle of 4 ounces and filled it, then only managed another 2 ounces for the next bottle), and then went on the boob again! He did look SOOO full up and sleepy hehe. :) But he wasn't ready for bed, he just had a couple of naps, so we changed him and he woke up again, and as he then decided to pee all over the changing mat, we had to change him, but before we did, we took some photos of him on the bed.. and OMG these photos are just sooooo cute!

I am going to have such a hard time trying to find just one picture I want to get blown up onto a canvas! My little boy is just sooo gorgeous and photogenic!

Hope you're all well, and that you enjoyed this entry. :)

Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Shopping trip, feeding stresses.

Hi guys! Only 2 more days left of 2008 - wow! Crazy! It's certainly been some year - Jonathan and I moving house, getting pregnant, having a baby... 3 major things within 1 year!

We went out shopping to Milton Keynes today. Woah. It was PACKED. We had trouble finding a parking space. I noticed some people getting into a car just beside us, I told Jonathan who stopped, and started reversing, when CRASH. He reversed into a car who was overtaking him.. Argh! Luckily the damage was minimal, the other guy's car had only a bit of paint on his bumper, but our car has now got a few dents. Nothing major, and luckily the guy was willing to leave it be.

Once we got in the shopping centre.. Ahh. I love MK shopping centre. Especially at Christmas time when they have that middle bit filled with christmas stuff. Robert was awake and staring around him at all the lights. He absolutely LOVES lights. His third favourite thing to look at is lights (first and second joint being his Mummy and Daddy of course!). He'll stare at the uplighter in the living room as I feed him, he stares at our strip light in the kitchen if we take him in there. When we stopped by the in-laws on our way back from MK today he stared at the christmas tree lights too. But the lights in MK shopping centre were something else! It is totally magical there. I can't WAIT to take him when he's older to see Santa and to ride that little train and go on the carousel!

We bought a few things with the mothercare vouchers we got for Christmas. Those few things coming to �£85.. Eeep! ;) We got a red Bumbo, a rear seat car mirror thing, some sun visors for the car, and a sling. We keep getting lots of clothes as presents so we figured it'd be best to buy other things we needed. We have a bit left so we can go back later when we find something else we need.

We have some boots vouchers too, but the trick will be finding one with a decent baby section, for some reason the MK one isn't too good. The one in Aylesbury had a great baby section.

One thing I am worried about is breastfeeding. I absolutely adore it - WHEN he's not latching lazily, or popping on/off/on/off etc. Those two things are just SO SO SO stressful for me. I just wonder if it'll be better to bottle feed him - either by expressing or by using formula. Or both. Because when he does those two things, I really do feel like punching him, or throwing him over the room, and the fact that I feel like doing those things scares me beyond belief. :( He's sitting with Jonathan at the moment, crying his eyes out. I don't know what he wants, because I tried feeding him 15 minutes ago, and he did his pop on/off/on/off trick which makes me think he's just not hungry. He's just had his nappy changed so it can't be that. It could just be over-tiredness I guess. Or hunger - but if he's hungry why does he keep coming off the breast??!! It's just so hard... why don't babies come out knowing how to talk and understand us?!!? He's had 3 ounces of expressed breastmilk earlier, as well as a long feed on one boob (the one he actually latched onto ok), and then a bit later on the other one (latching on ok finally), and then 15 minutes ago he finished having some too. Bleugh. Jonathan said to me "Shall I go warm up that other bottle of expressed milk to give him?" and I said no, because he was popping off by himself which made me think he wasn't hungry, but once I've finished this I'll go and see if he'll actually take the breast and have a good feed. And then get him sleepy enough to go down for the night hopefully.

Anyway, the health visitor is coming tomorrow, first time for almost 2 weeks, so hopefully he'll have gained quite a lot of weight! I think he's getting longer, he keeps kicking at the bowl for water now (really do need to get around to tidying up the spare room so we can have the chest of drawers next to the changing table so we can put all the bits we need there!).

Right, well time to get off again and see if the man will eat more (if he hasn't gone to sleep, he's quiet at the moment), and then hopefully get some sleep ourselves. Take care everyone!

Saturday, 27 December 2008

Robert's first Christmas!

Robert's first Christmas went well. Well, it was mostly a normal day, except for the turkey dinner which Jonathan cooked while Robert and I slept, and then after dinner Jonathan slept while Robert slept in my arms downstairs (where I watched TV, fed him if he wanted it, and took some photos of his sweet sleepy face!). And then around 5.30 we left to go to Jonathan's parents for a Christmas evening buffet type meal. Robert was a star there, nice and awake, although he didn't want presents! He kept crying when we tried to open presents with him, so we had to open his presents without him. But once he'd been fed, he had a lovely time being held by his aunt and uncle (Jonathan's sister and her fiance Ben), and watching one of his new rattles.

They were just getting over sickness bugs, which seem to have gone around a lot this Christmas. But since we were over there at the weekend when Ben was ill he might well have caught it anyway. We'll just have to hope he doesn't get it, but hopefully Mummy Milk will help ward it off!

Feeding is still my main cause of frustration with him. It's horrid to say but I do still get my hair pulling out moments when it comes to the feeding and if he's latching lazily, or if he's feeding over and over and pulling off and crying for more, and then I put him to the breast again and he pulls off and cries again I feel like I don't know what to do! Sometimes I feel like I just want to pick him up and lob him across the room! I am so glad I have Jonathan here again until early January. But something I am glad about is that I've not had that sicky feeling I mentioned a while back again. I don't feel nervous and sicky about the prospect of looking after him.

Something else I realised a few days ago while I was holding him and he was sleeping in my arms after a feed... I looked down at him, at his angelic face, and his soft hair, and I realised how much I love him - how I cannot imagine having a different baby. I wanted a little baby girl so much, but now I would not change him for the world! I'm so glad I have my little Robbie, my precious little boy. I've been peed over my fair share of times already (not loads, I can probably count the number of times on 2 hands still), and I don't get to dress him in gorgeous little pink dresses (well, I could but I think people would think I am crazy!), but I don't care. Although we have enough blue clothes to last us forever!! I get excited when I get little boy clothes other than baby-blue ones!! We have a LOT of money to spend in mothercare thanks to relatives and friends, so any clothes we buy will be nice non-blue things! Will be nice to maybe make a day of it and go to milton keynes with him in the sales to get some bits with vouchers!!

