I must admit, part of me is thinking "What did I let myself in for?!?!" knowing that Christopher will one day be this tantrumming toddler! With Robert's sudden assertiveness has come another leap in his language. He says more and more complex sentences every day, and absorbs new phrases and sentences like a sponge!
His latest phrase, which is already becoming a bit wearing, is "Stop bugging me, Mummy!" Goodness knows where he picked that up from, the only place I can think of is this pyjama set we bought him..
I guess we must have read it out loud at one point and he picked up on it, but how he managed to get it in context I don't know, but now, whenever I ask him to do something he doesn't want to do, that's what I hear. Whenever I go to do something he doesn't want me to do (whether it's regarding him or not) that's what I hear. Do I just ignore it? Like you'd do for swear words?
He's had a proper time out once now, for 2 minutes. But I find it difficult to assess what would constitute a good reason for putting him in time out, if you know what I mean? I'm desperately trying to find time to read through "Children are from Heaven" again. And will try and read out relevant sections to Jonathan so he's got an idea on the book, as he won't read books I want him to.
I'm feeling ok though generally. It's more difficult, yes, but today was easier. The boys and I went for a buggy walk with SureStart, Robert in the buggy, and Christopher in my Ellaroo. It was only me as a parent on the walk, so when Robert wanted to walk, he held Angela's hand while I pushed the empty buggy, and occasionally he would get back in for a rest and I'd push.
This afternoon we played in the garden for a while. It was incredibly windy so we didn't stay outside for too long. I consented whenever Robert asked to nurse, and each time I reflected on his stillness and the silence! And of course, it's very difficult to be annoyed with a nursling, especially if they are still, and look up into your eyes :)
On other news, we have begun to slowly introduce solid foods to Christopher. He doesn't turn 6 months until the 25th, but he is sitting with support, and will grab food and take it to his mouth. And Robert was a few days younger too :)
We are doing baby-led weaning again. Christopher has tried pear, banana, cauliflower and broccoli. I am not going to introduce anything other than fruit or vegetables until he is 6 months old. He really enjoyed the cauliflower today. He enjoyed the pear he had the other day. He's not ingested a lot yet. Although I'm not entirely sure how much of the cauliflower he ate, as it was a fairly large piece and by the end it was of course all shredded to bits! Whenever I held up some food for him to take from my hands, his eyes would goggle and he would grab out urgently with both hands for what I was holding :) So eager, bless him. But it is all a little bitter sweet, I know he is ready for it, yet he's my little baby. It's not met with as much enthusiasm (on my part) as I thought it would!
I've found bits of evidence that he has eaten some of the pear, and the banana. I guess tomorrow I will find out just how much cauliflower he ate today ;)
The tantrums have come and gone in phases for Matthew. Sometimes he's more prone to then when he has a cold or other virus coming on, and other times it's that he's over-tired. And other times, it's just because he's two! The one thing I've noticed though, through it all, is that the better he's able to communicate, the fewer tantrums overall. Sounds like Robert continues to build his vocabulary and ability to tell you what he's thinking and feeling, so maybe you'll see some tapering off as well! Good luck with that and with the baby-led weaning. It's amazing to me that Christopher is already almost 6 mos old!
ReplyDeleteAhh tantrums. Arent' they just so much fun! (and yes, that sentence was loaded with sarcasm!!) They will get better over time though. Sophie used to have full on,throw herself on the floor, trashing about, screaming tantrums which she has thankfully)grown out of. She still cries and gets upset about things, but is just as likely to use her words and tell me that she is not happy. Or she will literally hang her head, walk away from me, sit down and cross her arms, to show that she is upset. So much preferable to the screaming tantrums. And unfortunately for her, likely to make me smile and giggle cause she just looks so cute.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, to try and be optimistic, Emily never had the kind of tantrums that Sophie did, so you never know, Christopher might give the worst of them a miss too!!
Gotta agree with lebeenz, Christopher may not be so bad. We had no tantrums at all from Jove and he's now five! Jaya was bad, but again it was frustration at not being able to make herself understood. Just ignore the bad behaviour, praise the good and figure out the frustrations. You're doing great :)