Wednesday, 30 January 2013

26 weeks 6 days

Well, I'm nearing the end of the second trimester now. I can't believe I'm almost in the third trimester of pregnancy!! My second pregnancy seemed to go fast, but my third is zooming by! I can hardly believe that it was late last August I found out I was pregnant... about 5 months ago! And now we're at the end of January, and I'll be meeting my new baby boy in around 3 months time.

I am definitely more in tune with his kicks. He is a strong kicker, but it's odd - his kicking sessions, particularly those I get first thing in the morning and last thing at night - feel nothing like the kicks felt with Robert and Christopher. With this little one, my whole tummy feels like it's "blopping" rather than strong localised kicks. As well as the early morning and late night kicks, he also goes through a kicking spate around 4pm. I've not noticed any other patterns so far. But I didn't really notice patterns with Robert and Christopher at all. I felt a bit like a bad mother for that, especially when you read things like "you should be getting to know your little one's movement patterns by now, and if you get changes to the pattern you should get checked out straight away".

On other baby related stuff. As I think I have said, I've been struggling with the whole name issue. I finally talked to Jonathan about it, and he said that if I was really unhappy with the name, then he'd pick one off a shortlist I make. Just knowing that has instantly made me feel better, I don't know what I would pick, but I am feeling more at peace with the whole situation, and feel in a much more compromising mood! Yesterday afternoon, while the boys were playing with their grandparents, I drove over to their local Tesco, and did a shop. While there I also looked at the baby boy clothes. Which, unsurprisingly were mainly different shades of blues and greys. But I found a gorgeous little top which was cream with red, navy and yellow stripes, I found this in size 3 months. A red and white stripey jumper (for 12-18 months LOL) and I bought a pack of 2 bandana bibs. Looking in the girls section, it's strange how girls get leggings but boys don't!! Some of them weren't even all that "girly". It's a shame that the clothes have to be segregated like that so people often don't look in the other section. But that's another pet peeve of mine, along with tshirts for girls saying "it's hard being this cute!" but boys ones saying "it's TOUGH being me!" Anyway, stepping off my soap box... ;) Until next time!

Thursday, 17 January 2013

25 weeks - midwife update and thoughts on name

So I'm 25 weeks today!  I've had times of feeling very uncomfortably pregnant, and well, I've still got around 15 weeks to go!  I can only imagine how uncomfortable I'll be 3 months from now if I'm already getting spates of it now!

Midwife appointment went well.  I seem to cope with pregnancy very well, my wee is always clear, my blood pressure is always fine.  My tummy was measuring 26 weeks, so 1 week ahead.  Probably all the chocolate and biscuits I've been scoffing since Christmas... must start snacking less now!!

Anyway, after my last post where I talked about bonding, and people asking about the name, and if there was compromise, well I don't think the first name is negotiable.  Jonathan's had this name in his head since Robert was in utero, and since I was the one who mainly wanted a third baby, I agreed to let him have the name if it was another boy.  We had agreed though that the middle name would be my choice.  But since I was thinking the middle name "should be" a family name, one that honoured a family member, I kind of felt it was one of two choices - both of which I didn't particularly love, and I would most likely put the back of one of my parents up either way.  So I'm wondering whether to just choose a name I love - one that I would have wanted to call him as a first name.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

24 weeks 5 days - bonding?

I've been feeling the last day or so that I'm having trouble bonding with the baby.  I feel his kicks, and I feel happy because that means he's still ok, but aside from that I don't daydream about him, or have any of the lovey dovey moments I'm sure I had with the other two.

When I refer to him, I sometimes say "him" or "he", but mostly say "the baby".  He doesn't have a nickname.  Robert was Sausage, and Christopher was Squidge, but this one is simply "the baby".  And he does have a proper name... which we don't use at home, because we don't want Robert to know incase he blabs it out, we want it to be a secret until the birth.  We don't even really use his name at night when the boys are asleep.  Part of me is wondering if I'm questioning that he's a boy... yet feeling resigned to it.  Part of me is wondering whether I am not calling him by name because I'm trying to avoid it - because it's still not a name I would have chosen myself.  And whether all this is making me feel detached.

I don't really feel excited about the baby... Well part of me does, occasionally.  Like today I put a newborn snowsuit on the boys' doll because he's been coming with us to nursery, and I felt bad him just being in a vest (!!).  And in this snowsuit, with just the doll's face showing, I felt strangely broody, and cradled the doll like I would a baby, and even at one point, involuntarily kissed it!!  But mostly, I just get on with things, and planning for the baby isn't really happening, although we will have to think about beds soon to get the boys used to new beds before the baby arrives.  It's mostly sorting things for the house, getting the last bits of the conversion done, that sort of thing.

I hope it's just that with two boys already, things are just hectic, plus all the things we want to get done before May as well.