Anyway, better go now, Robert is crying for food, so I'll give the booby monster what he wants!

I hope you all had fab Christmases!

Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Christmas Eve, thoughts on childbirth

Wow, it's Christmas Eve! And that means that Robert is now 1 month and 1 day old. It seems more like 2 or 3 months though, so much has happened and we've been so busy with him! He's still very much newborn, despite his size! Pretty much only sleeping, eating and crying. Although his awake moments are getting longer, and we think he's beginning to imitate expressions, and also he's beginning to coo every now and then as well! It was so odd because the only noises he made before were cries, or hungry snuffly piggy sounds! The snuffly piggy sounds he makes still has us in fits of laughter, they're so cute, and funny! Combined with his "Woody" impression (Woody Woodpecker - the way he bangs his head against our chests repeatedly with wide open mouth), it's just the cutest thing ever. :)

I have occasionally been letting him self latch, although sometimes it's harder than other times and more hassle than it's worth.

Soon we're going to have to put him in 0-3 month clothes, some of his newborn ones are getting a little short in the leg/arms. He's not podgy despite his birthweight, he's just BIG! I still cannot believe he was so big at birth. I know he's probably gotten bigger since birth but I do find myself looking at him (in particular his head) and thinking "How on EARTH???!!!", and thinking I'm glad it's over with! I can't remember the last time now that I cried while thinking about the birth, or what happened after. Or when thinking "what if". I am so wrapped up in looking after this little boy now and I think I must have come to terms with his arrival, which I'm very pleased about. He's doing so well now that I think I am in peace about it all.

I am a little nervous though about the prospect of getting pregnant again. Right now it's the last thing on my mind and I think if I was to get pregnant before we actively thought of trying for a second I'd find it very hard to cope. I don't know what sort of age gap we'd leave for our children. I don't even know how many children we'll end up having! It's one of those things I don't really want to think about right now, and hey, there's no rush anyway. When I first gave birth to Robert (or in the days following) whenever the thought crossed my mind, I shuddered with the thought of having to go through something like that again. And thought "if I ever have another, I'll ask for a c-section". Over the next week or so, I thought "Hmm, maybe not a c-section, but I'll probably go into hospital next time." And now, I'm just thinking "I'll see what happens and how I feel". I would LIKE to give him a brother or sister at some point in the future. When that will be I don't know. How I'll give birth to him/her I don't know. Whether I'll even have a choice for the next one I don't know, due to the complications I had in Robert's birth. But I think given what happened to Robert, I wouldn't mind how a second child would come into the world, as long as they were okay, and I got to hold them and bond with them straight away.

Anyway, tomorrow is the celebration of the birth of a child, although not many people celebrate that specifically (to be honest, I do not either), but for me, tomorrow will be celebrating the birth of a special baby boy, and the fact that he's still doing great a month on. I love you, Robert x

Saturday, 20 December 2008

A letter

To my darling son Robert,

Tomorrow will be four weeks since you were born. Your daddy and I eagerly awaited your arrival since we knew you were with us around the middle of March, and when we knew you were finally on your way to meet us for the first time we were so excited! Your journey into the world was long and difficult, but it was worth every second of it! Your arrival did have us worried, we thought at one point you might not make it, but you are a little fighter, and you proved all our worries were for nothing. You were intensive care for three days, while they monitored your breathing and your oxygen levels. I was so excited when I got a call asking me to bring you some clothes, because it meant you were being taken out of your incubator and put into a cot! And we got to dress you for the first time.

Something I really worried about when you were born was whether us being apart would mean I wouldn't be able to feed you myself. The beginning was a little discouraging, you seemed uninterested, and the hospital staff wanted you to get milk from somewhere so they told us to give you formula. However we persevered, trying you on the breast first and then giving formula afterwards. With a lot of encouragement and help we finally got there, you were interested, and from when you were 4 days old all you ate was pure mummy milk! I was so proud when you first took mummy milk eagerly and easily. And although sometimes even now it can be hard (as you are such a big hungry boy!), we've not looked back and you clearly love Mummy Milk very much.

I look at you in such awe and amazement sometimes, and with such love and affection that it surprises me. How your daddy and I made you, little perfect you. You are hard work, boy, I wasn't expecting just how much... but I love you so much, and when I look down at your sleepy little face resting against my chest, or watch your little eyes looking around at everything you can see while you're nursing, my heart just melts and I know that it's all worth it. I find myself wondering what you will enjoy doing when you are older, what your temperament will be, and I find myself looking forward to getting to know you, and experiencing all your firsts. Right now I find myself looking forward to your first real smile, the one that lets me know you love us just as much as we love you. And so many more firsts to come.

I know that you will never fully appreciate the depth of our love for you until you have a child of your own, but I hope that you always know we love you, Robert, and will do everything we can to make you happy, confident, and most of all.. yourself.

I love you, baby boy.

Love from Mummy xxx

Friday, 19 December 2008

Sicky Robert :( And lessons on patience

I've never been a very patient person, something that scares me about being a parent. Something that on occasion, like when I shouted at my poor boy the other day, makes me scared that I'll do something I'll severely regret. But I have discovered that patience seems to be a learned trait. And I am finding it easier to remain calm when my baby boy is inconsolable.

Getting up in the middle of the night isn't so bad. I don't mind particularly being woken up. What I am finding difficult is Robert's lazy latching. When he latches incorrectly over and over and over again, I get very frustrated because I know he needs to eat, and as his only source of food I feel that I am letting him down if I don't let him feed from my ever-increasing sore nipples. And after a while of him trying to feed and making them so sore, it becomes unbareable to feed him. So he gets agitated and starts screaming because he's hungry, and I lose my tether.

