The wait for my scan date is AGONISING! I literally leapt off the sofa this morning when I heard something light slip through the letter box, only to find it was a friggin charity bag. I am expecting it around a week after my midwife appointment, but that doesn't stop me from being excited and thinking maybe.. just maybe it'll get here a little sooner.
I think, yet again, I am one of the lucky ones. I've been so convinced I wouldn't miss morning sickness again, but it seems I am! I very occasionally feel a little sicky first thing in the morning, but I generally feel well! I am sort of waiting for things to get worse, but so far, nope! And what with a good BP and clear wee on my first appointment, I just get the feeling that this will be another text book pregnancy although I bet I'll suffer with the heartburn and swollen ankles again! I am going to invest in a couple of good pairs of flight socks for the swollen ankles/feet, as I won't be able to spend my entire last 2 months of pregnancy laid on the sofa with my feet on a beanbag like last time!!!
Although the midwife appointment made it official, it still isn't feeling very real to me. I'm sure that within a month when I will have seen my little baby it will feel more real!
Anyway! My little baby is very cute :) Well I should say my big baby really :) He is mastering some animal noises and he is gradually expanding his vocabulary of noises, but speaking seems a very long way off yet. But his understanding of us is so good! I nearly wet myself laughing last night, when Robert was running around the landing after getting ready for bed, but Jonathan wasn't quite finished with him, so he called out to Robert "Come on, litte monkey!" and Robert, who knows exactly what a monkey says, immediately called out "oooh aaah ahhh!" and still continued to run around :)
He has 13 teeth now. Although five of these are still coming through. He now has eight incisors, two top molars, two top canines, and one bottom molar. His teething hasn't been too bad, he's still slept through although a couple of times he's woken up way too early. But generally he still sleeps well. And finally yesterday we have started seeing nice fairly solid poos again for the first time in what seems like months!! We can actually tip them down the loo! So nice, compared to the ones we've been getting for ages, the smeary, sticky, really disgusting nappies. I am pleased that I didn't get morning sickness too badly or that would be just awful! Anywayyy. I'd best be off! Have a great weekend!
Saturday, 27 February 2010
Thursday, 25 February 2010
8 weeks 1 day - midwife appointment
Well, I had my midwife appointment a couple of days ago. It went really well. :) I know it's only my first one, but blood pressure was "very good" at 110/55, wee was clear, and we had quite a long chat about bits and bobs. She asked me straight out "what are you going to do with this one?" which got me wondering what she meant, but she elaborated, was I going to have another home birth this time. And while I've not made my mind up 100% I am thinking yes, but it won't be another water birth. She said to me (after I asked her for her opinion) that they would recommend a hospital birth after the way Robert's home birth went, but they would honour my wishes. And I said that with the benefit of hindsight, I think this birth would go better than Robert's, as I wouldn't give birth on my back (or reclined as I was), I would give birth squatting, and not in water.
But she went through all the normal forms, asked me about my periods, at which point I *ahem* fibbed a little, and gave my LMP as a couple of days before it actually was, and said that I didn't know how long my cycles were because *ahem* that was my first and only period since Robert was born. She dated me as 30th September due date but I know it's actually 5-7th October. I then found out in the evening when Sarah came around that she has her scan at 12 weeks not 14 like she said before... so I'll probably have mine at 11 weeks! LOL! Ah well! And then have to wait another 5 weeks after for my midwife appointment. But it'll mean we can see baby sooner, and tell the parents sooner :) So I'm looking forward to getting the mail with my scan date. :)
She also took my booking bloods then and there, which was great because it meant I didn't have to go back another day. She was pleased when I told her that I was A positive blood type "Ah good, a nice common one" lol ;)
Although I keep spotting (I had some the morning of my appointment) I have a good feeling about the pregnancy. I just know it's going to go ok. But then I think you do have to tell yourself that anyway. At least in the beginning weeks. I think the first 16 weeks, until you hear the heartbeat for the first time, are a constant worry. Until you start feeling baby move, you just have to have faith all is ok. Even when you get the scan and all is ok then, you do just worry that the next time you have a checkup they won't find the heartbeat.
With regards to my scan, I have decided not to have the nuchal test. I had it with Robert, and got my results in the post. Low risk. It was then that I realised, ok, what does that actually mean? Nothing! I might be that 1 in 1000 or whatever that has the baby with downs. It's still possible, just not probable. So this time I have decided against it. I would not terminate a downs baby. I saw the beginning of a youtube video (it was linked on the side of a 4d scan video) an anti-abortion video, and OMG I immediately regretted clicking on it. How anyone could do that to a baby, THEIR baby.. the pain the poor thing must feel. I don't know if there are more humane ways of doing it but still... it almost made me sick. But anyway, I digress. I saw no point of the nuchal test, so it will simply be a dating scan. Some people have said that some hospitals do it so that if it comes back under 12 weeks they give you another in a couple of weeks time to check the growth. I don't know if Kettering does that, but we shall see.
I'll be expecting my scan date through about a week after my midwife appointment, so maybe around next tuesday. By the time my scan date comes through I could be only 2 weeks away from having a scan! :D And I most likely will get one before Easter now, so once we get the date through we can organise things with the family :) And go and get 3 frames ready ;) I'm so excited. I can't wait to see our parents' faces! I talked for quite a long time on MSN to my mum last night, and somehow I managed to not tell her, but also not tell her about Sarah's pregnancy. If I told her that Sarah was pregnant, she'd start questioning me about how I felt about it, and if I was, or whatever, so I just didn't tell her at all :) Although part of me is wondering if Jonathan's parents are beginning to suspect, what with my doctors appointment and the fact it took an hour from when I left to when I got back (I did say I was waiting a long time lol) and my extreme tiredness, and I have been wondering if I have been talking about Sarah's pregnancy too much, or Robert's. And when the scan DOES come through, I asked the midwife if they allowed children in there, and she said they don't... so we're going to have to come up with a pretty good excuse as to why they'll babysit at a pretty weird time (in the middle of the week, possibly middle of the morning or afternoon). Any ideas??? lol! The only thing I can think of is that Jonathan tells his parents he's booked the day off and that he's taking me out as a surprise or something! And hope it doesn't fall on a Thursday as they're generally unable to help on a Thursday. Or.... Jonathan could take Robert over there in the morning, saying I'm tired, pretend he's going off to work, but come back and pick me up (or hide me in the car while he takes Robert in) and then we head off to Kettering for the scan, then go back home and Jonathan goes off to work in the afternoon, and his parents bring back Robert in the afternoon. Hmmm that could work if it's a morning appointment! If it's an afternoon appointment we might have to think again!
