Monday, 8 September 2008

29 weeks 2 days - flat update, fewer kicks from Robert

Thought I'd better update before people start to get worried about my whereabouts again!

We spent the weekend in Aylesbury, finishing off some bits there. Mainly what's left to do now is cleaning, getting rid of rubbish furniture (old bookcase, very worn sofa bed with its stuffing coming out of it and scratches from the cat all over the arms, desk, etc), getting all our stuff down from the loft and taking it back to our new house. We've looked around for a new hallway and stairs carpet, since the old one is reddish/orange and flowery, and the hall is now painted lilac! So we've been to a carpet selling place who have now measured up and taken our money (!) and now we're waiting on them to get the carpet in stock ready to arrange a delivery and fitting date. It's one of the big UK chains though so I'm sure there'll be no problem there regarding the fact they've taken our money before they even have the carpet in stock! It didn't cost too much really, considering it's an awkward shape (sort of a T shape on the hallway and then the stairs coming off the top left section of the T), because we already had underlay and grippers down, which saved a huge bulk of money.

The bathroom and bathroom suite look AMAZING! I have NO idea what my mother-in-law did to the toilet bowl to get all that caked on limescale that was around the water rim off. I scrubbed at it for AGES with a scourer with no luck whatsoever, (well, a little luck but still not a lot) but succeeded on leaving a grey residue all over the porcelain from the scourer. Somehow she's got all the limescale off, and the grey residue which I thought was actually me wearing the colour off of the porcelain, has gone, leaving a perfectly pink (yes pink lol) toilet bowl!

I tackled the kitchen this weekend - cleaning all the cupboards inside and out (except for the ones that had things inside, then I just did the doors), and yesterday I did the cooker. Now the cooker was a thing that we got second hand from someone - can't remember who, but I remember my brother bringing it over in a van, and the two of us struggling to get it up the stairs!!! Anyway, it was FILTHY. When I say filthy I mean it. There was caked on grease and dust combined on the top of the cooker panel (splash back with buttons). The buttons for the grill/oven/hobs themselves had caked on grease (mainly from fingers - ewww!), under the hob there was caked on god-knows-what with dust. And the sides were caked with splashes from food that had dribbled down the sides. And that's not even going into the state of the INSIDE of the grill and oven. Anyway, yesterday I managed to get the cooker to actually look like it was brand new (sort of!) using neat all-purpose cleaner on some bits of it, and oven cleaner on other bits. Next time we go down there (probably next weekend bleugh), I'll do inside the oven and grill, although that's not so essential seeing as very few people will look inside a cooker that's obviously not built into the kitchen and may end up going! (but hopefully will end up staying - less hassle for us)

Robert's kicks lately seem to have subsided lately. I am still getting some every day, but they seem a lot fewer in general, and fewer BIG kicks. I am putting this down to possibly another growth spurt, and possibly the actual SIZE of him now means he might have less room in there already. He's now around 2.5lbs, and about 15 inches long. (although maybe with Robert he may be more like 16 inches!) I'm well and truely into the third trimester now.

Something new I want to document here is that last night for the first time I actually felt one of Robert's feet! I felt him giving me a few little jabs just a little way above my belly button last night while we were watching a movie, and I felt around with my finger tips, pressing in a bit where he was jabbing, and felt a resistance on only a tiny certain part of my belly, which receeded when I poked it a bit, and then came back again! (accompanied with aforementioned jabs from within!) It was so precious and lovely, I said to Jonathan that I could feel Robert's foot, and he said "how do you know?" and well - I don't know how I knew, I just did! I replied with something like "Because I can FEEL it!" Hehe.

I also feel lately that he likes to start jabbing away at night now when I go to bed - particularly on the side of my belly that's on the bed, which when the kicks are hard can feel VERY uncomfortable! Luckily the ones he was doing last night weren't very hard, but I'm sure if I could see my belly it would have been wobbling away again!

Anyway I'll leave the entry here for today. I hope you're all well, and I thank you again for reading! x

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