Robert loves his morning milky, and immediately he's placed on the bed, he scoots up the bed to me, pulls the covers down, and settles himself in between us, snuggled closely into my body, his little hand resting on me and his head gently on my arm. He nurses for a long time in the mornings. And carries on coming on and off for the hour (!) we usually spend upstairs waking up together.
This morning, he snuggled up to me as usual, and after 10-15 minutes, hearing Daddy start to snore again lightly, he lifted his head up, said "Dada?" and when Jonathan replied, he lifted himself up, moved over to Jonathan, said "Dada" again, and kissed him :) Then he looked at me, said "Mama", kissed me, and settled back down for more milky.
It was such a precious moment, one that I will treasure forever. I love our morning ritual, our cuddles all three of us in bed, the soft tender look in his face as he nurses. He is so relaxed and happy in bed with us in the morning, and I love our gentle and loving start to the day. I love that he so obviously loves us, and enjoys his closeness with us.
He is such a loving, affectionate boy, but also playful, cheeky, and so so independant and curious! He loves new games, and finds great hilarity in some of them, his face lights up as he beams, laughs loudly, and does it again :)
His grandad (Jonathan's dad) often teaches him new games, and his new one is seeing a closed fist, he will blow on it, and expects the hand (or just the thumb) to pop out or open. :) He finds it absolutely hilarious when it does and blows on our hands in quick succession to make it happen again! He also is fascinated by "magic" tricks. Obviously very simple tricks, such as passing objects from one hand to the other, or hiding an object somewhere without him seeing it, the look of surprise on his face when it's not where he expects it to be is so funny, as is the look of absolute glee when he does find it! Sometimes he's not so easily fooled, and knows where it's gone, in which occasions, his laugh of glee is that much louder. :)
Robert, while he is such a placid boy, he is getting his tantrummy moments, although they're never *very* bad. I've yet to see him throw himself down on the floor and pound it with his fists or the like. He's also discovered "no", and uses it very often during the day whenever he's asked to do something he doesn't want to do!
He's also got a very strong liking for "eeeee-ee" now, and goes up to the bookshelf, picks up the TV remote and looks at me saying "eeee-ee" whenever he wants it on. He wants it on a lot. I try to keep it turned off in the morning for several hours, but I must admit I do find it a useful tool if I need to get any jobs done, he is usually happy intermittantly watching TV and playing with his toys, although occasionally I will hear a loud "MAMA??" as he wonders where I am! He seems to love "Show me show me" on Cbeebies with Chris and Poi, and he likes "Our Planet" as he's very into animals and will often make the sounds of the animals as they come up on the screen or say their names. He finds Waybaloo hilarious now, and often yells "GOGO!" when the chimes start playing, signalling the start of "yogo", and bursts into fits of laughter when the Piplings float about in the opening and closing credits :) It's nice when we go to groups, or have the in-laws around, because those days his TV watching is much more limited. It seems easier to keep Robert entertained with different people around him, or in a different setting, and he never misses "eeee-ee" in these situations.
I do find it absolutely astonishing and amazing what a little boy he has become, he is definitely no longer a baby, and hasn't been for a long time now, but rather a very independant-minded cheeky funloving boy who still cherishes his snuggle times with Mama :) I find myself cherishing every snuggle, like I just want to stay in that moment forever. Drinking in every grin, and holding on to every word and precious sound I know he uses to mean something specific. I adore the night time cuddles he gives us before he goes to bed, where he lays his head down on our chest, and his sweet kisses which are still open mouthed but getting less so as time goes on. I will miss his sweet open mouthed kisses when they go! I am clinging onto every single piece of "babyhood" that Robert has left, because before long they will all disappear! But I'm sure I shall enjoy his new "big boy" stage just as much, and his little brother or sister will be around to pick up the "babyhood" when he lets it go!
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