Well as some of you will know, yesterday was a bad day for me. I won't go too much into detail, but Robert probably didn't enjoy having me as a Mummy, even though I wasn't rough with him. He wasn't feeding well, and I think he was screaming because he was hungry, so in the end I had to give him a bottle of expressed milk.
Today though he's been much better, and he's fed and napped well. We had a long nap together on the bed, he did occasionally wake and start screaming, but rocking him on my chest made him sleepy again, and willing to feed.
Talking of which, I asked Jonathan to take a photo of Robert having lunch I think maybe on Saturday... it's a lovely photo where he's staring into my eyes although it was taken off to the side.
Robert is now reaching out and grabbing toys. It's lovely to see him develop new skills! It feels like now he's doing that there is so much more I can do with him and things that he will enjoy. He is also sitting well with support, and he can also sit unaided (occasionally!) for about 5-10 seconds before toppling over.
Even despite his new tricks he's still my little baby boy! And I cherish every smile, every laugh, every gurgle.
I know this is technically not belonging here, well it sort of is sort of isn't. But I have started using the Wii Fit again regularly in order to keep an idea of my weight and to try and remind myself that I want to get fitter, and lose weight as I want to be down to a healthy weight before getting pregnant again. My highest weight I have recorded from 2 months ago was 15 stone 11lbs. When I weighed myself 3 days ago I was 15 stone 8lbs. Today I am 15 stone 4lbs. I have been doing 30 minutes light exercise on it each day for the last 3 days, and also trying to reduce the amount of junk I eat. I'm surprised I have lost so much weight in the last few days, since I am by no means starving myself (silly to do that while breastfeeding). I just hope I can lose the weight I want to lose and keep it off - I think by setting myself the restriction of no more kids til I am down to the weight I want to be, will be an extra incentive I've not had in the past. Plus the fact that I'll be fitter and able to keep up with Robert! And I know how tough pregnancy can be on the body I'm not eager to repeat it while being overweight (well, obese actually).
Plus, if I manage to get to a decent size before having another baby, I'll have a cuter belly! And be able to wear all the lovely clothes I have up in the loft! Anyhow it's a promising start. I would ideally want to get to around 10.5 stone so I need to lose almost another 5 stone, or 70lbs!
Anyway for all my rambling, I'd better be off now. Maybe make a few rolls for Jonathan to take to work, and as Robert has stirred (possibly woken) we'll have to see what he wants. Tata for now