But she went through all the normal forms, asked me about my periods, at which point I *ahem* fibbed a little, and gave my LMP as a couple of days before it actually was, and said that I didn't know how long my cycles were because *ahem* that was my first and only period since Robert was born. She dated me as 30th September due date but I know it's actually 5-7th October. I then found out in the evening when Sarah came around that she has her scan at 12 weeks not 14 like she said before... so I'll probably have mine at 11 weeks! LOL! Ah well! And then have to wait another 5 weeks after for my midwife appointment. But it'll mean we can see baby sooner, and tell the parents sooner :) So I'm looking forward to getting the mail with my scan date. :)
She also took my booking bloods then and there, which was great because it meant I didn't have to go back another day. She was pleased when I told her that I was A positive blood type "Ah good, a nice common one" lol ;)
Although I keep spotting (I had some the morning of my appointment) I have a good feeling about the pregnancy. I just know it's going to go ok. But then I think you do have to tell yourself that anyway. At least in the beginning weeks. I think the first 16 weeks, until you hear the heartbeat for the first time, are a constant worry. Until you start feeling baby move, you just have to have faith all is ok. Even when you get the scan and all is ok then, you do just worry that the next time you have a checkup they won't find the heartbeat.
With regards to my scan, I have decided not to have the nuchal test. I had it with Robert, and got my results in the post. Low risk. It was then that I realised, ok, what does that actually mean? Nothing! I might be that 1 in 1000 or whatever that has the baby with downs. It's still possible, just not probable. So this time I have decided against it. I would not terminate a downs baby. I saw the beginning of a youtube video (it was linked on the side of a 4d scan video) an anti-abortion video, and OMG I immediately regretted clicking on it. How anyone could do that to a baby, THEIR baby.. the pain the poor thing must feel. I don't know if there are more humane ways of doing it but still... it almost made me sick. But anyway, I digress. I saw no point of the nuchal test, so it will simply be a dating scan. Some people have said that some hospitals do it so that if it comes back under 12 weeks they give you another in a couple of weeks time to check the growth. I don't know if Kettering does that, but we shall see.
I'll be expecting my scan date through about a week after my midwife appointment, so maybe around next tuesday. By the time my scan date comes through I could be only 2 weeks away from having a scan! :D And I most likely will get one before Easter now, so once we get the date through we can organise things with the family :) And go and get 3 frames ready ;) I'm so excited. I can't wait to see our parents' faces! I talked for quite a long time on MSN to my mum last night, and somehow I managed to not tell her, but also not tell her about Sarah's pregnancy. If I told her that Sarah was pregnant, she'd start questioning me about how I felt about it, and if I was, or whatever, so I just didn't tell her at all :) Although part of me is wondering if Jonathan's parents are beginning to suspect, what with my doctors appointment and the fact it took an hour from when I left to when I got back (I did say I was waiting a long time lol) and my extreme tiredness, and I have been wondering if I have been talking about Sarah's pregnancy too much, or Robert's. And when the scan DOES come through, I asked the midwife if they allowed children in there, and she said they don't... so we're going to have to come up with a pretty good excuse as to why they'll babysit at a pretty weird time (in the middle of the week, possibly middle of the morning or afternoon). Any ideas??? lol! The only thing I can think of is that Jonathan tells his parents he's booked the day off and that he's taking me out as a surprise or something! And hope it doesn't fall on a Thursday as they're generally unable to help on a Thursday. Or.... Jonathan could take Robert over there in the morning, saying I'm tired, pretend he's going off to work, but come back and pick me up (or hide me in the car while he takes Robert in) and then we head off to Kettering for the scan, then go back home and Jonathan goes off to work in the afternoon, and his parents bring back Robert in the afternoon. Hmmm that could work if it's a morning appointment! If it's an afternoon appointment we might have to think again!
Sunday, 21 February 2010
7 weeks 4 days - names! Argh!
I know we have another 32 weeks to think of names, but yesterday throughout the whole day I spent going through page after page of names, and finally got through the whole lot with a fairly decent sized shortlist for both boys and girls. Jonathan had a look at them (granted it wasn't a very long look) but he immediately vetoed 2 of the 9 girls names and 3 of the boys names (definitely, no way he was going to have those names kinda thing) and he also told me that he didn't actually like ANY of the boys names I'd chosen at ALL, apart from one, maybe. Which really disappointed me actually, as I'd chosen names that lept out at me, I really like all of them (although I must say the only one he "sort of" likes is the one I like least! Argh!), and I knew that a couple he would say a definite no to, but there were 3 of them I thought he would like!!! They are quite traditional names, not "made up" sounding, they've been around a long time if you know what I mean. And one that I really do really really like, he said "sounded like a girl's name"!!! That one being Darrell (or Darryl). Another one he said sounded "too Scottish" (!!) and another he said was "too old fashioned"! Those being Callum and Samuel. I really thought those 3 he would like. So I am really quite disappointed.
So I told him to go through a baby names website and come up with his own list of names, as he really didn't like any of the ones I've chosen :(
Although, good news is that the girls list I came up with had more luck! One of the names he did really like (and it wasn't Chloe lol, I didn't put that on the list because if he did he would have just said "oh, chloe, you like that so let's go for that because I really like it!" I might reconsider it in a few months time but we will see how I feel!), and it's one I really like too! He didn't like Penelope, or Jayleen, or Cailyn ("sounds too much like Caitlyn and sounds wrong") But there is one name that might well be a good girl's name contender :) I'll keep it a secret for now! But we'll see what Jonathan comes up with. I'm just so gutted that he doesn't like any of the boys names I suggested. But at the same time I don't want him to just succumb to what I want, I want him to really like it too! And feel like he's had an intregal part of choosing this baby's name. We shall have to see I guess.
