Sooo, I was thinking of having a nap with Robert, but Jonathan decided he was going to, and started snoring, so I guess I'm not afterall! So you lucky ladies get to read my ramblings instead!
I'm a bit peed off right now. I'm one of the two admins of a newly created forum for mums (feel free to join by the way). Anyway one of my friends made a thread about Baby Led Weaning (she knows we're doing it with Robert), and anyway I post a big wall o' text about it. Someone replies saying "oh, we're not doing that because of choking, and you don't know how much he eats, and there's higher salt" etc. So I reply saying it doesn't matter if they eat a lot of it at first, it's about exploration and learning about textures and tastes etc. Anyway she goes off on one asking why I'm getting narky, that it's her opinion, and personal preference (which I stressed as well so I don't know why she was being so iffy!!), and anyway, she started off at me in another post so I'm now just thinking sod it, I'm not going to respond to her anymore since it's just getting out of control. Even though it was a thread about baby led weaning and now it's derailed onto "oh, what puree pots do you give yours?" and so on... Ho hum... Hmm just realised that's probably not the best advert for the forums. Ah well lol.
Anyway onto different news, we've started to put Robert into his pushchair bit - so he's looking forward. He does seem to love it!!!
(No, he's not *really* waving in this photo!)
He enjoys looking around him and what's good is that if he gets tired, we can fully recline the seat so he's laying flat to sleep!
Something else I think is lovely is his new ability to play with things while on his belly.
Also: look how well he is sitting up! he can sit straighter than that, but he can sometimes stay sitting unaided (but with cushions around him incase he topples over) for several minutes! Big clever boy! And he's not even 6 months old yet!
Other new things:
He is blowing raspberries. He's able to spin around on the spot on his front, and also push himself backwards! He is now also becoming more adept at rolling over in all directions, and from all positions (ie front to back and back to front, and both ways not just his "usual" way)
He is also learning to pick things up from the floor in front of him while he's sitting!
The other day I decided to let him play with some cornflour mix. I put *ahem* a little too much food colouring in it! And I'm thinking he probably ate a fair amount - his sick for the rest of the day was pink! Ewww!
Oh! And it's almost taken 6 months, but I have FINALLY managed to get one of Robert's HUGGGGEEEE smiles on camera! The ones he does when he finds something funny and about to laugh, or just really enjoying himself!
Anyway I'm so glad it's friday - it's been a long old week. So happy Jonathan's here for the next two and a half days!
I also remembered a couple of days ago that I was in the process of transferring entries, so I did a month's worth each evening for the last two evenings. I'm now up to February 2009 so not too much more to do! I also cried when I read back one of my old entries, a letter to Robert I wrote when he was about 4 weeks old. Sooo sweet! (And I wrote it! haha!)
Anyway, I'm going to go now. I need to do some bits before the boys wake up!
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