Luckily, his latch has been okay the last day or so. And I have managed to be calm with him, and even when he's been finding it hard to go to sleep, I've managed to not get annoyed with him, and perhaps jig him about too hard, but instead keep him in bed, stroke his face gently and talk to him soothingly until he falls asleep. Several times! Even at about 6am when I was putting him down to sleep after his 4am-5.30am feeding session, I was so patient, I stroked his face, I whispered soothingly to him, and every time he started to wake himself up too much to be soothed to sleep that way I picked him up and gently held him until he started to fall asleep again. Eventually he started rooting again, so I gave him one last feed and that sent him to sleep properly.

Yesterday I was the Mummy I want to always be for him. I didn't get stressed (well, okay I got stressed once, but I simply held him, rocked him, and just told him between tears about my worries and fears and what I wanted to do for him. Of course he didn't understand, that and he was asleep, but it made me feel much better and was a better way for me to release), I didn't shout, didn't jig him slightly too hard out of frustration/desperation and as such I feel much better in myself, and I can see that Robert is calmer too.

However something's wrong with him, I'm not sure what it is, and I took him to the doctor and he didn't seem to know what it was either. He's been throwing up a lot more than usual the past two or three days. It's hard to know how much food he's keeping down, since I don't know how much he's eating. Robert actually threw up at the doctors so I showed him the deposit on the bib (thank goodness I put a bib on him!), and he said "That's not actually very much." So I told him that it WAS a lot for Robert... as I'd usually only get a tiny bit of dribble, and that much sick IS a lot for Robert. He throws up after practically every feed, varying amounts, but quite significant amounts either way. The doctor has prescribed him some rehydrating fluid, and told me if it's still carrying on all weekend to give the surgery a call on Monday. Poor little man, I hope it's nothing from my milk that's making his tummy poorly :(

Anyway I'd better go and get some lunch - I didn't have any yesterday which was naughty. Robert has stayed asleep after his trip to the doctors so he's in his cot now.

I hope everyone's doing okay!

Wednesday, 17 December 2008

not good day yesterday, better day today, but sicky Robert :(

I had a very hard day yesterday with Robert. We had a nice outing, during which he slept for all of it as usual! But then after we got back, he wanted to do nothing but feed and feed and feed, and he was being lazy with his latch so I got sorer and sorer (if that's a word!) until I did get very frustrated and upset and poor little thing he didn't deserve the shouty Mummy he got then :( I felt so bad after I shouted at him. Felt like the worst Mummy in the world. I was sitting feeding him when Jonathan got home and was just sobbing away. He was a star, and told me he'd run me a bath, and look after Robert while I relaxed.

As I came upstairs to check the bath temperature he told me not to worry about Robert if he started crying, that he'd take him downstairs. And it felt really nice. The bath was great, I had a snooze in it, and then got out to find both my boys asleep! ;) I left Jonathan asleep, got dressed, and went downstairs to have a bit of a snooze on the sofa so I didn't wake either of them. Then made the dinner and did the washing up after I'd slept for an hour or so. It was so nice, never did I think I'd enjoy doing the washing up so much! ;) Robert woke up just as dinner was ready, typically, but he wasn't very grizzly, and so we ate dinner at record speeds while having him in his baby bouncer.

Today I had another sleep with Robert in bed til late morning, as we didn't get much sleep during the night again. Especially as at 6am I had to give Robert a bath as he'd peed all over his changing mat and all the wee had got in his hair!

One thing I'm quite worried about is the amount Robert has been throwing up the last day or so. He's been dribbling since he first started on milk, but the last day or so he's been throwing up quite a lot of the milk he's taken in. Not just a mouthful from the last suck of milk, some of it has been semi-digested, and there's been quite a lot of it. My poor baby :( The health visitor is coming tomorrow so I will talk to her about it and see what she says. I have a feeling though I may be up all night feeding him as he gets hungry as soon as he throws up a large amount (obviously!). I just hope it's nothing too serious.

Something else that happened today was that he poked himself in the eye, and immediately burst into tears.. silly boy!

Jonathan's parents came around today, I think they've been dying to come around for ages, because they've not seen him for almost 2 weeks, because of my mum being around all last week, etc. We went for a long walk with Robert in the travel system, with Jonathan's mum pushing him.

Anyway, gonna go now, Robert's having his nappy changed by his daddy, and then he'll probably want more food. Hopefully he'll go down for a sleep then, and I'll probably go too. It's been a good day - Robert has been less lazy with his latching, I've had some adult company, and I've generally been less stressed.

Thanks for your comments on the photos. Jonathan's camera is a good one, and he's not a bad photographer I guess! Getting quite arty in his shots ;)

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Difficult nights - lovely mornings - gorgeous photos!

Sooo... as you can tell I finally got around to writing Robert's birth story. Truth be told it was easier than I thought it would be. I did well up a bit but only towards the end, so I think maybe I am beginning to come to terms with it all. There are so many things on our birth plan that of course we couldn't do due to how he arrived. Jonathan never got to cut the cord. Robert and I got our first skin to skin contact almost 2 weeks after birth, instead of seconds after birth. His vernix was rubbed off. I had the drug to speed up placenta delivery. Etc, etc. But you know what? I don't care about any of that. I don't think I ever did care about any of that. Because at the end of the day, Robert lived. Minutes after his birth when I was standing there, I was sure he wouldn't survive to be an hour old. And here he is, 3 weeks old.

Thank you so much for your comments on the birth story. It never really occured to me how well I did do, or that I went through a lot physically after the birth. I also wasn't aware of how emotional it would make people, especially since I hardly cried at all writing it, I guess because I have had so long to think about it and digest it now. I'm not sure I agree on what people said that there was nothing I could have done differently. Giving birth out of the water and squatting to deliver would have probably done wonders and could well have ended up in him breathing at birth. But I do agree there was no way I was to know what was going to happen, and knowing that, I guess I did the best I could have done under the circumstances. I have come away from this birthing experience not only with the knowledge on how to make any future births I have better, but I also came away with a gorgeous baby boy, and for those two things I am so incredibly grateful.