Midwife appointment in 3 days! (well, 2 and a half ish) I am very eager to get my scan appointment through, and am hoping that it is in March but I fear I might be setting myself up for huge disappointment in that respect when it turns out to be April, which would mean I would either have to post-pone my dad's visit, or make another trip within the next week or two to go see him with his surprise! Maybe I'll see if I can make the appointment myself, if I can find the right phone number! Anyway that's about it for today. We're going to see Aunty Naomi whose birthday it is today, hopefully the snow won't be too much trouble! :)
So I told him to go through a baby names website and come up with his own list of names, as he really didn't like any of the ones I've chosen :(
Although, good news is that the girls list I came up with had more luck! One of the names he did really like (and it wasn't Chloe lol, I didn't put that on the list because if he did he would have just said "oh, chloe, you like that so let's go for that because I really like it!" I might reconsider it in a few months time but we will see how I feel!), and it's one I really like too! He didn't like Penelope, or Jayleen, or Cailyn ("sounds too much like Caitlyn and sounds wrong") But there is one name that might well be a good girl's name contender :) I'll keep it a secret for now! But we'll see what Jonathan comes up with. I'm just so gutted that he doesn't like any of the boys names I suggested. But at the same time I don't want him to just succumb to what I want, I want him to really like it too! And feel like he's had an intregal part of choosing this baby's name. We shall have to see I guess.
Midwife appointment in 3 days! (well, 2 and a half ish) I am very eager to get my scan appointment through, and am hoping that it is in March but I fear I might be setting myself up for huge disappointment in that respect when it turns out to be April, which would mean I would either have to post-pone my dad's visit, or make another trip within the next week or two to go see him with his surprise! Maybe I'll see if I can make the appointment myself, if I can find the right phone number! Anyway that's about it for today. We're going to see Aunty Naomi whose birthday it is today, hopefully the snow won't be too much trouble! :)
Saturday, 20 February 2010
7 weeks 3 days - worse for wear
I am not feeling too good right now. After a bit of a row with Jonathan last night. (I was annoyed because Robert wouldn't settle and it was really stressing me out, and there was Jonathan sitting there at his computer. I got up to try and settle him which didn't work. Came out him screaming, I was arghhh.. Jonathan still sat there on his arse, anyway it turned out he was waiting for 5 minutes before he went in, and I was annoyed because I wanted him to show a little initiative and see that the fact I was obviously stressed out meant I wanted him to GET UP and HELP! But anyway.) I ended up going to bed at 8.30. Didn't have any tea (but to be honest I was feeling so bloated from finishing off Robert's tea (some pizza toast!!!). Robert woke up early, he had some milk and then slept for another half an hour. I felt soooo tired. We all had breakfast together, then Jonathan and Robert went to the Surestart (dad and kids session) for a couple of hours. I went back to bed at 10.30. Jonathan came home, and I carried on sleeping for another hour. Then I got up, and I haven't felt very well since :(
I went downstairs to get a drink, and as I was pouring them, I came across feeling really sick. Had a bit of my drink then laid down on the sofa for a few minutes, and then took up the drinks and a couple of bananas, because it felt like I needed to eat something NOW. Felt a little better and have since had a pear and a sandwich, but I just went into the kitchen put some dirty plates out there, and just doing that made me feel awful. I have a HUGE stack of dirty plates I really need to clean (and lets face it, actually start KEEPING on top of! As in, do the damn dishes daily!!!!). I was thinking that since I have a lot of stuff to cook with I'd do some cooking too today but no... I don't feel up for that at all...
I'm now blogging (duh!) and I've also been looking at Baby Names. I'm up to C and have found 3 boys names and 2 girls names. I think once I have gone through the rest I'll then look up their popularity and cross out any that are too popular ;) I think 50 or below is fine, but any 20 and above are definite no-nos.
I am wondering whether to keep you lot in suspense with names this time round once we have decided, in fact whether to tell ANYONE names at all. It was nice to name Robert once we knew he was a boy, and refer to him as Robert all the time. It imprinted the name upon him before he was born, whereas if we were to not say the name we'd have to call him or her "baby" and if we call it by name with the two of us it'd be easy to slip up, or if we just called it "baby" but knew what the name was just never called it by name, we might end up looking at the baby and changing our mind, or thinking "but he doesn't look like a Fred, I guess it's back to the drawing board" sort of thing.
Something that is surprising me is that the names I am looking at this time around are mostly very different to the ones I liked when I was pregnant with Robert! I have completely gone off Chloe (apart from the fact it's uber-popular) much to Jonathan's annoyance. I am hoping that some of the names I shortlist he will like just as much.
I must admit.. I am beginning to get girl vibes. The thought of which is bizarre and maybe even a little scary. I've been a mum to a boy for over a year now, it will seem a little strange having a daughter. Plus I can imagine better than if it is a girl, Jonathan will be definitely more likely to say "ok no more". He says he is keeping an open mind but his current preference is definitely 2 children, and I think it will take a lot of persuasion from me to make him reconsider!
I went downstairs to get a drink, and as I was pouring them, I came across feeling really sick. Had a bit of my drink then laid down on the sofa for a few minutes, and then took up the drinks and a couple of bananas, because it felt like I needed to eat something NOW. Felt a little better and have since had a pear and a sandwich, but I just went into the kitchen put some dirty plates out there, and just doing that made me feel awful. I have a HUGE stack of dirty plates I really need to clean (and lets face it, actually start KEEPING on top of! As in, do the damn dishes daily!!!!). I was thinking that since I have a lot of stuff to cook with I'd do some cooking too today but no... I don't feel up for that at all...
I'm now blogging (duh!) and I've also been looking at Baby Names. I'm up to C and have found 3 boys names and 2 girls names. I think once I have gone through the rest I'll then look up their popularity and cross out any that are too popular ;) I think 50 or below is fine, but any 20 and above are definite no-nos.
