Tuesday, 31 March 2009

18+ weeks old - progress, and my weight loss

Well as some of you will know, yesterday was a bad day for me. I won't go too much into detail, but Robert probably didn't enjoy having me as a Mummy, even though I wasn't rough with him. He wasn't feeding well, and I think he was screaming because he was hungry, so in the end I had to give him a bottle of expressed milk.

Today though he's been much better, and he's fed and napped well. We had a long nap together on the bed, he did occasionally wake and start screaming, but rocking him on my chest made him sleepy again, and willing to feed.

Talking of which, I asked Jonathan to take a photo of Robert having lunch I think maybe on Saturday... it's a lovely photo where he's staring into my eyes although it was taken off to the side.

Robert is now reaching out and grabbing toys. It's lovely to see him develop new skills! It feels like now he's doing that there is so much more I can do with him and things that he will enjoy. He is also sitting well with support, and he can also sit unaided (occasionally!) for about 5-10 seconds before toppling over.

Even despite his new tricks he's still my little baby boy! And I cherish every smile, every laugh, every gurgle.

I know this is technically not belonging here, well it sort of is sort of isn't. But I have started using the Wii Fit again regularly in order to keep an idea of my weight and to try and remind myself that I want to get fitter, and lose weight as I want to be down to a healthy weight before getting pregnant again. My highest weight I have recorded from 2 months ago was 15 stone 11lbs. When I weighed myself 3 days ago I was 15 stone 8lbs. Today I am 15 stone 4lbs. I have been doing 30 minutes light exercise on it each day for the last 3 days, and also trying to reduce the amount of junk I eat. I'm surprised I have lost so much weight in the last few days, since I am by no means starving myself (silly to do that while breastfeeding). I just hope I can lose the weight I want to lose and keep it off - I think by setting myself the restriction of no more kids til I am down to the weight I want to be, will be an extra incentive I've not had in the past. Plus the fact that I'll be fitter and able to keep up with Robert! And I know how tough pregnancy can be on the body I'm not eager to repeat it while being overweight (well, obese actually).

Plus, if I manage to get to a decent size before having another baby, I'll have a cuter belly! And be able to wear all the lovely clothes I have up in the loft! Anyhow it's a promising start. I would ideally want to get to around 10.5 stone so I need to lose almost another 5 stone, or 70lbs!

Anyway for all my rambling, I'd better be off now. Maybe make a few rolls for Jonathan to take to work, and as Robert has stirred (possibly woken) we'll have to see what he wants. Tata for now

4 months - videos and photos

Robert's sleep is still up the chute, he wakes several times from when we put him down at 10pm til when he decides he wants to get up at 6am, and we often fall asleep with him next to us in bed because I don't think we'd get any sleep otherwise!

But still, it's the best thing in the world when he decides he's had enough sleep and enough milk to see that smile when one of us puts him on our chest so he can look up and see us both. He did it again this morning, but he was still looking sleepy, and it was the cutest sleepy "good morning" smile ever :) It's these things I absolutely love about being a Mummy, and I can't wait until Robert decides to give me a hug, or a kiss, of his own accord, and when he says "I love you Mummy" for the first time. So many firsts to look forward to!

He is the cutest little baby I know, and I feel so lucky to have him in my life. He's so funny and there's rarely a day go past even if I'm tired, even if I'm stressed, that he makes me laugh. He smiles so much, and it's the best thing in the world. Well, one of the best things...

I think I mentioned a while ago that we managed to record Robert's first proper chuckly-laugh on video camera? Well Jonathan's finally got it sorted and uploaded. I was smiling so much that my cheeks started aching (as I say in the video!)

I could watch this video over and over! *sigh* :) I'm so happy we got it on camera, because he's not done it quite as much again - he's had a couple of very short giggles, one or two tops, not as many in one go as in the video!

There's another couple of videos I wanted to show you, one of them being of Robert playing with Baby Smash which is a downloadable programme you put on your computer, and when it runs, you can let your baby loose on the keyboard, and every time they hit a key something pops up on the screen, you can set it to make a laughing noise, or to say what it is that pops up (for older babies and children), so for letter keys it says the letter names, and for any other key it makes a random shape. Robert really enjoyed watching the shapes pop up (I hit the space bar for him) and made lots of cooing noises while he watched!

The other video I wanted to post was this one of Robert, he was very sleepy and I'd put him on the bed, I think he woke up and was still sleepy but was crying, anyway I decided to whip out the video camera, and well, the results are rather cute ;)

Anyway, before I go, here are a few recent photos from the last few days..