Robert's sleep overnight lately has been very bad. As such I feel I am at the end of my tether a LOT during the night. The night before last he didn't go to bed until 2am (despite him starting to get sleepy at 11ish). He almost woke at 5am, but then went back to sleep until 7am. Then last night, he was up from about 6.30pm til 12am - slept for HALF AN HOUR... then woke and didn't get back to sleep until 3.30am. And then woke at 7am. I fed and changed him while Jonathan tried to get a bit more sleep - afterall he can't sleep at work whereas I can sleep later if Robert sleeps again. Which luckily he did do - but only in bed with me and as I was so tired from hardly any sleep last night I let him sleep in bed with me. He woke up hungry again after a while, and I tried to feed him a muslin cloth (to suck of course for comfort haha!), but he wasn't really very interested in it. Then as I was quite tired still, I laid down on the bed, and put Robert on my chest. I was horizontal but still, it was more comfortable than sitting up. To my amusement, Robert started rooting, and managed to position his gaping mouth right over my nipple (I was wearing a bra though) and start trying to suck it! So I unclipped my bra, and let him root again, and he managed to attach himself and start feeding away - and with a pretty good latch too! I just lay there, looking at my sweet funny clever man, suckling away, and even though I had got frustrated with him last night when he wouldn't go down to sleep for ages, all of that just melted away.

Jonathan took some absolutely gorgeous photos of Robert the other day as he was laying on the bed sucking on a muslin. They really are good and almost look professional! When I have some free time I am going to print them out on nice photo paper and find some frames to put them in...

This following image just lights up my day, and makes my heart swell. Oh, and makes my milk let down too it seems! Hehe.

Little teeny hands!

We took some photos of Robert by the Christmas tree to send to people in cards this year... and oh my gosh they turned out gorgeous too!

My gorgeous little boy - how I love him so!

Sunday, 14 December 2008

Robert's birth story

On the 22nd November (Saturday) I had been getting irregular contractions for most of the day. Or rather, they would seem regular, and then stop for hours. And feel mostly periody. We went to bed as normal, and then probably around 4 or 4.30am on the Sunday morning, I woke up feeling more contractions, but this time they felt different. I stayed in bed for a while, getting more and more certain that this was it. At 5am, I finally decided to get up and ring the labour ward to let them know I thought I was in labour. They asked me to describe them and as I hadn't been timing them I didn't know if they were regular or not. I was told it sounded like I was in early labour and just to try and get some more sleep for now.

How I got any more sleep I don't know, but I woke up again around 7.30am, they were still coming frequently, and I finally decided to get up and start timing them using the contraction master on the internet. At first I found it difficult to pinpoint the start and end of each one, but after about half an hour I was more certain, and sure enough they were coming around every 5 minutes (well, between 4 and 7) and lasting for about 50 seconds. After about an hour or so of timing them, I phoned the labour ward back, and told them how far apart they were and how long they were lasting. They again told me it didn't sound like I was too far along but they did agree it sounded like I was in labour, and told me they would get a midwife to call us to see if we wanted her to come along and see how far I was. I went back to bed with the phone beside me, telling Jonathan what was happening, and tried to get a bit more sleep while waiting for the phone call. However around 9am or so the doorbell rang, I went and got my dressing gown on and went to answer it, and it was the midwife who had decided to come along without phoning up first.

After observing me for a while, she thought that the contractions I were having weren't doing anything productive, as I wasn't in any pain with them, although I was feeling them getting progressively more intense, I simply was using my breathing techniques to get through them. She listened in to Robert's heartbeat as I lay down on the sofa, and then did an internal to check my progress, and she said I was 4 cm dilated, so evidently the contractions WERE doing what they were meant to! ;) She said it was okay for me to get in the birth pool straight away as soon as it was inflated, and she said she'd go away and come back later, or at 12 if we didn't call her before.

When the midwife went, Jonathan poured me a bath for me to get in while he was sorting out the birth pool, which I just about managed to squeeze into! I stayed in it for a while until I got too uncomfortable with it being so small. While I was in there the midwife called back, asking if it was okay to have a student as well as the two midwives present. I said it was okay, although the room did end up being rather cramped!

The birth pool was being filled from the upstairs taps, and I sat on the sofas, using my relaxation techniques and listening to the music to help me get through the contractions which were becoming more and more intense and difficult to breathe through. I was managing okay though, and still felt positive about the experience.

I got in the pool once it was filled, and it did feel good to be in there where I didn't feel squashed. I wasn't wearing any clothes simply because it felt more comfortable. The midwives turned up with the student (also called Nicola, which was disconcerting if the midwives talked to her), and I did feel a little self conscious at first what with being naked! But I thought �sod it� and just stayed there, focussing on how I was feeling. Eventually the midwife who'd come over before, Jan, asked to do another internal, which she did in the water with difficulty. She said I was 7cm, and more or less as soon as she'd finished, I felt the strongest urge to start bearing down, which scared me a little because she'd just said I was only 7cm! But she simply said �Good!� when I told her.

This I think was where the problems started. I simply wasn't prepared for how it was going to feel bringing him down the birth canal, and because of this I began to hold back, and not let my body do what it wanted to do. The feeling I am referring to, is of course as you will know if you've given birth vaginally, the feeling that you are delivering your baby through your anus instead of your vagina. I was expecting it to happen when the baby crowned, not all the way through the 2nd part of labour. Anyway, for a while I carried on, and eventually the midwife pulled Jonathan out to tell him that things weren't progressing well, and that she wanted to help things along somehow. Jonathan refused, asking her to wait for a while to see if things would speed up on their own. They didn't however, and I was becoming exhausted from the effort of the contractions and getting no progress.

At some point around now I asked them to get my Mum in from outside. She'd arrived several hours earlier and was sitting out in the car so she wouldn't get in our way. I sent her the text when I was 4cm dilated and she arrived much earlier than we were expecting her to.

