Friday, 20 March 2009

16 weeks 5 days old - Rolly boy!

Since Robert rolled over for the first time just under 2 days ago, he's been practising like MAD. I've caught it on video too! If I put him in his cot when he's not sleepy, I will go back in to find him rammed up against the cot bars on his belly! He LOVES to roll now he's figured out how! He's not *quite* mastered how to get onto his back again. I'll often have to go in and roll him back over because he's grunting and moaning with his arm under him in an odd position and his head flat on the floor/cot because his arm isn't up properly! Silly little sausage!

It's so cute, and lovely, and even though it's a sign he's growing up I love it all the same. My clever boy!!

His vocals are changing too - instead of the soft cooing he's been doing for a month or two now, he will now make these very odd sounds, sort of inbetween coos and screeches! They're not as cute as the coos he's been doing, but I guess it's just him practising different sounds!

Watching over some old footage of him crying, it's strange, but his cry has changed and we never even noticed! Hehe. I guess it's been gradual but still, it's odd. :)

I am finding the days taxing lately. They just seem soooo long. Yesterday Jonathan didn't get home til almost 9pm (although he reckons he might be able to be home by mid-afternoon today), and when he told me he'd be leaving work late, I just felt so "bleugh". I tried ringing the woman I met down Surestart yesterday, but it just rang and rang and rang, no answer phone picked up, so I tried later in the morning, and it did the same, so I gave up in the end, I'll be seeing her next tuesday no doubt.

Anyhow, the sun is shining, there's a load of washing in the machine so I can put it outside on the line (2nd load of the year!). It's days like these when I realise summer is coming! And we can go out and play with our little boy in the garden :) And more BBQs!

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