My soapy little boy!

Here's him enjoying (yes, enjoying! I don't know why he's pulling such funny faces!) a baby massage...

My little boy enjoying looking at the Very Hungry Caterpillar..

Yesterday he was on the sofa with Jonathan and he was eyeing up the banana in the fruitbowl, so Jonathan put him within mouth distance, and he just thrust himself forward and started sucking on the banana! We ended up with a very wet banana ;)

We've been taking him to Rhyme Time down the local library on Friday afternoons (Jonathan gets Friday afternoons off with flexi-time) so we both take him and well it's more for our benefit of learning new songs to sing him than for his benefit. He does like it when we sing "Down in the Jungle" to him, and move his arms around. :) Right, well we're heading to Northampton today, Jonathan wants his dad to look at his car's headlights (one of the bulbs has gone) and then we're going to mothercare to spend the rest of the vouchers and get him some short sleeved vests that will actually fit him until 6 months (the other short sleeved vests sized 3-6 we have for him are about the same size as mothercare 0-3 month ones).

I hope you enjoyed the videos and photos!

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

17 weeks 2 days old - video

can't believe my little baby is already 4 months old! How did that happen so quickly, wasn't he only born a few weeks ago??

Tomorrow night we will be going out without him for the first time since 21st November. I'm excited but no doubt it will feel strange! We're just going for a meal out, as a movie too would take too long. I think we will ask the in-laws to babysit again on my birthday in July, as Harry Potter movie 6 is due out the day before my birthday! But maybe before, we'll see.

Jonathan is steadily working his way through the videos on the camcorder. He hasn't reached the laughing one yet, or the rolling one, but here's one of our little monkey man cooing away and grinning at me in his cot.

<embed src="" width="500" height="300" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" flashvars="file="/>

Anyways, gonna go and do some reading before falling asleep. Goodnight!

17 weeks 2 days old - video

can't believe my little baby is already 4 months old! How did that happen so quickly, wasn't he only born a few weeks ago??

Tomorrow night we will be going out without him for the first time since 21st November. I'm excited but no doubt it will feel strange! We're just going for a meal out, as a movie too would take too long. I think we will ask the in-laws to babysit again on my birthday in July, as Harry Potter movie 6 is due out the day before my birthday! But maybe before, we'll see.

Jonathan is steadily working his way through the videos on the camcorder. He hasn't reached the laughing one yet, or the rolling one, but here's one of our little monkey man cooing away and grinning at me in his cot.

<embed src="" width="500" height="300" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" flashvars="file="/>

Anyways, gonna go and do some reading before falling asleep. Goodnight!

Sunday, 22 March 2009

17 weeks old - Stanwick Lakes

Happy Mothers Day all you Mummies! And what a gorgeous day it's been here! Robert is 17 weeks old today - 4 months old tomorrow. And the longer we live here, the more perfect it seems for a young family! The local primary school is only 2 roads parallel to ours, the doctor's surgery, dentist, library, small tesco, bank and a selection of takeaways are within 5 minutes walk. There's a park at the top of the road, and we have now found a second gorgeous child-friendly country park. We went to Stanwick Lakes today which was gorgeous (although quite chilly with the wind). Lovely walks around several lakes, with fun things for children to do on the way (tire swings, a rope bridge among others, and a HUGE adventure playground in the centre, all made from wood, and looked fab!

We took Robert out of his pram near a little pond it looked quite picturesque with the sun on it and the reeds...

I'm really pleased with how those ones of Jonathan and Robert came out! Shame he hadn't had a shave, but they're still gorgeous photos!

Now the weather is getting nicer again we've started putting washing outside on the line instead of on racks in the bathroom, so we stick Robert outside with us in his Bumbo so he can watch us! Look how long his hair is getting! I can't believe we will probably have to get his hair cut before he's 6 months old :(

He is now rolling over at every opportunity, he does it with ease. The only problem is, once he's on his belly, he gets annoyed because it's like he doesn't know what to do once he's there, or he wants to do something and can't. He starts crying once he's on his belly even though he's the one that put himself there! He can bring up his bottom and get his legs underneath himself, but he can't yet support his weight on his arms. I'm wondering if he's trying to crawl already but because his arms and head are on the floor he can't! We're sometimes not sure what to do when he starts getting grumpy on his tummy. We try and leave him there for a bit so he can have practise doing things with his arms in that position but pick him up before he's screaming blue murder! Poor thing it's hard to know what he wants when he does that.

