32 weeks! Woah! (yeah yeah, I know, sorry, I'm guessing my amazement each week that that number is 1 higher than last week is wearing thin by now!) Less than 2 months to go! (or about 2 months I should really say, seeing as Robert could well be born late - he could even be a December baby! Which is an odd thought, I always think of him as being a November baby, but it's entirely possible he will be a December baby. Well, there's even a remote chance he could be an October baby, someone who was due on 14th November gave birth to her baby 3 days ago!)
Friday night, what should come back with a vengance but of course that lovely pelvic pain I had earlier in the week. I got next to no sleep from 12.30 til 3.40, when I woke up for the umpteenth time and started crying, which in turn woke Jonathan up. My crying until he woke up and asked what was wrong were little sniffles and muffled cries, which turned instantly more hysterical and bawly as soon as he asked me what was up. Amongst sobs I said something like this... "I'm in so much *sob* pain that whenever *sob* I turn over *sob* it hurts so bad *sob* and I've had hardly *sob* any sleep *sob* and it's only *sob* 3.40 am *wails* and I don't want to have to lie back doooooooooown! *bawls*
Then I managed to get some sleep after taking a couple of paracetomol - it still hurt like hell, but I only had to turn over once between then and around 7.30am when I needed the loo. Went back to bed again, and before I knew it, Jonathan was saying "Oh, shit, it's 10 o'clock!"
We'd invited my Mum and Dave over for a roast dinner (they are busy Sundays so we had a Saturday roast hehe), and we still had some washing up to do, and vacuuming the living room carpet, and moving the sofa to get the table out. They ended up arriving around 12, so we had about 45 minutes to just sit and chat over coffee (well, tea for me, because although every now and then coffee has smelt strangely nice, I'm still not brave enough to try it incase I still don't like it!) while Jonathan (bless him) sorted out most of the dinner. I came in to sort the gravy and drain the veg while he was sorting out the meat, but apart from that he did it all! I made up a bit of mint sauce as we were having lamb, and got out cartons of juice, glasses and cutlery.
It was such a pleasant afternoon. After the dessert we decided to play a few board games, which were fun, and they ended up leaving around 5.30pm or so. It was lovely because I can't remember who it was with, possibly my Dad, but I was itching for them to leave when they came over once, but with Mum and Dave I wasn't itching at all, I thoroughly enjoyed their company, and Jonathan was relaxed with them moreso than when we go over to theirs (presumably familiar environment and no driving fatigue). We gave them the lamb bone to take back with them for their dogs, which I heard was very well received! Hehe.
Last night, Robert was extremely active, deciding on several accounts over an hour or so to poke out really hard with both a foot (feet?) and a hand (hands?) simultaneously! Every time he did it it made me go "Oooh!" with the force and strangeness of sensation.
Anyway, since it's 32 weeks I've uploaded more belly gallery pictures, I've put the normal "half bare" picture in the gallery already, and here are the other two I took, the clothed and bare bumps.
The difference between that one and the 20 week one (or even 24 week one) is amazing! Gogo gadget Robert! Grow, baby grow!
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