Monday, 21 July 2008

22 weeks 2 days - weepy hormoney entry, Robert's journey so far.

What to say! First off, I had a nice time over at the in-laws, we showed off the mountain of bits we got for Robert at Mothercare to them! We got some bedding, a wall thermometer, some sleepsuits, some bodysuits, socks, booties, a pack of white essentials including hat and mittens, other bits and bobs, either blue (yay!) or white, or cream, or cream with green/yellow. But my FAVOURITE bit we bought at Mothercare has to be THIS gorgeous snowsuit! I could practically weep looking at it! I just cannot wait until November just so I get to wrap up my tiny Robert in that gorgeous gorgeous suit to take home! The hormones certainly kick in whenever I look at all the gorgeous clothing we have bought for him, and find myself with tears in my eyes. I opened out one of the tiny blue bodysuits we got him, and it's just so tiny and adorable, I did almost burst into tears. When we were walking around the shop, we saw this giftset and I just really really wanted to get it! But we decided not to, because we might get sets like that when he's born from family and friends.

Anyway, enough rambling about clothes! Jonathan felt Robert kick again last night. Shortly after the kick he felt, Robert kicked twice more in fairly quick succession, but Jonathan didn't feel them, probably because the kick had moved slightly, and I think it was under J's fingertips rather than his palm or the length of his fingers. Jonathan is just so in awe of them, and he seems so excited to be a daddy. I knew from even before we got together that he'd make a wonderful father. He's just such a wonderful, sensitive, and caring man. Goodness, here comes the hormones again!

I just feel so lucky to have both a wonderful husband and be 22 weeks pregnant with our first child. All the years I spent worrying I wouldn't be able to get pregnant, and then when we were finally ready to start trying, the worry that I wouldn't be able to conceive for months on end. That first month where we started trying half way through the month and didn't get pregnant. Followed by the delayed period over stress... followed by practically a whole month of trying every other day, at the end of which we moved, and then on a whim, on day 32 of my cycle, taking a test and seeing the faintest of faint lines, not daring to hope incase it was all wrong. Two days later getting a stronger line and feeling over the moon! Followed by several tough weeks of tiredness, hunger, slight queasiness, and faith and hope. Then getting to see our little Sausage finally at 12 weeks pregnant! Hearing the heartbeat 4 weeks later at week 16, starting to feel little movements from within. Hearing it again at around week 20 to ease worrying after no movements for a while. A week or so later the movements started up again, but turned into little "bubbly" kicks! Then at just before 22 weeks seeing our little Robert Sausage again, and his daddy feeling his kicks too.

The three of us have already been on such an amazing journey, and we're barely past half way until we meet our tiny man, and get to hold him in our arms and nurture him, and care for him! He has been part of our lives since FEBRUARY, even though we didn't know he had started his amazing journey until a few weeks later. I cannot believe how much I love this little man already.

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