It took all my energy to move from my back onto my front leaning on the edge of the pool, as the midwives asked of me to try and get things going. Which they did, and I heard them saying with each contraction then how much better things were going, but it still wasn't good enough. They asked me to drink between each one, and I was struggling to simply lift my head high enough to drink from the straw. But as I was going on and getting further along, I felt more encouraged and somehow managed to get some energy back, enough to keep calling out �It feels like I'm giving birth through my arse!�. I moved back into the previous position, and the midwives kept saying how well I was doing. All I remember was feeling like my contractions were on top of each other, being sooo uncomfortable, and that annoying student kept asking me if she could listen to Robert's heartbeat. In the end I did end up actually pushing rather than breathing Robert out, simply because I felt like breathing him out had no effect at all. After a while (it was probably a few hours), Robert crowned, and I could feel the stretch on my vagina. I hadn't done the perenial massage as much as I should have, because I couldn't reach it easily, and I didn't like to ask Jonathan to do it every day. I tried to hold back when I felt it burning but eventually the midwife said to me �"Okay, Nicola, it needs to happen now, he needs to come out" so in the end despite the pain (that's the only bit I really think of as painful still � the rest was simply extremely uncomfortable), I pushed his head out.

They told me that he had lots of dark hair! I almost didn't want to believe it! When I put my hand down, I was quite shocked with what I felt � it felt almost squidgy and slimy. Which was probably to do with the fact his hair was underwater and that makes it feel softer than it would normally! From then on, it took seven minutes apparently to get his shoulders out. I remember pushing and pushing as hard as I could to get them out and they just wouldn't come! I felt like crying because I really was trying my best and nothing I was doing was getting them out. I even tried pushing without a contraction behind me, which was so difficult and of course didn't work.

Then the midwives told me urgently to get out of the pool. Hearing the urgency in their voices made me scared, even though it was so difficult to move in labour, I stood up, keeping my legs apart because of course Robert's head was between them! I squatted ever so slightly, gave a push, and gravity did what 7 minutes of pushing didn't do, and Robert was born apparently with a splash (although I didn't hear it). Someone fished him out of the water, and I held him, briefly. His head was blue, almost black, it seemed to me. The rest of his body was blueish purple. I held him in shock, before the midwives asked me to give him to them, which I did of course, not really thinking. Still attached to him via the umbilical cord, I struggled out of the pool while they grabbed some towels and started vigorously rubbing him. He was limp and just lay there in their arms. I was just standing there in shock, my legs feeling weak yet I thought I couldn't move because of the cord. They started to pump air into him using the hand held bulb thing, and called out for someone to call an ambulance. The door out to the hallway phone was blocked, so I started screaming out for my Mum who was in the kitchen, to get the phone. Before she could hear me and get it though, the student midwife called on her mobile phone for one. But my mum came in, having finally heard me scream, and she was amazing, she sat me down, got me towels to wrap up in, and got Jonathan to come and sit down next to me (at the time he was sitting on the other side of the living room on the floor, crying and begging Robert to start breathing). She kept telling me that Robert would be fine, that he was in the best hands. As much as I wanted to believe her I just looked on as my son lay there limp, blue, the midwives pumping air into his body and occasionally lifting up an arm and letting it drop. I can't remember when he started breathing on his own, whether it was before or after the paramedics arrived. I can't even remember what the paramedics did, other than one of them every now and then turning to us, and asking �"Is this your first child?"� and when we weakly responded �"yes"�, they said �"congratulations!�"

Robert had by then started breathing on his own, although it was very laboured and he was crying with a little whimper. The midwives then turned their attention to me, saying they had to get the placenta out, so they gave me an injection, and started pressing on my tummy to get it to come out. While they were off trying to get something, I gave a push with a contraction I had, and thought I had delivered the placenta from the large splot that I heard � but unfortunately it was simply a blood clot. They ended up getting it out by pulling on the cord. My mum and one of the midwives helped me into a nightie, dressing gown, and some shoes (high heeled sandles as they were the only thing we could find quickly that my swollen feet would go into!), and they swaddled Robert up into a few towels and put him into the carry cot my mum had brought with her! We made our way out to the ambulance, I was so weak I had to be supported by my mum, plus I was walking in high heels which didn't help!

The ambulance trip seemed to last a lifetime, it was uncomfortable, I felt like I kept sliding off, and I felt too weak to do anything. I was sat there on the seat next to Robert, with Jan opposite me, one of the paramedics sitting next to Robert, and being told by Jan that it was okay to cry. I was just in a state of shock, I simply wasn't able to fully comprehend anything, let alone cry! And I was just so relieved when the ambulance arrived at the hospital, and I got into a wheelchair. My mum had driven Jonathan behind the ambulance because he wasn't in a state to drive. I was taken into a labour room, and Robert was taken into intensive care, but I was just so relieved to be somewhere comfortable. Louise, the second midwife, came in to see if I needed any stitches. She pulled out a bit of membrane which was still hanging out of me, and then poked around to see if I needed stitches and Oh My God. That was more painful than giving birth to Robert's head! I breathed a huge sigh of relief when she stopped! Haha. However then another woman came in to actually do my stitches, and again OWW.. luckily it was only her seeing where they needed to be done that was painful, the local anaesthetic and the actual stitches were fine. It helped that my mum was there to talk to me to keep my mind off things.

After I was done, I had a glass of water then went and had a bath. Jonathan went to see his parents quickly and get some bits while I was in there, and then came and found me. After he helped dry me off I got into a hospital gown, went back into the wheelchair and we went to see Robert. I can't remember much of that, I think I was just glad to get somewhere where I could relax and rest after what had been such a long day. It was gone 11pm by the time we'd started on our way to my room, where they let Jonathan sleep for the night as well.

I'm sure I've missed several things out, but I think I got most of the main points. Apparently the cord was constricted (not around his neck, just the cord itself was blocked somehow) which was why Robert had taken in some of the water, the lack of oxygen from the blocked cord must have made him breathe underwater and what with his head being under for 7 minutes.... it's a miracle he's okay. And we owe the midwives who were at his birth so much for saving his life.

Friday, 12 December 2008

2 weeks 5 days old - health visitor visit, and photos

Well the health visitor came and went, was a very fleeting visit compared to last week, but the good news is that Robert is now 10lbs 5oz, up from 10lbs last Friday! She seemed quite happy and said I should definitely try and head over to the Bumps and Babes session next Friday if I could, and she's coming on Thursday next week so I can go over there then.

Mum has also left, she's heading up to Chester to see her other grandson, but she's going to pop back in on her way back with Nicky's breast pump.