Anyway, there's now only 3 days to go until our first night out without Robert for over 4 months! (Well, technically our first night out without Robert for over a year if you count me being pregnant with him!) We've decided to go to Frankie and Benny's in Kettering. There's now at least 8 bags of milk in the freezer, ranging from 5oz to 6.5oz which should be enough for several nights out (especially if I carry on getting a few each week - down from 1 a day now but I do try and get a few a week to keep the supply up for incase one's needed when my MIL looks after him when I go shopping.

We've got leftover shepherd's pie in the freezer for them to eat when they're looking after Robert. (We had the other bits yesterday when we saw them) Anyway I'll be off, might do a bit of reading!

Friday, 20 March 2009

16 weeks 5 days old - Rolly boy!

Since Robert rolled over for the first time just under 2 days ago, he's been practising like MAD. I've caught it on video too! If I put him in his cot when he's not sleepy, I will go back in to find him rammed up against the cot bars on his belly! He LOVES to roll now he's figured out how! He's not *quite* mastered how to get onto his back again. I'll often have to go in and roll him back over because he's grunting and moaning with his arm under him in an odd position and his head flat on the floor/cot because his arm isn't up properly! Silly little sausage!

It's so cute, and lovely, and even though it's a sign he's growing up I love it all the same. My clever boy!!

His vocals are changing too - instead of the soft cooing he's been doing for a month or two now, he will now make these very odd sounds, sort of inbetween coos and screeches! They're not as cute as the coos he's been doing, but I guess it's just him practising different sounds!

Watching over some old footage of him crying, it's strange, but his cry has changed and we never even noticed! Hehe. I guess it's been gradual but still, it's odd. :)

I am finding the days taxing lately. They just seem soooo long. Yesterday Jonathan didn't get home til almost 9pm (although he reckons he might be able to be home by mid-afternoon today), and when he told me he'd be leaving work late, I just felt so "bleugh". I tried ringing the woman I met down Surestart yesterday, but it just rang and rang and rang, no answer phone picked up, so I tried later in the morning, and it did the same, so I gave up in the end, I'll be seeing her next tuesday no doubt.

Anyhow, the sun is shining, there's a load of washing in the machine so I can put it outside on the line (2nd load of the year!). It's days like these when I realise summer is coming! And we can go out and play with our little boy in the garden :) And more BBQs!

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

16+ weeks old - sleep, love, laughter and friendship

Well I put my little man in the cot so I could go to the toilet, by the time I'd come back in he'd fallen asleep! Haha! His sleep is going again. He gets SO tired by late afternoon early evening, but we don't want to let him sleep from 6pm or he'll wake up around midnight and not go back to sleep! So we wake him at 8pm or so and try and keep him awake. But the last couple of night's he's gone back to his 4 hour long sleep followed by 1 hour awakenings where he wants to feed. Ah well... It's not so bad now I feed him in bed. Sometimes we both just end up falling asleep with him by my boob!

We do semi-cosleep. We always put him in his cot for his first long sleep, and if he's going through the patch where he'll have another semi-long sleep after the first feed he'll go back in, but if he's waking hourly for feeds, we do end up just keeping him in bed with us, on top of the covers but in his sleeping bag, and I just feed him whenever I hear him snuffling around for it.

These days I do just find myself completely overwhelmed with love for him. It surprises me how fiercely I love him sometimes. How sometimes I just look at his face, and want to kiss him all over and just carry on kissing him for hours! I absolutely ADORE his first smile in the morning when he wakes properly. Even if the night has been long and chocka full of feeds, the moment I see that smile I know it's all worth it and just is the most wonderful way to start a day!

Something which I will share with you when Jonathan sorts it out and gets it uploaded is a video we managed to get of Robert's first laugh! (he did a sort of laugh before, but it was more like a "herr herr" sound rather than an actual giggle) He started laughing as I tickled under his chin, and Jonathan RAN for the camera! We got a good few more chuckles from him. Ahhh such a lovely sound. :) I was grinning so much at him to encourage him to laugh that my cheeks started aching! (Which I said on the footage, don't know if that bit will remain or not!)