I am wondering whether to keep you lot in suspense with names this time round once we have decided, in fact whether to tell ANYONE names at all. It was nice to name Robert once we knew he was a boy, and refer to him as Robert all the time. It imprinted the name upon him before he was born, whereas if we were to not say the name we'd have to call him or her "baby" and if we call it by name with the two of us it'd be easy to slip up, or if we just called it "baby" but knew what the name was just never called it by name, we might end up looking at the baby and changing our mind, or thinking "but he doesn't look like a Fred, I guess it's back to the drawing board" sort of thing.
Something that is surprising me is that the names I am looking at this time around are mostly very different to the ones I liked when I was pregnant with Robert! I have completely gone off Chloe (apart from the fact it's uber-popular) much to Jonathan's annoyance. I am hoping that some of the names I shortlist he will like just as much.
I must admit.. I am beginning to get girl vibes. The thought of which is bizarre and maybe even a little scary. I've been a mum to a boy for over a year now, it will seem a little strange having a daughter. Plus I can imagine better than if it is a girl, Jonathan will be definitely more likely to say "ok no more". He says he is keeping an open mind but his current preference is definitely 2 children, and I think it will take a lot of persuasion from me to make him reconsider!
Friday, 19 February 2010
7 weeks 2 days - counting down
4 days until my midwife appointment! This morning I felt "bleughh" again but it was more intestine-y if you know what I mean. Then we had a fun morning involving the cat's bottom, and various (ewww) deposits, one of which (double ewww!) Robert managed to step in!!! So then we spent the morning sniffing around on the floor to find said deposits, and then me holding the cat while Jonathan brandished a plastic food bag and a pair of scissors while I lifted her tail... Bleughhhhh! (she's a long haired cat so anything that gets stuck in her fur near her bottom needs to be cut out really, rather than trying to remove it another way)
There is a lot of snow this morning, over an inch, although most of it fell in the few hours leading up to sunset last night. After what had been a stressful afternoon it was actually quite relaxing watching the snow come down and settling on the floor and the table outside. I'll be going to see Sarah again in a few minutes.
Tomorrow Jonathan is taking Robert to the Surestart Centre for a couple of hours, it's a dad and baby session, so that'll be good, 2 hours to myself! Woohooo! Then on Sunday it's Robert's Aunty Naomi's birthday so we'll be seeing her. Then I will only have to get through Monday and Tuesday morning, then Tuesday afternoon it's the appointment! I shall have to try to not look too excited as the in-laws are coming over and I don't want them wondering why I am excited about a routine doctor's appointment (or if they ask, a smear test!!) lol!
Right, well I'd best be off. Can't believe I'm almost 7 and a half weeks! It's been over 3 weeks since I found out I was pregnant!! These last 3 weeks have gone so quick! And yet counting up it's going slowly, if you know what I mean? lol! Right, see you later!
There is a lot of snow this morning, over an inch, although most of it fell in the few hours leading up to sunset last night. After what had been a stressful afternoon it was actually quite relaxing watching the snow come down and settling on the floor and the table outside. I'll be going to see Sarah again in a few minutes.
Tomorrow Jonathan is taking Robert to the Surestart Centre for a couple of hours, it's a dad and baby session, so that'll be good, 2 hours to myself! Woohooo! Then on Sunday it's Robert's Aunty Naomi's birthday so we'll be seeing her. Then I will only have to get through Monday and Tuesday morning, then Tuesday afternoon it's the appointment! I shall have to try to not look too excited as the in-laws are coming over and I don't want them wondering why I am excited about a routine doctor's appointment (or if they ask, a smear test!!) lol!
Right, well I'd best be off. Can't believe I'm almost 7 and a half weeks! It's been over 3 weeks since I found out I was pregnant!! These last 3 weeks have gone so quick! And yet counting up it's going slowly, if you know what I mean? lol! Right, see you later!
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
6 weeks 6 days - ah it's about time!
I think I am beginning to get morning sickness in a mild form. I am feeling more gaggy, but not really truly feeling like I am about to be sick. I am almost 7 weeks pregnant. On Thursday I will have known for three whole weeks. And that seems crazy! That I will have known for more than half the time I've been pregnant. Little things eh!
Even more amazing is that while *ahem* most of the online communities I am part of know, our families do not. I am still holding onto the thought of them opening up a framed scan picture of our newest little baby and the looks on their faces when they see it, especially those of our parents who don't know we've been trying. My mum knows we've been trying, but she doesn't know as of yet that we've succeeded in conceiving :) In fact the last time we saw her I had infact just begun my last period! And as for my brother finding out, well I think asking him to buy some new nappies for us from costco will work... not for Robert though, I think size 1 nappies will be needed ;)
I have my midwife appointment next Tuesday. One week from today! I can't believe it, I am eager to get the ball rolling, and hopefully get my scan date through the post for sometime towards the end of March. I'm hoping it won't be much later than that though! Please keep your fingers crossed for a March scan date for me!
Today I also (finally!) saw Sarah, my friend who is 4 weeks ahead of me for the first time since we became pregnant. She's about 10 and a half weeks and has her scan in about 3 and a half weeks time. She will be 14 weeks then, and isn't impressed as her scan for Keiran was at 9 weeks lol! But she seems well in herself too, same as me not a lot of sickness per se, but some food aversions. We had a good old natter, the boys played beautifully, and we're going to see each other again tomorrow :) She's bringing along a DVD about babies in utero which looks kinda cool :)
She has names for the baby already, and she's leaning towards boy.. me, I still have no vibes. Nada. :( We have a girl's name (but I'm not 100% sure on it) but no boy's name. And I know for a fact that some of the boy's names I like Jonathan will say no to!
I would really like a sort of unusual name... not one that's just plain stupid, ie, one that's unusual for a reason, but I mentioned while I was pregnant with Robert about Kerryn for a girl, and I really am liking that name. Sort of like Kerry sort of like Karen. And although not quite as unusual, but I like Brendan for a boy, but Jonathan has already strongly vetoed that one :( Sarah's girl name choice is a little unusual, here at least. Well ok, very unusual! But apparently it's quite popular in Ireland. Chloda. I first thought "ehhhhh... ok..." when I heard it, but it's growing on me a bit lol!
