I took a second test yesterday morning, which showed up negative too. I'm still hopeful though - the tests I have apparently don't show up positive until the day you first miss your period. And I'm due for my period tomorrow or within a few days from then... But I've only really been keeping track of my periods for about 3 months or so, so I don't know how realistic the estimate is.
I keep imagining every little ache as possible pregnancy symptoms... Although I guess it COULD be PMS. I know that it's not very likely for us to have conceived this month since we only started trying on about the 19th day of my cycle this month... But part of me just FEELS... like it's maybe it IS the month...
I hope it is the month... because Jonathan and I are going to see my brother in a couple of weeks and it'll just be so much easier to be around a newborn if I know that I'm pregnant.. Which of course makes me sound horrid and jealous blabla.. but I think maybe the fact that we are trying is a little better for me, unlike when my nephew was born and we hadn't even got round to finding a house yet and the whole TTC thing was sooooo far in the future and just in my mind never going to happen.
I'm finding it hard to wait until Friday/Saturday... but I didn't test this morning, since I read that it only showed from when the period is due. I feel like I'm itching for the weekend to get here, and also crossing my fingers that my period doesn't come.
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