We've been trying to give Robert some nappy free time, but he doesn't seem to like it very much, it usually ends up in us cuddling him in a towel, to keep us clean and dry (although that didn't work this morning, I got a wet leg haha). We've now taken to giving him a comforter, mainly to save my nipples when he's not necessarily hungry. We did give him the foot of a cuddly rattle thing to suck on, but today I've given him a corner of muslin to suck on as that's easily washable!

Right, well it's photo time! Jonathan's finally got the ones on his camera on the net.

As we gave him nappy-free time last week we decided to take a photo of his little feet poking out of the towel. They're quite cute! :)

Here's Robert with his Nanna, one of many cuddles she got this week!

Here's a couple of Robert with his Mama! Nice ones finally of not just him with boob or him with Mama's nose, but actually with the whole Mama!

One with his Mummy AND Daddy together...

And finally one I took last night, where Robert had woken up and his Daddy was giving him a cuddle in bed. A few of the ones I took looked like Jonathan had Robert in a headgrip, so he loosened his arm for the next few, which this is one of.

Thursday, 11 December 2008

Two weeks exclusive breastfeeding!

I've been looking back at the entries I've written since Robert was born, and WOW I've just realised it's been TWO WEEKS since he's been given nothing but Mummy Milk! I'm so so so pleased with myself, and pleased that Robert likes it! And pleased that it's all gone so well and that I have plenty (I need to wear my bra all night unfortunately or I get nice wet patches on the bed! Haha!) to give him.

He's sleeping again (I think), although the sleeping is a bit erratic at the moment we're trying our best to get him down for a while. Yesterday I managed to get him to sleep through his normal (for this week anyway) wakeful period from lunchtime through to tea time, I put him down when he was sleepy, he started stirring as usual less than half an hour after I'd put him down, and I managed to stroke him back to sleep without picking him up! Yay!

Oh. Yesterday was very good, as well as the sleeping during the day for several hours, Mum and I decided to go out with Robert into town, as she wanted to make us a shepherd's pie but we didn't have any mince meat. So off we went, we stopped by the Sure Start Center that's attached to the local primary school, and got shown around and had someone talk to us about the different things they do there. It sounds really great, I might start off going to the Bumps and Babes session on Friday mornings, although I can't go tomorrow as the health visitor is coming back. They have a baby massage session too but the current one is fully booked so will have to wait for the next course. I think my mum is pleased I seem so enthusiastic about it now we've been and had a look around, and I think Jonathan's parents are too, as they think I'm a bit of a "loner" in that they're afraid I'll spend a lot of time on my own in the house. So they think going to the Sure Start Center will be good for me to get out with Robert, and also have some company with other mums.

I'm actually dying to get some more photos up here, but there's no new ones uploaded yet. My mum's been taking some of me and Robert, as the ones J took mostly had just my nose, or my boob, or something, rather than a picture of me with my baby boy! And they're gorgeous, Jonathan copied them so we can get some uploaded soon. And I don't know why but I'm liking photos of me a lot more now I've got a baby in the photos with me! Haha! My face doesn't seem so fat to me anymore, although that might be because of my new glasses. I might also see this weekend how much weight I've lost (well it'll be hard for me to tell, but I will go on the wii fit and see if my weight has dropped at all since the last time I weighed myself during pregnancy). I should have weighed myself just before I gave birth! Haha. 10lbs of baby instantly dropped, plus amniotic fluid, placenta, blood, etc! Bound to be quite a lot! ;) A couple of stones thereabouts.

I still can't BELIEVE that Robert was 10lbs. I looked at the 40 week pregnancy bump photo I took, and stare at it thinking "how on EARTH did a 10lber fit in there??!" I guess a lot of him was hiding in the flab rather than sticking out as a bump ;)

Anyway, I'm feeling quite refreshed at the moment, so I think I'll see what I can do around the house while Mum is doing the washing up. I am feeling a LOT more confident in myself to be able to cope next week when she's not here! It's been nice having that buffer, she's left me more or less to take care of Robert, except when he's been screaming his head off and I've been going a bit mental, just doing a few bits around the house, and of course she's had a few cuddles and changed a few nappies as well.

Thanks so much for your comments on the last few entries telling me I've been doing okay and that I'm not the only new mum who feels the way I feel! It is quite an adjustment but I'm enjoying it for the most part and I'm sure once the real smiles set in it'll be even more rewarding than it is now!

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Better day today

I think Robert must be going through a growth spurt. Either that or he's playing up for his Nanna! The last two afternoons he's refused to sleep for more than half an hour, and just keeps on wanting to feed. Which I'm sure wasn't like that last week. He's gone down now, and been down for about an hour so far. We'll try and wake him up around 11pm latest if he hasn't already, so hopefully we'll get a good night's sleep like we did last night. He had two 4-5 hour sleep stints in a row from about midnight to 11am which was nice!

I forgot to mention, last Friday was the health visitor's first visit. She seems nice enough. Robert last Friday was back up to his birth weight of 10lbs, we're not sure how much he weighed when he came out of hospital though. But as he's back up to his birth weight that's great. :) She's coming around again this Friday morning so it will be interesting to see how much weight he's gained since last week! It was quite interesting looking at his percentile charts, at birth he was at the 93rd percentile for weight (or there abouts), but last Friday he'd gone down to about the 75th percentile.

Anyway I'm feeling a lot better generally about looking after Robert during the day. Mum has mainly been helping out by getting drinks/lunch/dinner, doing washing up, and so on. She's occasionally had cuddles with Robert and tried to get him back off to sleep, but it's mainly been me with Robert, and I think as long as I get a fairly decent amount of sleep in the night before I'll be okay with him during the day even if he does his trick like today and yesterday that is not sleeping much and gradually getting more and more tired but refusing to sleep!

I am enjoying it though. Something I absolutely LOVE doing, which I don't think Robert enjoys as much (lol) is kissing his little cheeks while he's rooting for the breast, so of course he ends up getting kissed on the mouth as he swings his little head from side to side trying to get what keeps touching his cheeks! I find it too cute, I do stop when he starts to get so hungry and frustrated that my lips aren't putting milk in his mouth! But it's Mummy's little game that she can't resist playing!