Sunday, 13 January 2013


So, we took the boys swimming on Saturday.  The last time Robert went in the swimming pool, he was around 19 months old, and we were on holiday in Cornwall. I was around 6 months pregnant with Christopher.  Christopher had never been in a swimming pool until yesterday, and the boys both did really well!  We weren't sure if Christopher would enjoy it or not, but he loved it!  Grinning and laughing the whole time, especially when he could splash, and he liked it when I rocked him back and forth in the water too.  Robert loved walking through the water, and could go right to the deeper end of the training pool, but it was difficult to help him relax in the water, we tried getting him to lay flat on his back in the water with us supporting him, and he kept bringing his knees and legs up.  I finally had a bit of success, and after a while when they both started shivering, we got them out, and on the way home, Robert kept begging us to take him back to the pool!

We're going to try and go once a week, it should do them both good anyway, even if I'm going to need to find a maternity swimming costume, as the size 18 tankini was constantly riding up (never felt so self conscious - and here was me thinking I didn't weigh as much as when I was pregnant with Christopher - this was the same swimming costume I wore last time!)

The reason we went swimming, is because it seems that Robert needs some sort of physical outlet.  He is so energetic, and he just needs *something* to wear him out, to stop him bouncing the walls all the time.  There's not much that he will happily sit down to do that is quiet.  He's not much for books (except his bedtime story), he doesn't particularly like puzzles, or drawing.  He will do them occasionally, but it's not an activity he requests much.  The only time he seems to want to do puzzles is when he sees Christopher doing them.  But even then not all the time.

Christopher's new favourite activity is by far jigsaws.  I don't know where it came from all of a sudden, but impressively, at just 2 years 3 months, he totally "gets" them!  He can do 24 piece puzzles easily on his own.  We have a few larger ones of 35 piece and 50 piece, he has a huge foam floor puzzle of dinosaurs which is 48 piece.  And the other day I ordered some 60 piece puzzles.  I took out the easier picture of the two 60 piece ones which was an Octonauts one, and with some help he did it.  Today, I gave even less help (once I moved a couple of stuck together pieces near to where they should go on the larger done piece, and a couple of times I suggested what piece to look for - "Shall we try and find the piece with the dolphin's back on it?"  "Who do you think is next to Peso in the Gup-A?") and he did it probably 90-95% unaided.  I reckon tomorrow he'll be able to do it 100% unaided.  I can't believe he can do a 60 piece puzzle at not even 28 months old.  This puzzle is recommended for children aged 4 years and above!

On pregnancy news, I'm now 24 weeks and 3 days - I have my 24 week midwife appointment on Wednesday when I'll be 24 weeks and 6 days ;)  I am hoping that I will be able to get my 24 week belly photo up soon - I need to get Jonathan to transfer it to the computer, or to find the right cable myself.  Anyway that's all for now, I'll be back soon!

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Getting huge

So I'm 23 weeks 3 days. I'm going to get another belly shot at 24 weeks, then 28 weeks, then 32, then probably go 2 weekly until D day. I feel massive. My size 16 leggings keep sliding down under my bump. Which, incidently, is out furthur than my boobs, by a considerable distance. I am hoping to get some maternity clothes soon - but finding the time to go shopping is difficult. Maybe on Tuesday I will go to Matalan in the morning while Christopher is at the in-laws, and Robert is in nursery.

I look at my bum, and the size of my legs, and the wobbly fat hanging down by my hips and under the bump, (thinking urgh) and think to myself how I don't SEEM smaller than I was when pregnant with the other two boys. And when I think that I don't actually have any clothes the same from when I was pregnant with them (having got rid of them all) it is SO hard to tell. The only thing I can think of is that a coat I wore just after having Robert, had a zip and several poppers. I could only pop it up on the one popper under my boobs. Nowhere else. Zipping was out of the question. I know I am not newly post partum, but don't people reckon that in that period, you still have a belly of a 5-6 month pregnant lady? If that's the case, I must be smaller, as I can zip up the jacket, and there is still a small amount of growth room left in it.

I am looking forward to seeing just how my belly pictures progress though I must say! Looking back at my previous bump pictures - I do seem more "bumpy" this time round than I did before! Can't wait to get a 24 week shot to compare with the other boys!

But here was an unofficial one around 22 and a half weeks.

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

To put you out of your misery

Bells - mainly looking at you lol

We are having our third little boy in May!

Things are going okay. Hormones not too much in the air. Baby boy is kicking like crazy sometimes, but still being very little, he has a fair few quiet moments. I'll be 23 weeks tomorrow. Time really is flying.

Christmas came and went, saw family, and didn't do the long trek down to Kent which was nice in its own way. The whole family know that we're having another boy, none bar my mum really showed much enthusiasm or interest. Well I guess it's not surprising, it's nothing new now is it, me being pregnant with a boy?

I struggled emotionally with the news at first, I do have to admit. I regretted finding out, but now I think I am pleased, because with each passing day, the disappointment that it's not a girl is less, and the excitement for another boy is greater. We do have a first name in mind for this boy, one that I've had to agree on really. But I would have preferred a different name for him. Still, the middle name is my choice, so still thinking about that.

Anyway, that's about it. So yeah, baby boy number 3 is incoming...