Right well I've not had tea yet, and Jonathan is working late most of the week. I bought some sirloin steaks at tesco today, I hope he'll be home for tea soon this week, they're calling out to me ;)
Even more amazing is that while *ahem* most of the online communities I am part of know, our families do not. I am still holding onto the thought of them opening up a framed scan picture of our newest little baby and the looks on their faces when they see it, especially those of our parents who don't know we've been trying. My mum knows we've been trying, but she doesn't know as of yet that we've succeeded in conceiving :) In fact the last time we saw her I had infact just begun my last period! And as for my brother finding out, well I think asking him to buy some new nappies for us from costco will work... not for Robert though, I think size 1 nappies will be needed ;)
I have my midwife appointment next Tuesday. One week from today! I can't believe it, I am eager to get the ball rolling, and hopefully get my scan date through the post for sometime towards the end of March. I'm hoping it won't be much later than that though! Please keep your fingers crossed for a March scan date for me!
Today I also (finally!) saw Sarah, my friend who is 4 weeks ahead of me for the first time since we became pregnant. She's about 10 and a half weeks and has her scan in about 3 and a half weeks time. She will be 14 weeks then, and isn't impressed as her scan for Keiran was at 9 weeks lol! But she seems well in herself too, same as me not a lot of sickness per se, but some food aversions. We had a good old natter, the boys played beautifully, and we're going to see each other again tomorrow :) She's bringing along a DVD about babies in utero which looks kinda cool :)
She has names for the baby already, and she's leaning towards boy.. me, I still have no vibes. Nada. :( We have a girl's name (but I'm not 100% sure on it) but no boy's name. And I know for a fact that some of the boy's names I like Jonathan will say no to!
I would really like a sort of unusual name... not one that's just plain stupid, ie, one that's unusual for a reason, but I mentioned while I was pregnant with Robert about Kerryn for a girl, and I really am liking that name. Sort of like Kerry sort of like Karen. And although not quite as unusual, but I like Brendan for a boy, but Jonathan has already strongly vetoed that one :( Sarah's girl name choice is a little unusual, here at least. Well ok, very unusual! But apparently it's quite popular in Ireland. Chloda. I first thought "ehhhhh... ok..." when I heard it, but it's growing on me a bit lol!
Right well I've not had tea yet, and Jonathan is working late most of the week. I bought some sirloin steaks at tesco today, I hope he'll be home for tea soon this week, they're calling out to me ;)
Friday, 12 February 2010
6 weeks 2 days - no signs really.
I'm still symptom-less, apart from being tired. Although I have managed a couple of days without naps but I do generally feel better if I nap when Robert naps. I'm actually going a little crazy because of lack of symptoms. I don't feel pregnant at alllll, and do sort of wish I had sickness, well, maybe just slight queasiness, so I know I've not just dreamt it all up. I wish I had more pregnancy tests, but in the 5 months TTC I've used up all 25 I had.. :( Only used five since I got pregnant, gave one to Sarah, so that's 19 I've used when I was completely unpregnant! I'm seriously considering going down and getting myself another test just to check.
I've also dredged up my Miriam Stoppard pregnancy book. Been rereading it, and at 6 weeks my baby is a weird alien-esque looking creature with tail, a face that doesn't really look like a face, and a large bulbus heart that is already beating! It's amazing how much my baby will change from now, until my scan (hopefully in 6 weeks time, but most likely in 8 weeks time if the fact that Sarah's scan isn't til 14 weeks is anything like when mine will be.). I am eager for my scan, I hope I get nice clear scan pictures like we did with Robert, so I can post them up and get people to guess at the gender based on the nub! I posted Robert's ones, and 100% of the people that replied (about 7 or 8 people) guessed boy!
I've had no more dreams lately. But I am certain I am only carrying one baby. But I still have no inkling to the gender. I'd probably lean towards boy very slightly right now, but if family traits have even the slightest resemblence (which of course they don't, really, but you never know, I could follow it!!) then it'll be a girl. My dad was first then his sister, my brother was first then me, my uncle was first then my mum, Jonathan first then his sister. We shall see. I have a maximum of 2 months to wait! I think I will lie and say I don't know how long my cycles were at the booking appointment. She will then put me 5 days ahead of what I think I am, so hopefully I will get a scan a week sooner! So 13 weeks if they're going for 14 weeks lately. Or 12 weeks if they're down to 13 weeks ;)
Anywayyyy! I don't know if I mentioned that I gave Robert spaghetti bolognese for the first time the other day. (I got the recipe from a recipe book I've had as when I make it it's quite bland. This one turned out very tasty!!) He looooooved it! He's never had spaghetti before and he mastered sucking it in quite quickly!

He actually began to get a bit fussy with food, and eat a bit then start playing with it. I am putting it down to boredom as it was generally the same stuff he was having each time. Sandwiches for lunch, and for tea usually jacket potato, or cut up bits and bobs (mainly salady bits, cheese, ham, breadsticks) or occasionally a portion of homemade stuff I'd cooked and frozen. Last night I cooked him a pie, some chips and quite a lot of veg, and he WOLFED it down, ate everything on his plate, starting with the veg! Today I did him a chicken kiev, with wedges and veg, and again he ate it all, starting with the veg. But he did lose interest after a while and I had to encourage him to eat it, unlike with the pie. :)
He is also getting to the age where I want to start doing arty bits with him. Jonathan went and bought an easle tonight, and got a little box free, which came with chalks, crayons, paints, paint brush, stamps, foam rollers/brushes, chalk eraser and a protective mat. :) The easle has a white board and a chalk board on it, it's quite big for him at the moment but he can reach about half way up the board ;) The only downside is that it's yet another BIG thing to clutter up our lounge! I think it will have to live in the garage unless it's being used!
Also which is good, is that Robert is now showing interest in his ladybird rocker he got for Christmas.

He tries to climb on it a couple of times a day now, and when he's on (usually once I've helped him up) he's got the hang of rocking on it :) Well that's it for the mega huge update. Hope you're all well! tata!