Been trying to give him some nappy off time the last few days because his poor botty looks so sore. The nappy off time he had earlier seems to have done it a load of good, it's just something I have to remember to do, and make sure we have plenty of clean towels around! Haha.

Anyway, I think I might go and have a snooze while Robert is still sleeping. It's been a long day!

Monday, 8 December 2008

Bad night last night

Yesterday was Jonathan's last day at home with me and Robert. Well, apart from weekends of course. Last night was tough he woke at 3am (although I went to bed at 10pm I was totally knackered at 3), Jonathan changed his nappy and I got up to feed, and J went back to bed as he had work in the morning. At about 4 Robert was sleepy, sleepy enough I thought to go to bed, but noooo... he was doing his trick of waking and wanting food, getting sleepy, being put down, waking, wanting food... etc etc etc.

Because J had work and wanted to sleep I felt like I was on my own to get him down to sleep, and I ended up getting so frustrated, at one point even raising my voice to poor little Robert who didn't understand and was just hungry/sleepy/cold/hot/something. I even at one point felt so frustrated I was afraid I would hurt him, which made me feel absolutely awful. J came and sat with me as I put Robert back onto the breast for the 10th time that night, and held my hand, as I cried and told him I thought he didn't trust me with Robert on my own. And I really did believe that J didn't trust me to not hurt our son - after all, at that point I felt like I almost HAD done, and didn't really trust MYSELF not to.

I am just so glad that Jonathan is here at night time, when I'm most sleepy and unable to think clearly and keep calm. Jonathan reassured me that if I was upset or getting frustrated, or needed anything, even a hand to hold, to get him up, regardless of whether he had work the next day or not. Which makes me feel less alone during the night.

Although he's back at work I have my mum here this week. Which I'm very grateful for. Then I have maybe a week or so on my own during the day before J has a week and a half off for Christmas.

As Robert was laying sleeping against my chest shortly before he went to bed last night (this morning!), I held him as close as I could, stroked his hair and promised him I would never hurt him. I told him maybe sometimes his Mummy would have to leave him crying in his cot for a short while so that she could keep that promise. I know he doesn't understand but I hope he understands how much his Mummy loves him.

Saturday, 6 December 2008

Poor crying baby

Robert is with Jonathan at the moment. He is crying his head off but has been feeding for about two and a half hours so I have no idea how he can be hungry! He goes on the breast, and pops back off almost immediately, but then goes to root again, and the cycle continues.

He did this earlier today, after his sleep he was awake for about 5 hours, feeding for about 4 and a half of those on and off (poor nipples - ouch :( ), and finally slept for 4 hours. Now he's been up for 3 hours. My nipples are So. Sore. I latch him on ok, but then he wriggles, or pulls off slightly, and ends up on just the nipple. Over and over. Swapping breasts every half hour or so to try and give the nipples a break, but still gets sore.

What has happened to my lovely calm baby who would eat, get sleepy, fall asleep, and just grizzle when his nappy was being changed? Tomorrow is the last day J will be home with us. If Robert carries on like this I will be at the end of my tether I can tell. I am scared. I don't want to feel angry towards him, he's just a little baby he knows no better and for all I know it might be my fault! Or maybe he's not feeling well - who knows??! I don't want to leave him anywhere to cry - even hearing him cry in Jonathan's arms is heartwrenching enough.

He's only been home a week. Please let me have the patience I need to deal with an inconsolable baby...

Well Jonathan is changing his nappy, and he's not screaming his head off (well, not constantly) - maybe that was it? His bottom is rather sore looking, we are using cream on it to try and clear up his nappy rash maybe he's just got a sore bottom and that's what's making him so miserable.

Still, as horrible and heartwrenching as his crying is, part of me is grateful, it's such a wonderful sound compared to the sound he eventually made after he was born. Anyway, I guess we'll see if we can get the little man to bed, and see if we can get some sleep tonight too.

Friday, 5 December 2008

Positive things

Thank you for your comments on the last entry. It's the only thing I can do right now to take each day as it comes. I was beginning to feel a bit sicky last night, Robert had been down sleeping a couple of hours and all I wanted to do was lay down with J on the bed, and have him hold me and let me cry if I needed to, and just be there for me, and he was, which made me feel so much better.

We decided to go to sleep around then, and it's just as well or we wouldn't have got a lot of sleep. He slept from around 7pm til 2am, we went to bed around 9.30pm or so, so we did get a few hours sleep before he woke. He didn't go back down until 4am, and then awoke again at 7am or so. My breasts were PAINFULLY engorged at 2am, both of them, so I made sure to feed him from both sides before he fell asleep. Oh to have a breast pump!!! Apparently Nicky my sister-in-law has one, since she never managed to feed Ewan enough on her milk alone and he's now a year old and on solids she doesn't need it anymore.

I am SO proud and pleased with myself that I am able to exclusively breastfeed. Especially given the separation Robert and I faced at the start, and them wanting to supplement with formula while he was in intensive care. It's strange how the one thing I was least confident about is the one thing that has gone exactly how I wanted it to go.

This morning we have Robert's MRI. I hope it goes okay, but to be honest, it's just a formality for me, because no matter the outcome, we will love him all the same, we will do nothing more or nothing less for him.

He is such a joy to us both. I am so happy he's here with us, and okay, and then when I see things like this, as I'm holding my sleepy contented baby, my heart just swells...

Thursday, 4 December 2008

Weepy day yesterday

Yesterday was a bit of an emotional weepy day for me. I guess it didn't help that when Beverley came around for the midwife checkup we got talking about the birth a bit, and she asked how I felt about it. Whenever I think about it I still get upset. She said that the midwives who were at his birth had offered to come over at any stage I wanted to talk about it if I wanted, but I think right now I would just burst into tears and not stop. I think it'll be even some time before I'm ready to write a birth story here, and when I do I'll likely be in tears while writing it. To be honest it's the kind of experience that makes me NOT want to get pregnant again, incase I go through it again. But I am hoping beyond words that it is true that time heals all wounds, and that in time I will be ready to move on and give Robert a little brother or sister. Although that can all wait.

