Robert went for a nap before lunchtime, I gave him a banana to tide him over til after his nap, and he slept for barely 30 minutes (out of a usual 1.5 hour) before he started screaming the place down. When it became apparent to me that that was it for his nap, I got him up, sorted out washing, got the changing bag packed, etc, gave him some lunch.
Appointment was at 2.10pm. Got there about 20 minutes early, and finally got in for the scan. Baby's tummy was almost on the top centile line, but leg was on the 50th, can't remember the head measurement! But estimated weight is 6lb 12oz at 36 weeks exactly.
Here is my gorgeous little baby...
Went up for the fetal health appointment. It took a while to get seen as the midwife was unwilling to do the cervix assessment as I wasn't 37 weeks yet, and had to wait for my consultant (who was around) to come out and do it herself. Finally got called through, asked if I wanted the toilet then to go into a designated room, strip off down there and get under a sheet... lol at dignities going out of the window!!
Anyway, cervix assessment when she finally came in (was sat there waiting for about 5-10 minutes) was apparently favourable for a 2nd time mum, she reckons only 2 tablets will do the trick. Anyway, long story short, although I'm still not 100% happy, on my good days I'm 60-70% happy, I think if I go in there well prepared I will stand a good chance, so induction date has been set for 25th September, if things go well and quickly I may be a mum by the evening, if not, hopefully the 26th. We shall see.
But in the meantime... natural labour vibes would be appreciated. Going to order a birth/exercise ball tomorrow, and start doing everything I can to bring it on naturally. At least I know that if I do go into labour now, baby is a decent weight and should do well. And two weeks time.. well baby might still be under 8lb. I'm shocked that I might actually get my 8lber this time!
So excited for you and definitely sending you natural labor vibes! Hope the next two weeks will be the perfect combination of peacefulness and productivity for you. I can't believe it's almost time to meet your gorgeous new little one... Time has flown by! Hugs!