I've also dredged up my Miriam Stoppard pregnancy book. Been rereading it, and at 6 weeks my baby is a weird alien-esque looking creature with tail, a face that doesn't really look like a face, and a large bulbus heart that is already beating! It's amazing how much my baby will change from now, until my scan (hopefully in 6 weeks time, but most likely in 8 weeks time if the fact that Sarah's scan isn't til 14 weeks is anything like when mine will be.). I am eager for my scan, I hope I get nice clear scan pictures like we did with Robert, so I can post them up and get people to guess at the gender based on the nub! I posted Robert's ones, and 100% of the people that replied (about 7 or 8 people) guessed boy!
I've had no more dreams lately. But I am certain I am only carrying one baby. But I still have no inkling to the gender. I'd probably lean towards boy very slightly right now, but if family traits have even the slightest resemblence (which of course they don't, really, but you never know, I could follow it!!) then it'll be a girl. My dad was first then his sister, my brother was first then me, my uncle was first then my mum, Jonathan first then his sister. We shall see. I have a maximum of 2 months to wait! I think I will lie and say I don't know how long my cycles were at the booking appointment. She will then put me 5 days ahead of what I think I am, so hopefully I will get a scan a week sooner! So 13 weeks if they're going for 14 weeks lately. Or 12 weeks if they're down to 13 weeks ;)
Anywayyyy! I don't know if I mentioned that I gave Robert spaghetti bolognese for the first time the other day. (I got the recipe from a recipe book I've had as when I make it it's quite bland. This one turned out very tasty!!) He looooooved it! He's never had spaghetti before and he mastered sucking it in quite quickly!
He actually began to get a bit fussy with food, and eat a bit then start playing with it. I am putting it down to boredom as it was generally the same stuff he was having each time. Sandwiches for lunch, and for tea usually jacket potato, or cut up bits and bobs (mainly salady bits, cheese, ham, breadsticks) or occasionally a portion of homemade stuff I'd cooked and frozen. Last night I cooked him a pie, some chips and quite a lot of veg, and he WOLFED it down, ate everything on his plate, starting with the veg! Today I did him a chicken kiev, with wedges and veg, and again he ate it all, starting with the veg. But he did lose interest after a while and I had to encourage him to eat it, unlike with the pie. :)
He is also getting to the age where I want to start doing arty bits with him. Jonathan went and bought an easle tonight, and got a little box free, which came with chalks, crayons, paints, paint brush, stamps, foam rollers/brushes, chalk eraser and a protective mat. :) The easle has a white board and a chalk board on it, it's quite big for him at the moment but he can reach about half way up the board ;) The only downside is that it's yet another BIG thing to clutter up our lounge! I think it will have to live in the garage unless it's being used!
Also which is good, is that Robert is now showing interest in his ladybird rocker he got for Christmas.
He tries to climb on it a couple of times a day now, and when he's on (usually once I've helped him up) he's got the hang of rocking on it :) Well that's it for the mega huge update. Hope you're all well! tata!
Monday, 8 February 2010
5 weeks 5 days - Sickness or not?
Friday was better. We went out to Milton Keynes for a dinner at a Chinese buffet with Jonathan's colleagues to say farewell to some who had been made redundant. It was a good evening, although Saturday morning I was laid up in bed in agony, and feeling very sick, and was sure that this was the beginning of morning sickness. I blamed it on the Chinese to my in-laws. I wasn't actually sick but I felt like I was going to! Anyway, I've been fine since, so it turned out it WAS the chinese after all.
I am feeling decidedly NOT pregnant. Although I am glad that morning sickness hasn't caught up with me yet, it might reassure me if I did get it. I hate the waiting around of the first trimester, wondering what's going on, if all is okay, etc.
I've not had red spotting for a good few days now. But I still get brownish cervical mucus most days.
Anyway that's about all the news I have I'm afraid. Going to go to Toddler Active again this afternoon. It was good last week, Robert enjoyed all the boxes and balls a lot! (Something for early toddlers to practise walking, climbing, balancing skills at the surestart centre)
I am feeling decidedly NOT pregnant. Although I am glad that morning sickness hasn't caught up with me yet, it might reassure me if I did get it. I hate the waiting around of the first trimester, wondering what's going on, if all is okay, etc.
I've not had red spotting for a good few days now. But I still get brownish cervical mucus most days.
Anyway that's about all the news I have I'm afraid. Going to go to Toddler Active again this afternoon. It was good last week, Robert enjoyed all the boxes and balls a lot! (Something for early toddlers to practise walking, climbing, balancing skills at the surestart centre)
Friday, 5 February 2010
Phew.. a new day. 5 weeks 2 days
Yesterday was AWFUL. I'm sure if you have me on facebook you already know this!
It went something like this:
Nicola is wondering what today will bring as Robert was up screaming at 3am and moaning every half hour before then, presumably due to his 2 naps. We shall see!
Yesterday at 08:50
Nicola is going braindead from all the screechy screaming of a 14 month old who is tired but WILL NOT SLEEP! Arghhh!
Yesterday at 11:49
Nicola has given up.
Yesterday at 12:46
Nicola from 2 naps yesterday to none today. Hurrah. Roll on 6pm. He can go to bed early tonight. And so will I.
Yesterday at 15:48
Nicola is listening to Robert screaming downstairs, he's in his highchair with a ham sandwich in front of him (his favourite) but he's still screaming and I don't know why... need 5 minutes breather... the sooner he goes to sleep the better, before I lose my mind or worse.... :(
Yesterday at 16:58
Nicola is now listening to Robert screaming in his cot. Anyone notice a recurring theme in these status updates today?
Yesterday at 17:44
Nicola is now on strike until Jonathan goes to work tomorrow morning unless there is an emergency. I have officially had ENOUGH.
Yesterday at 18:36
So yeah, basically he screamed ALL DAY. And by the end of it I was screaming right along with him, and sobbing into the sofa. And wondering WHY ON EARTH anyone wants more than 1 child??!? And wondering what on earth I had done becoming pregnant again... And wondering how I'd cope if Robert has days like that regularly... or if a year from now I have two screaming children and I'm at the end of my tether...
He finally DID eat his sandwich, once I let him out of his highchair and he calmed down, he then grabbed a bit off the table and walked around eating it, which I never usually let him do but yesterday I was too upset and stressed to worry about (more) crumbs on the carpet.