Something else I'm quite excited about is that I've exchanged numbers with a woman I've seen down the Surestart Centre a few times. We get on well, and chat a lot. She's lovely, anyway yesterday I offered to her if she wanted to come around for coffee with her little boy (I mean little! She was induced 2 days before her due date, and he only weighed 5lb 10! He's about 2 months old now and weighs 10lbs exactly - the same as Robert when he was born!!!), and she said that'd be nice so we exchanged numbers and maybe we'll get together soon for a nice coffee (well tea for me, I hate coffee) morning! And it'll be nice for Robert to have a regular playmate! I'm thinking about calling her tomorrow morning and inviting her over for the afternoon.

I tend to find it hard to make new friends, so I'm quite excited that I've made one! So nice it will be to have a local friend! I've lost contact with most of my old friends from school as they are still in Kent, although I've found a few via facebook. But my ex-best friend is also on there, but I've not added her as I still hate the way she left things with me, deciding that 6 months to do coursework due 2 weeks after my wedding, (at which she was supposed to be a bridesmaid!) wasn't long enough, so she told me she wasn't coming, as she couldn't spare a weekend out of her busy schedule. At least it gave me time to return the dress I'd already bought her, etc... *sigh* But anyway I digress - yes very much looking forward to getting a network of friends up in town :) Anyhow, should go and do some tidying, washing, etc while he's still asleep.

Hope you're all okay and having a fab week!

BIG BIG EDIT: Later on in early afternoon, Robert rolled over from his BACK onto his belly! Something babycentre reckons 5-6 month olds should do! He then rolled back onto his back after he craned his head to look at me. What a clever little Sausage my Robert is!!!

Sunday, 15 March 2009

16 weeks old - Country Park, and new contender for cutest baby award ;)

We have found an absolutely GORGEOUS country park only about 20 minutes drive away. It has lakes, and a long walk around it, and a cafe, toilets, and about 3 or 4 children's play areas! I can totally imagine bringing Robert there when he's older, taking a picnic, and letting him play in the play areas. We took a walk around it and took him out for a short while to enjoy the scenery, he spent most of it looking around him curiously. I didn't keep him out too long, as although it was fairly warm, we hadn't brought a jacket for him (he had a blanket over him in the pram and a cosy-toes thing). But we thought he'd like to look around at the lake.

Yesterday we had to wash his hair again (sometimes I have to do it twice daily due to him being sick and it dribbling down and matting the hair around the back of his neck!). And Jonathan got happy snappy while we were drying his hair and before we got him clothed.

And I know I'm a broken record, but oh my gosh I have the most gorgeous baby!

What a heartbreaking smile!!!

Another one from the same session. There are actually about 8 or so of those photos from that session, but I figure I'll spare a whole cascade of very similar photos here, but they're on facebook if you're interested in seeing them.

We also got a shot of him standing (leaning on a box) to show what a strong boy he is! (Don't worry, we're not doing it anymore but we did want photographic evidence to show how strong he is already for future reference!)

And last but not least, a shot of him enjoying some good old Mummy Milk :)

Friday, 13 March 2009

Photo entry - staring at things

Good evening girls! First off, Alice, I don't mind at all you offering your advice. The way you put it was fine, and I didn't take offense, although I don't really know how (apart from not deliberately letting him walk on the floor) to stop him from keeping his weight off his legs because he is CONSTANTLY pushing up on them, and as he was doing it by himself, I figured it'd be ok. If you understand!

Anyway, I have managed to get some good photos of Robert's staring at his hands, and also staring at toys (he is so much more into toys now it's lovely!), and putting them into his mouth.

Here's him staring at his hands...

And here's him staring at toys

I even managed to get a photo of him when he was trying to reach and grab a toy from around his arm...

He's getting great at aiming toys and fingers and whatever is in his hands into his mouth.

Note the tongue in this picture!

Here's a photo we took last night, of Robert being very strong :)

And lastly, a couple of my sleeping angel - look at his chubby little arms and legs!!!

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

15 weeks 4 days old - milestones!

I'm very tired and achy tonight - Robert hasn't slept longer than 4 hours in a stretch for the last ermm... several nights. And only ONE four hour stretch a night. He went down for a nap at around 6pm, and still looked fast asleep at 8pm (I had a nap with him also), and was REFUSING to be woken! I moved him to his cot, which normally wakes him, then I picked him up out of it and held him upright. Finally I put him on the changing mat to change him, and he ended up peeing all over the mat and screaming. Then after I stripped him off, and changed his clothes, he then got fed, and almost went to sleep again! I didn't want him to do his long sleep from 6pm, or we wouldn't get ANY sleep tonight, so fingers crossed!

