Robert is now 28 and a half months old, and over the last few weeks we are seeing some signs of readiness for potty training with him. We are not starting officially yet, but it bodes well that we can do lots of practice over summer when it's nice and hot and he can run around inside or outside without a nappy on. He is able to wee on demand now, providing he needs to go! And he can stop his wee midflow as well (he started to wee on the floor before his bath, we said "hang on Robert, we'll get your potty" and he stopped, and did the rest on the potty). He occasionally dislikes doing poos in his nappy, but usually only when they are hard, so it's probably more the pooing than it being in his nappy or not. He is occasionally telling us when he has done a poo, and asking for a nappy change, but others he won't say to us if he has, and he will deny it if we ask! So a while to go yet.
He is becoming very quickly a child, rather than a toddler. He is so tall and stocky that he looks a lot older than he is. His talking would give away to strangers that he is not as old as he looks, as although he is becoming more talkative, stringing together 6 words or more to form sentences, he still misses off sounds at the beginning of words. One such 6 word sentence we had this morning was this one: "Obberd ime up on Daddy uh-vers!" which translates to "Robert climb up on Daddy's covers!" He is still fairly deliberate in his talking, in that there is a noticeable small pause between words most of the time.
His memory astounds me. He looked at a DVD case for Monsters vs Aliens earlier today, which we haven't seen in a few months. I pointed to one of the characters and asked him what the name was (which I had trouble remembering) and he got it right! Such a clever boy!
Christopher is getting more and more mobile as well. He can sit unaided now for a long time, but does still occasionally wobble and fall over, if this happens to be backwards, the shock of hitting his head on the carpet makes him cry, although with a bit of delayed reaction! He rolls well both ways now, and spins on the spot. He also tries to get onto his knees by pushing with his hands, he goes a little way onto his knees but mostly just slides backwards! So he is covering distance now, albeit not much! I'm pleased that at the moment things on shelves are fairly safe ;) Another reason why I like my babies to not have baby walkers ;)
The weekend of the 9th and 10th of April, we had a photoshoot. My mum was eager to get a group photograph of her and her partner, me, my brother and our families. I've seen the proofs on the website, and I'm fairly pleasantly surprised that there were quite a few nice photos. My mum had told us that we were to tell her which was our favourite and she would buy us a print for our anniversaries. This is the nicest one of the lot I think.
After a while, Robert got increasingly aggitated and wanted to get down and play, not sit on someone's lap doing nothing (which was very understandable!) Quite a long time was spent with teddies behind the photographer, which must have resulted in a few nice ones, but we did get ones where Robert was struggling to get away, and something that did rile me was the photographer at one point instructing my mum to "just grab him" which led me to believe he really isn't all that experienced with Robert's age group. After a while the older boys just got so aggitated (and I was getting quite upset for Robert) that eventually the photographer admitted defeat and let the boys have a break, so I left Christopher with Mum and Dave, and the rest of us went outside. The photographer got some nice photos of Mum with Christopher, and then just Christopher, and we reconvened to try again, and a similar tale ensued, with some nice photos before again we decided to call it a day. But either way, we got some good photos as a final result, so that's what matters I guess :)
At the belated mothers day lunch, the boys got on really well, and had a nice time playing together (mainly underneath the table, squealing away in excitement to each other lol!)
On other news, I've sent back my driving licence. It arrived fairly promptly, but they made a mistake and put me down as Miss instead of Mrs, despite the fact I sent them my birth and marriage certificate as proofs of identity.. sigh! I've not got it back yet, it's been about 12 days since I posted it, and they say it can take up to 21 days. When I do get it back, I will be doing the scary but exciting task of ringing around for driving lessons! And maybe in a few months time we will be car shopping. Would be good if we could find a car that would be able to fit 3 child seats in the back, you know, so we don't have to upgrade when/if number 3 is on its way ;)
Talking of which, I think I am going crazy ;) I was reading on a forum about someone's morning sickness, and I got an overwhelming wistful "I wish I was pregnant" feeling! I don't want morning sickness even if I am pregnant, I guess I was just thinking about the whole thing. It is just so exciting and wonderful, I hope Jonathan won't protest too much when the time comes, I think it's a good sign that last time I mentioned the future with more than 2 children in it, he didn't interject straight away with "no way" or similar, but maybe he was thinking it, who knows lol.