We went on a car trip to see Jonathan's parents last night, had some dinner with them. It was nice to get out of the house although it was quite exhausting, after 2 hours I was ready to go back home. And then as we were putting Robert back into the car (he had started screaming his head off when put in the car seat, even rocking him back and forth wouldn't quieten him, and then as soon as we got outside he stopped, which made us think he was too hot), Jonathan's parents hugged me goodbye, and as Steve hugged me, he whispered in my ear "I'm so proud of you" which made me nearly burst into tears again. I managed to choke out a "thank you" before hugging Betsy and getting into the car, where I also let some tears roll down my cheeks.

The evening was tiring, he doesn't scream incessantly, he's a very good baby really, but boy does he feed. And feed. And feed. Since giving birth, or at least coming home from hospital, my appetite has waned a lot. I used to eat LOADS. Huge portions. Snack constantly throughout the day. Not just when I was pregnant. But now I barely manage to eat three meals a day, which I try and make myself do, for Robert's sake, as he needs me to eat for my milk supply to remain good for him. The day before yesterday all I ate was a bowl of cereal for breakfast, a jacket potato with tinned curry on it for lunch, and two slices of toast for tea. Yesterday I had a bowl of cereal, some sandwiches Jonathan made while I was nursing Robert, (2 rounds, so quite a big lunch), and then a roll and half a bag of crisps at Jonathan's parents.

Another thing I wanted to write about is that since we've been home, in fact maybe as well in hospital waiting to come home, occasionally I've felt ill. Not ill in the sense that I'm sick, but you know when you've done something you know you shouldn't have, or not done something you should have, or are really nervous, and you get that really sicky feeling in the pit of your stomach? I've been getting that a lot. Petrified that it means I'm not going to be able to cope on my own with Robert, that I'll end up spiralling down into oblivion. I know I have Jonathan, I have my Mum, I have Steve and Betsy, all ready to drop anything at a moment's notice to help me.

Anyway, things seem a lot better this morning, partly because my little star of a son decided that he was going to have a MARATHON sleep! We got him to sleep at 11.30pm last night, and he woke for a feed at..... wait for it.... yep it's a good'un.... 7.30am! He slept for EIGHT hours! So we slept for about eight hours too.

Well he's just gone back down for another sleep (hopefully he'll stay asleep!), it's now 10.40am - the entry was kinda cut in the middle to feed him, change him, and bathe him (his first bath at home!). He pooed on the towel as we were drying him - ah well! Little monkey. :) But he's my gorgeous scrumbly little monkey I can't help but fall more in love with him. I absolutely adore his little "baby birdie" expressions when he's rooting around for the breast, and his contented look when he's finally off the breast after a feed. I love looking into his little eyes and wondering what colour they'll turn out to be - I know I said they were deep blue on the first entry I described him, but I think I was just thinking they were blue because babies eyes tend to be blue at birth - his eyes are probably more brown than blue, it's difficult to distinguish his actual eye colour because they do look just a bit murky at the moment. Just simply "dark". They're not really any colour yet.

I'm sorry the first half of the entry was so negative. It's definitely something I'll keep my eye on though, I know if it gets worse I have a large support group to fall back on with my family, you guys, as well as the November due date forum people, and also midwives and other people out there. I guess it'd be a miracle if I did somehow magically get over Robert's birth and be perfectly okay. I just have to realise there's a fine line between emotions and depression, and to make sure if I ever cross it to get help.

Monday, 1 December 2008

8 days old - photos with grandparents, trip out.

Goodness - I can't believe how tiring it is having a tiny person suck on your breasts all day! He seems to be not wanting to sleep anywhere but on people, something that the midwife gave us a tip for yesterday morning, that is warming up his cot with a hot water bottle before putting him down. Something which may have worked, he seemed very sleepy earlier, but kept waking up, we think he may have been hungry too, so I got the hot water bottle out, got J to fill it up while I fed him, and then after feeding him I put him down straight away on the nice warm patch left by the hot water bottle and he stayed fast asleep. Phew. I had a bit of a kip while he was doing that.

I am also finding it extremely tiring to bother making food really... yesterday all we had was some sandwiches around 3pm. I know I know, slap my wrists. I need to keep my strength and calorie intake up as I am breastfeeding him.

I think the visitors did sap my energy a bit, plus it probably didn't help Robert's sleeping/eating routine, as we were up all night with him, more or less... well, from about 12-4am he wouldn't get down to sleep. Then finally got to sleep in his cot at 4am til 8am, and then he wouldn't go back to sleep in his cot after the 8-9am feed, so we brought him to bed with us, and got almost 2 hours before the midwife turned up again.

But we now have a nice long week with no commitments, apart from Friday morning we have to go back into hospital with Robert to get his MRI done to rule out minor brain damage (his EEG which the doctors decided to get done afterall, which would show up major brain damage came back normal). I hope we have a nice sleepFUL night on Thursday evening or I'm going to be somewhat of a zombie on Friday morning! Haha! I did have a bit of a snooze a while ago, Robert finally went to sleep after using the hot water bottle trick and I had a sleep too which might make constant feeds during the night a bit more bearable.

He had his first trip in the travel system today! We went for a walk up past the park at the top of the road, and then round past the town center and back up home. Jonathan took some photos of Robert in it, and also of me pushing the pram. :)

Anyway thought I'd post some photos now!

Here's Robert with his Grandad Brown (my dad)

Here he is with his Grandma Brown (my step-mother Caroline)

Here he is sleeping on his Grandma Hunt (Jonathan's mum)

And finally a cuddle with his Grandad Hunt (Jonathan's dad)

We took a photo of him zonked out in his cot last night, it's so cute, I love it...

He looks so tiny! But soo adorable. I've put that muslin under his head because he does dribble out breastmilk quite often. Which luckily we found out in hospital! We think it might be why he sometimes doesn't go to sleep a lot and wakes up seeming hungry, so we try and rotate it so he isn't constantly smelling breastmilk when he's trying to sleep.

Rightio, off again for now. xx