He also seems to be hitting a few big milestones lately. Firstly, just TODAY, he's started batting at objects (finally! My babycentre emails have been telling me he should be doing that for weeks now!). He is also beginning to stare at his hands occasionally. Finally, he is ALMOST about to roll over. His squirming and wiggling when he is on his back has got to the stage now that we absolutely CANNOT leave him on his changing mat to rush out and get more clothes. He will roll onto his side, then flop back onto his back, and then back onto his side. He is just needing a little bit of extra "ooomph" to get onto his front.

When he is on his front he is starting to push his knees underneath him, but he is not pushing up on his hands yet. I have a feeling that once he does that it won't be long before he's crawling!!

It seems like he's growing up so quickly, and able to do so much! I can walk with him across short distances occasionally, his leg muscles are extremely strong and will stand and even make walking motions with just a bit of support to stop himself falling over (he's putting all the weight on his legs himself).

I can't get over how big he looks next to other babies. He is going to be a big boy!

Anyway dinner is ready (yes a late one lol) so I have to get going. Hope all is well with you fine ladies.

Sunday, 8 March 2009

15 weeks old - first overnight stay in Kent

Jonathan and I headed down to Kent this weekend, the first time we've stayed overnight somewhere with Robert. It's such a long trip and with 2 sets of parents to see it's easier to just make a weekend of it and see one parent one day and the other parent the next day. He was unfortunately quite grumpy a lot of the time but he did give his grandparents some coos and smiles. He seemed especially taken with my Dad, who did spend a lot of time pulling silly faces, and talking very animatedly at Robert.

Saturday was spent at my Mum's house, and I was a little apprehensive about the dogs (who can be very boistrous) around Robert. But I was very pleasantly surprised, as they were good as gold around him! Sniffed his socks, and that was about it!

They actually seemed more interested in the hand puppet we have for Robert, and stared intently at it whenever Jonathan got it out - the dogs toys are mainly old cuddly toys left over in the spare room by my cousin who briefly stayed with my Mum. They get somewhat ruined by the dogs, and I suppose they thought the puppet was something else for them!

Robert's gums have given him a lot of trouble today. He was screaming and screaming for a long time, refusing to feed. I eventually managed to get him to have some food just before we sat down for our meal, which settled him for a nap, and allowed me to have a glass of wine. I waited 2 hours for it to be out of my milk before I fed him again, most of which he spent asleep, but some of it was spend awake and fairly happy. He's been chewing on anyone's fingers who'll let them near his mouth. My dad reckons he can feel a tooth near the surface on his top gum but I'm not so sure.

I'm quite looking forward to seeing the photos my dad has taken today, I know there's a nice one of me with Robert. We were planning on trying to get a nice one of me, Jonathan and Robert, and also Dad, Caroline and Robert, but we never got round to it and he was starting to get grizzly so we got him ready to go home.

When we got him home he ate more, and then Jonathan put on the funky overhead projector for Robert to look at, and he seemed SO much more interested in it this time! Jonathan took some video footage of Robert cooing away at the patterns on the ceiling! It was quite cute, and so nice to see my little boy talking so animatedly!

Anyway I'm absolutely pooped, I'm going to grab my book, and head to bed I think.

Thursday, 5 March 2009

Quick photo entry - dungarees!

I just thought I'd post a quick photo entry, as I have a small amount of time to kill before I get Robert in the baby carrier and take him to baby massage.

I've got the photos of him wearing his dungarees! Super duper cute grown up baby boy!

Felt like I had to take a photo of the back of his head at some point and he was fast asleep after a feed laying on his side, so I thought I'd go around and snap a pic of him laying there asleep! He's actually on the verge of rolling over soon as well, he's pushing his bum up in the air, lifting his legs and wobbling side to side, and he did almost roll completely over on the bed (but it was soft, and I was on there too which may have aided him).

My very smiley boy! He smiles all the time now, it's lovely. :)

This is his "I want to stuff you in my mouth" look! Haha. He's staring at the zebra toy and trying desperately to get it in his mouth. :)

Last but not least, a nice close up

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

14 weeks 3 days old - weaning comment replies

Ooooh isn't parenting full of contraversial issues! I would first off like to thank each of you who commented on the weaning subject, even though I didn't really know it would spark those strong feelings! In response to Jemma, everything I've read has said things like "most babies do not need anything other than milk before 6 months old" rather than a solid "babies should never have anything before 6 months" there are always going to be some babies that don't follow the majority, and anyhow, how come all the baby rice in shops say "4+ months" on them? However, having said that, I have been thinking about the implications, and taken the time to read up that Kellymom site you linked, which was very imformative and I will try and persevere.

