I know compared to some people, my two pregnancies so far have been very close together, but I am still having trouble remembering aspects of Robert's pregnancy. Specifically just how active he was. I remember saying that he was soooo active, but him being my first I had no benchmark to set it against! Plus I suspect his placenta was at the front, whereas Squidge's is at the back, perfectly positioned.
Squidge is SUCH an active baby so far. I think I will only be able to compare him to Robert when I am furthur along, but for now, I think he is definitely far more active than I remember Robert being at this stage. Yesterday I think I felt no less than 7 or 8 kicking SESSIONS where he would also do flips around in my belly and poke his legs and arms about. I felt soft pokey/brushy sensations yesterday at one point right down by my pelvis which I think were his arms and hands. He definitely wakes up a bit when I lay down for bed, which I love because it's dark and still and quiet (and since I go to bed before Jonathan I get these movements and kicks all to myself!). I am currently feeling yet more kicks and wriggles. Development sites say that around now babies have a set awake/sleep patterns, and are asleep for over 90% of the time, maybe as much as 95% of the time, which just boggles me the amount I'm getting my insides booted around! It's nice at this stage because Squidge isn't quite big enough to be kicking uncomfortable places, unless he's in the position to be kicking my bladder! But I do so look forward to feeling even STRONGER kicks! I love watching my belly when he's particularly active and seeing my belly blip out! Given my size I do find it amazing how much I can feel with my hand, and see at this relatively early stage!
I am also in the early stages of heartburn again. It's not distractingly bad at the moment, but I do notice it when I get it, but it generally goes away by itself. I am using up my rennies I bought when pregnant with Robert, and will get a prescription when I next see the midwife for gaviscon (shudder) when they run out. I am also getting up generally at least twice in the night for a pee, which is a bit of a pain, combined with Jonathan's snoring, means I don't get as much sleep as I generally need.
Ahem, well I saved this entry at this point 4 days ago, and forgot all about it *blush* so I might as well finish it off! I changed the title, it said 22 weeks 3 days but I'm not 23 weeks exactly! Oopsy!
Anyway, Robert is gradually becoming a little chatterbox, he's constantly saying "stuff", mainly babbling but he has now started saying "car" again with a vengeance! He has added "chair" to his vocabulary, and re-added car which he hadn't said in a couple of months after he first said it! ;)
I'm pretty certain he is starting being able to distinguish colours and knows what we mean when we ask him for the "blue one" or the "red one". :)
We bought Robert new shoes from Clarks the other weekend. He was in a pair of size 4 trainers from matalan, and anyway, we took him, and he measured as a size 5.. ahem, oops! And he's actually in size 6 for growth room!!! Oh well! Anyway we decided to get him a pair of shoes and a pair of sandles, which set us back almost £60.. ouch! Anyway, he love love LOVES his sandles, which are these ones...
And we also got him a pair of normal shoes.. which are these ones...
Yesterday he looked around the lounge, spotted his shoes and picked them up, but kept looking around, and seemed to be getting more and more distressed. I figured he was looking for his sandles, which were upstairs, so I asked him if he was looking for his sandles, and he immediately looked less distressed. I told him they were upstairs and that I'd go and get them, and he immediately got up and ran to the stairs, so I went upstairs, brought them down. He grabbed them off me immediately, then as I sat down, he ran up to me, sat on my lap, and proceeded to open my hands and put the sandles in them! Then lifted his feet to try and get his feet in my hands! Hehe! Funny boy! So I put his sandles on and he was so pleased, and spent the next 5 minutes running backwards and forwards in the room ;)
I've got him a pair of crocs style sandles as well, as anyone on facebook can probably tell we're going on holiday next week (well, leaving this Saturday) so we thought we'd get him some sandles we don't mind getting ruined! We're going to north Cornwall, to the same town we went to for our 1 year "being together" anniversary, over 8 years ago now! Jonathan was going to propose to me there but I somehow managed to get him to propose 6 months earlier hahaha!
I am thoroughly looking forward to this holiday, we've not been on holiday since September 2006, which was 2 years before I was even pregnant with Robert!!! I am a little nervous about the sheer amount of things we will need (and just SO thankful we don't need to take our travel cot or highchair with us as the cottage will provide them!) and whether we will be able to fit it all in Jonathan's tiny 2 door Toyota Yaris! I've started packing already which I'm pleased about, Robert's things are mostly done we just need to get the last minute things like the plates and bowls, shampoo and bubble bath packed for him. Then the toys we'll want to take with us, plus some others for the journey, and our clothes and things too. Hopefully we won't need all three suitcases, but we'll need an extra bag for the toys!!! And then trying to squeeze in the pushchair! Still, at least we will be the last holiday with a small car, we're going to upgrade to a bigger car before Squidge is here.
I am surprised that none of my dreams have been related to Squidge as such, I've had no true baby dreams, or maybe one or two but ages ago! I still have no inkling as to Squidge's gender within me if you know what I mean, but I'm still maintaining that it's a boy. But to me there still feels like there's a 50/50 chance. I don't know if that makes any sense at all!
Anyway here are some photos of my little boy :)
Enjoying a toddler ride at Wicksteed :)
Lots of climbing frames and toddler playgrounds there! He really enjoyed it!
Playing with his train track in the garden! :)
Cuddling up with his bunny on the beanbag :)
Enjoying bath time :)
Fast asleep cuddling his polar bear! He loves to snuggle up holding a cuddly toy when he sleeps, we found him fast asleep still at 8am a week ago or so, and Jonathan went in to take photos :)
Robert enjoying the nice weather in his paddling pool :)
And drinking the water... which had sun cream all in it where it had washed off Robert a little!! Nice!
Going down the slide all wet... shooting off the end and giving himself a slide phobia... argh!
Helping Mummy sweep the pebbles back up - really need to lay paving slabs there instead of those damned pebbles!!
Anyway that's about it!
If I don't update before, then I probably won't until the 20th at least, possibly 21st. I have my 24 (+4) week appointment on the 21st so will probably update then.
I'll try and get my 24 week photo taken on holiday if I remember! I think it's grown loads since 20 weeks already! I just love having a bump! Makes me feel just so much more attractive than when I'm just fat! (But still, once the bump goes, I'm definitely going to get rid of the fat!!!) I'm doing quite well lately on not gaining much weight, the last two weeks I've gained no weight at all to speak of, there's been less than 1lb fluctuation each week which I'm really pleased about, I don't particularly want to lose weight, I just don't want to gain much!! So despite gaining about a stone in 3-4 weeks previously I've tried to be sensible and so far it's working. Although I bet I'll have gained when I step on the scales after the holiday! lol! Right, back to business! Hope you have a great week and a half (or so!)
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