Monday, 28 July 2008

23 weeks 2 days - weekend news and update

Hello all! I hope the weather isn't getting too many people down, I'm just glad I'm not heavily pregnant with this weather! All windows and the french doors open, so luckily a nice breeze ;)

The weekend I had was really good, although the traffic down to Kent was a bit of a pain - a 2 hour journey took us about 3 and a half :( Guess what the culprit was? Yep, you guessed it, the M25. Solid tailbacks where we were joining it. No accident though! Just pure volume of traffic. Anyway, we got there eventually, I met my mum in a salon just a few minutes walk down the road from her house. We were there for a few hours, and I got an absolutely fantastic cut :) I was just about to take a photo of it when the batteries in my camera died, so they're on to charge and I'll take one tomorrow. :)

It was absolutely SWELTERING in my mum's house after, we had a fiddle with the travel system she bought us, mainly getting it out of the box and putting it together. Then once it was fully assembled, we folded it up, took it out and tested to see if it would fit in our small Yaris boot. It did, once the seats were forward a little bit. :) Then we fitted the car seat base, and put the carrier in, with the travel system in the boot, and got me to sit infront of the infant carrier. And yay, we all fit too ;) However! Getting the carrier into the car (3 door Yaris) wasn't fun... J did struggle a bit getting it in and then getting it out again. It would be a lot easier if we had back passenger car doors too. I'm sure we could afford a new car - even if it was a used "new" car, one that had a bigger boot, and one that has 4 passenger doors!

But well, it fit. Anyway, sitting outside, was just SO much more pleasant to sitting inside, where I was getting so uncomfortable it just wasn't funny. So J and I sat outside (actually on the concrete slab in front of their neighbour's house - they live on a typical victorian terraced street, where there's no front gardens, no car parking spaces, etc) while Mum and Dave got ready for the meal. Then went as soon as they were ready.

Had a nice chinese buffet meal. I didn't stuff myself, but they had these GORGEOUS chicken wings, with a salt and spice coating. Mmmm. I had 5 of those! And some other nibbly stuff like ribs, prawn crackers, prawn toast, won tons, chicken skewers. Then also some soup, and then some sweet and sour and some black bean beef. Sounds like loads, but wasn't too much. I even had room for some fruit (water melon! Yum!) and ice cream after ;)

Came back, and Dave went and got their air conditioning unit thing from the dining room (actually used as a study), and set it up in the living room. Sat around, chatted, watched some tv. I felt Robert give a few kicks while I was lounging on their huge sofa, and I told mum I'd let her feel him kick if he would co-operate, so I called her over and she sat with her hand on my belly for AGES, but he'd stopped. Ah well! Anyway, we finally left there around 11pm, to spend the night at my dad's. His spare bedroom is a lot closer to the bathroom, which is a godsend these days ;)

Dad and Caroline were already in bed, so we let ourselves in, and went to bed straight away. It was another hot and sticky night, Caroline had not put the duvet on the sofa-bed (thank god!) instead just leaving the duvet cover on as a sheet. The windows were also open, and there was a fan going in the room as well. Was quite nice to have it blowing on my leg, since it made my whole body feel cooler with my leg cold (for some reason!). Ended up using the toilet twice during the night, well once during the night, and then once at around 8am. I actually had a really vivid dream before I woke up at 8ish. So vivid, even remembering back now it seems real. I dreamed that we were in bed, and as usually happens, Dad or Caroline comes in (argh - a bit of a pain when we sleep in the buff, especially if sheets aren't on fully, etc) to tell us that breakfast is on the go, etc. Anyway, in my dream, Dad came in, and said "Wakey wakey!" I opened my eyes, and looked up at him sleepily and said in a really grumpy voice "NO." And then Jonathan looked up and said the same. So Dad went out, and I started dreaming "again". It was soo real! I was sure it had actually happened! When I woke up a few hours later (or what seemed to be), I turned over and asked Jonathan if he remembered Dad coming in, and he said he didn't! I looked at the time on his phone, and it said 8.14am, and I thought hmm.. there's no way that Dad would have come in around 6am to wake us... it must have been a dream! But I was sooo confused for ages! Hehe.

The day was nice, and actually quite lazy. I was expecting to be slaved away most of the day making salad, preparing bowls of nibbles, etc etc. But we only had a little bit to help with about an hour before people came round. We played a card game during the afternoon - it's a good game, although I don't know its name. Usually played with 2 people, each person with their own pack of cards in play. We decided to see if it would work with 3 players, played with Caroline (she had her own pack then too), and it did work quite well! :) It's a bit like Solitaire, but multiplayer, and you can use other people's decks and so on. The goal of the game is to be the first player to run out of cards in your pack, and discard pile. Cards in front of you are ok as long as you have no cards left to deal. I wish I knew the name of the game, it's very fun.

Anyway, had a nice time when people turned up too, food was good, and chatted away, in particular to Maria, the mother of Caroline's nieces and nephew, who was interested in my pregnancy, and so on. What I didn't know, was that the twins were born 7 weeks early! Wow... And also, her son was born 5 weeks early. Heh, and I got a comment from Caroline's dad "I wasn't expecting you to look so thin" HAHAHA! I did almost laugh out loud, I'm hardly what you can call "thin" but I guess what he meant was my tummy. And it's true, my bump ISN'T very big for someone over halfway through, but that's because it's masked by fat! ;) However, my bump to me does seem to be getting bigger. And I think my skin agrees. I AM getting quite attrocious stretch marks. I did have a few nice purple ones from my weight gain pre-pregnancy, but now I have lots and lots of not so purple ones on my bump below my belly button. Ah well! I do try and use my moisturising oil on my bump whenever it gets itchy.

It was also nice to see the kids again - the twins, Samantha and Jennifer, were 12 in January. And their brother, Timothy, was 11 in May. I remembered to send the twins cards (I hand-made them), but couldn't find my check-book nor had any cash at the time, so sent them an "IOU" for �12. Also, I completely forgot Tim's birthday. So before coming down, I made sure to have �12 each for the girls, and �11 for Tim, and got some little cards and wrote in them, apologising for forgetting, and here's their birthday money, etc. I will probably stop sending them money when they get to the age of either 18 or 21, so they all get the same amount so to speak. My flub got a pat by Caroline's mum (*sigh*) so I made sure to point out that at the moment, Robert isn't up there, but actually just down below my belly button at the moment ;) We headed back home around 8.30pm, and got home around 10.30, which was a much better journey than the one down on Saturday morning/afternoon!

As I laid down to sleep, Robert woke up, and he seemed to kick for ages, but he didn't really keep me awake with it. His kicks are still quite gentle. :)

Anyway, busy day today, got some phoning around to do, and so on (sorting out hypnobirthing classes hopefully, and finding a new Vet for Hazel). Hope you're all ok and surviving this horrid humid heat! ;) xx

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