Robert is clearly getting enough milk from me, which is great, but yes, Alice, I am getting alarmed by the sheer amount he is sicking up after each feed. I don't know if it's because I'm not bringing him off the breast often enough to burp him, or if it's just something I'll have to live with. But you and Jemma will be glad to know that I am going to try and not give him anymore solids for the time being.

The health visitor didn't tell me to not feed him anything til 6 months. She suggested I start with baby rice as that's about as plain and non-allergenic food you can get for them, and then gave me a leaflet on weaning.

Another reason why I'm going to lay off the solids for a while is uhhh... the two very interesting nappies I got from him. I now know the meaning of the phrase "explosive nappy" Haha! Although I was expecting the second, so the moment I saw him straining, I whipped him upstairs, put him on the changing mat, stripped off the bottom half of his clothes and left him with just his nappy on!

Today he has his 3 month immunisations (in about 40 minutes now). And then the health visitor is coming around for my "me" appointment (check how the anti-depressants are working - incidently, things are going great, I can't remember the last time I was actually rough with him at all, although I was beginning to feel a big "arghhh" *bang fists on the sofa* kind of angry one night about a week ago) at around 12pm, and then my in-laws are coming over for the weekly thing we did before their holiday where Betsy would look after Robert while I go out to Tesco with Steve and get our shopping.

I am actually feeling quite poo at the moment, a bit better than yesterday though. But I am secretly cursing Jonathan because he brought home a cold, which he then gave to me, and I'm hoping hoping hoping that Robert doesn't get it too. Last night I was just totally out of it, with headache, bad tickly cough, sore throat, and just felt like sleeping. Which Jonathan had last Thursday.

Anyway I'd best leave off here because I've got to get ready to take my sleepy little monster down to the doctors for his jabs. Thanks for you comments on the photos, I didn't really realise it because when he was in it there he looked so small still but he does look all grown up doesn't he in that door bouncer!!! He's so strong and loves to stand and will hold his head all the time now. It's amazing how time flies and how he's progressing so nicely now despite his tough start.

Hope you all have a fab day!

Monday, 2 March 2009

14 weeks 1 day old - weaning thoughts

Another tough day today, he's been quite grizzly for various reasons, but not wanting to do what he so badly wants to do, if that makes any sense! First time he screamed for ages he was over-tired and would not sleep for ages, and then he was hungry but wouldn't take the breast for ages. He screamed for about 3 hours practically non stop today and not really surprisingly ended up with a bit of a headache. But I did not get angry or rough, just tired and achy.

Yesterday we decided to see how he would take mashed up banana, he absolutely loved it, and scoffed it down! He had half a banana, and then afterwards fell asleep and slept for NINE hours!!! I am wondering if it's time to start weaning him onto some solids. He is being quite sick with my milk, and am wondering if it's because he's so hungry that he eats and eats and eats and then overfills his little tummy with milk which then of course comes back up again. He didn't bring up any of the banana.

I am going to speak to the health visitor about it tomorrow - I'm expecting to see her at the surestart centre, so maybe she can say whether it'll be a good idea, after all he's only 3 months but then somewhere I read that some babies need weaning from 3-4 months.

Anyway here's Robert enjoying his banana last night:

We went over to the in-laws yesterday as well, we arrived there early, and found no-one there, so we drove to tesco and bought a few things to kill the time - some nappies, some more bibs, and this!

He did quite enjoy it for a while but then started to get upset so out he came. He's wearing one half of his new outfit there, we took his top off though because it was quite padded and he was getting too hot. But he did look cute in it!

I took some photos today of Robert in a new outfit - 3-6 months, a pair of dungarees. He looks soooo cute and like such a little boy, especially with his long hair (coming on for 2.5 inches now!)! Can't wait for those to get uploaded. Very very cute little boy I have! I am just relishing every cuddle right now with my little heartbreaker!

The other pairs of dungarees we have for him swamp him a little, which is strange because the pair I put him in today is also 3-6 months and not quite as big on him as the others, although a few of the others are mothercare ones and I have found those to be more generous than other baby clothing brands.

Well I'm going to go now, maybe try and read a chapter of a book and then go to sleep. Will see how things go tomorrow at the surestart centre!