I put Robert down to sleep at 5.30pm. He finally actually dropped off to sleep (cried himself to sleep) at just before 6. I crawled into bed thinking thank GOD finally I can get some sleep myself. I had JUST drifted off to sleep when I heard screaming that carried on for 5 minutes before I thought I should get up... it was 6.25. Arghhh! I was sooooo pissed! Newly pregnant (and thus very tired all the time) with no naps at all that day, urgh I was so so so tired! Finally Robert went to sleep at 7pm. I went downstairs, made myself a hot chocolate, and put some stargate on, and that's where Jonathan found me when he came home, and told him that Robert was now his responsibility until he went to work tomorrow. Came upstairs, read a few forums while Jonathan ate his cereal (his tea - I didn't feel like any), and then I went to bed at 8pm. And this morning I do feel better for it.
But boy, I sure felt like the worst mum on the planet yesterday :( Going to make it up to him though.
Right now I'm just pleased because Robert went to sleep very quickly in his cot for his nap, no holding or rocking him for the entire time necessary. I think it's safe to say he's back to his 1 nap a day after only 1 day with 2 again ;)
Oh and the three of us all have colds. Arghh! Nevermind, and thanks for reading what was quite a ranty entry!
It went something like this:
Nicola is wondering what today will bring as Robert was up screaming at 3am and moaning every half hour before then, presumably due to his 2 naps. We shall see!
Yesterday at 08:50
Nicola is going braindead from all the screechy screaming of a 14 month old who is tired but WILL NOT SLEEP! Arghhh!
Yesterday at 11:49
Nicola has given up.
Yesterday at 12:46
Nicola from 2 naps yesterday to none today. Hurrah. Roll on 6pm. He can go to bed early tonight. And so will I.
Yesterday at 15:48
Nicola is listening to Robert screaming downstairs, he's in his highchair with a ham sandwich in front of him (his favourite) but he's still screaming and I don't know why... need 5 minutes breather... the sooner he goes to sleep the better, before I lose my mind or worse.... :(
Yesterday at 16:58
Nicola is now listening to Robert screaming in his cot. Anyone notice a recurring theme in these status updates today?
Yesterday at 17:44
Nicola is now on strike until Jonathan goes to work tomorrow morning unless there is an emergency. I have officially had ENOUGH.
Yesterday at 18:36
So yeah, basically he screamed ALL DAY. And by the end of it I was screaming right along with him, and sobbing into the sofa. And wondering WHY ON EARTH anyone wants more than 1 child??!? And wondering what on earth I had done becoming pregnant again... And wondering how I'd cope if Robert has days like that regularly... or if a year from now I have two screaming children and I'm at the end of my tether...
He finally DID eat his sandwich, once I let him out of his highchair and he calmed down, he then grabbed a bit off the table and walked around eating it, which I never usually let him do but yesterday I was too upset and stressed to worry about (more) crumbs on the carpet.
I put Robert down to sleep at 5.30pm. He finally actually dropped off to sleep (cried himself to sleep) at just before 6. I crawled into bed thinking thank GOD finally I can get some sleep myself. I had JUST drifted off to sleep when I heard screaming that carried on for 5 minutes before I thought I should get up... it was 6.25. Arghhh! I was sooooo pissed! Newly pregnant (and thus very tired all the time) with no naps at all that day, urgh I was so so so tired! Finally Robert went to sleep at 7pm. I went downstairs, made myself a hot chocolate, and put some stargate on, and that's where Jonathan found me when he came home, and told him that Robert was now his responsibility until he went to work tomorrow. Came upstairs, read a few forums while Jonathan ate his cereal (his tea - I didn't feel like any), and then I went to bed at 8pm. And this morning I do feel better for it.
But boy, I sure felt like the worst mum on the planet yesterday :( Going to make it up to him though.
Right now I'm just pleased because Robert went to sleep very quickly in his cot for his nap, no holding or rocking him for the entire time necessary. I think it's safe to say he's back to his 1 nap a day after only 1 day with 2 again ;)
Oh and the three of us all have colds. Arghh! Nevermind, and thanks for reading what was quite a ranty entry!
Thursday, 4 February 2010
Robert's sleep was very erratic yesterday. He fell asleep on me downstairs (!) at 10.30am, we moved upstairs at 11am, and he slept then until 12.30. Then he slept for another hour at 4pm (!) which I was amazed at, he hasn't had two naps for MONTHS!
Then went to bed around 8-8.30 or so. However, he was up screaming at 3am, having had moans every half hour for the previous 3 hours.
He's acted tired a LOT this morning, and have just in the last few minutes put him in his cot but he's crying and will see if he'll settle, will go and settle him if he hasn't in a few minutes.
I have no idea what the day will bring regarding naps, or how his sleep will go tonight, but it's just a case of wait and see I think!
I am needing to nap every day. I am physically and mentally exhausted. And even if I go to bed early, more often than not I am still awake when Jonathan comes to bed, due to thoughts swirling around in my mind for hours keeping me awake! Last night wasn't so bad for that luckily, but due to aforementioned 3am waking I am still absolutely knackered, my eyelids are so heavy!
I am still having spotting regularly. That's all it is though, spotting. The second it progresses into more severe bleeding I'm phoning up the doctor. It's bright red spotting so it is always worrying me a little, but as it's not much, and clears up quickly, I am still confident it is just implantation.
I have my first midwife appointment booked, for Tuesday 23rd February at 3pm. The timing is a bit of a pain actually as Tuesday afternoons is when the in-laws come over, MIL looks after Robert while FIL takes me shopping. And as we are keeping it a secret from family and friends until we have the scan, I can't tell them I have a midwife appointment! So I'll either cancel, say I don't need to go shopping, and take Robert with me, or I'll tell them I have a smear test, and take a big bag to hide the folder I'll be given.
Anyway, I have to go... Robert is still screaming, he won't settle at all even though I can tell he's tired, it's got to the stage where he's screaming in a screechy manner even though I keep going in there to sing and re-settle him.. Argh! Remind me why I wanted another!!!
Then went to bed around 8-8.30 or so. However, he was up screaming at 3am, having had moans every half hour for the previous 3 hours.
He's acted tired a LOT this morning, and have just in the last few minutes put him in his cot but he's crying and will see if he'll settle, will go and settle him if he hasn't in a few minutes.
I have no idea what the day will bring regarding naps, or how his sleep will go tonight, but it's just a case of wait and see I think!
I am needing to nap every day. I am physically and mentally exhausted. And even if I go to bed early, more often than not I am still awake when Jonathan comes to bed, due to thoughts swirling around in my mind for hours keeping me awake! Last night wasn't so bad for that luckily, but due to aforementioned 3am waking I am still absolutely knackered, my eyelids are so heavy!
I am still having spotting regularly. That's all it is though, spotting. The second it progresses into more severe bleeding I'm phoning up the doctor. It's bright red spotting so it is always worrying me a little, but as it's not much, and clears up quickly, I am still confident it is just implantation.
I have my first midwife appointment booked, for Tuesday 23rd February at 3pm. The timing is a bit of a pain actually as Tuesday afternoons is when the in-laws come over, MIL looks after Robert while FIL takes me shopping. And as we are keeping it a secret from family and friends until we have the scan, I can't tell them I have a midwife appointment! So I'll either cancel, say I don't need to go shopping, and take Robert with me, or I'll tell them I have a smear test, and take a big bag to hide the folder I'll be given.
Anyway, I have to go... Robert is still screaming, he won't settle at all even though I can tell he's tired, it's got to the stage where he's screaming in a screechy manner even though I keep going in there to sing and re-settle him.. Argh! Remind me why I wanted another!!!
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
Uh oh...
I think I'm going to get bad morning sickness this time round - been feeling iffy on and off for a few days, but today I keep getting queasy feelings and have wretched a bit. I hope it's not too bad, I don't really want to be spending the next 2 months or longer in the toilet, struggling to make Robert's food etc.
Time will tell I guess....
Time will tell I guess....
Monday, 1 February 2010
4 + 5 - weight control and other things
Hmm well I think this is the start of me coming back regularly! I have new things on my mind each day, and each day I wonder how similar/different it was to when I was pregnant with Robert. At this stage in my pregnancy I didn't actually write how many weeks I was, which is a shame but I think it was only about now that I realised I was actually pregnant, whereas I've already known for a few days this time around!
Each night since I have found out I am pregnant I have laid in bed before going to sleep, and a whole mass of STUFF has been swirling around in my head, making it impossible for me to sleep! The main thing has been Robert's birth. I think in the months to come I will be facing up to it again, and making some hard decisions about this little one's birth.
I am eager to face each new development stage with my little one as a second-time mum-to-be, and see how much I remember, or how different each bit seems! And see if maybe I can tell even before he/she is born how different they will be to their big brother!
I still cannot fathom that my little Robert is going to be a big brother. He is such an independant happy little boy! Maybe it is just that I can't imagine him being my BIGGEST baby! Trying to work out how my heart will expand to encompass another young soul when it already feels so big and full of love for the one little soul already there!
I'm so excited to be at the beginning of another journey of pregnancy, and already dreaming ahead to the kicks, big belly, and newborn!
I am thinking though that one thing I need to do this time around, is make sure I don't gain as much weight as before. I think I was around 14 and a quarter ish stone last time I got pregnant, by 8 weeks I was BMI 31. By the time I had given birth I was BMI 33.
I am around BMI 30. I haven't done a great job of losing weight thus far. I would ideally like to be lighter after giving birth than I am now. And then, hopefully with breastfeeding LO and Robert (maybe!!) combined with SENSIBLE eating, unlike after Robert was born, the weight will hopefully drop off me, and I'll be near the healthy weight range by this time next year. I am planning on talking to my midwife when I see her about losing weight (well, gaining weight veeeeery slowly) during pregnancy, and exercise. I have a wii fit, which has a variety of exercises, so I shall ask her what sort of exercises I can do during pregnancy. I would ideally like to gain no more than 1 stone by October. Which, if this baby is anything like Robert, most of that will be baby weight, and the rest should be water/placenta weight, and possibly not a lot else, if any, is extra weight I have myself gained.
I shall have to hope that my pregnancy is a healthy, non eventful one, so I can stick as best I can to a healthy eating and exercise schedule!
Each night since I have found out I am pregnant I have laid in bed before going to sleep, and a whole mass of STUFF has been swirling around in my head, making it impossible for me to sleep! The main thing has been Robert's birth. I think in the months to come I will be facing up to it again, and making some hard decisions about this little one's birth.
I am eager to face each new development stage with my little one as a second-time mum-to-be, and see how much I remember, or how different each bit seems! And see if maybe I can tell even before he/she is born how different they will be to their big brother!
I still cannot fathom that my little Robert is going to be a big brother. He is such an independant happy little boy! Maybe it is just that I can't imagine him being my BIGGEST baby! Trying to work out how my heart will expand to encompass another young soul when it already feels so big and full of love for the one little soul already there!
I'm so excited to be at the beginning of another journey of pregnancy, and already dreaming ahead to the kicks, big belly, and newborn!
I am thinking though that one thing I need to do this time around, is make sure I don't gain as much weight as before. I think I was around 14 and a quarter ish stone last time I got pregnant, by 8 weeks I was BMI 31. By the time I had given birth I was BMI 33.
I am around BMI 30. I haven't done a great job of losing weight thus far. I would ideally like to be lighter after giving birth than I am now. And then, hopefully with breastfeeding LO and Robert (maybe!!) combined with SENSIBLE eating, unlike after Robert was born, the weight will hopefully drop off me, and I'll be near the healthy weight range by this time next year. I am planning on talking to my midwife when I see her about losing weight (well, gaining weight veeeeery slowly) during pregnancy, and exercise. I have a wii fit, which has a variety of exercises, so I shall ask her what sort of exercises I can do during pregnancy. I would ideally like to gain no more than 1 stone by October. Which, if this baby is anything like Robert, most of that will be baby weight, and the rest should be water/placenta weight, and possibly not a lot else, if any, is extra weight I have myself gained.
I shall have to hope that my pregnancy is a healthy, non eventful one, so I can stick as best I can to a healthy eating and exercise schedule!
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