I thought, for interest's sake, that I would post a day in the life of me kind of entry. Now these aren't always exactly the same, but it gives you an idea about my life as a mum I suppose.
4.30am-6.30am: Christopher wakes for his feed. Jonathan gets him out of the cot and puts him on my chest. I latch him on and roll onto my side to feed him. I usually doze, and once Christopher is either squirming with wind, or asleep, or does a poo, we get him up and either burp him then re-offer the breast, put him down in his cot, or change him then re-offer the breast. We all go back to sleep.
6.15-7am: Robert wakes up, usually with screams, or at least that's what we hear first most mornings. We try and settle him again if it's before 7am, but if he gets too distressed, he comes into us. He snuggles down against me on whichever side is usually more engorged, although he will usually get up after a while and demand the "uh-huh gah-gee" before clambering over and helping himself to the other side. Once he is finished he will become the toddler tornado, and either try and bounce on us, or just crash around in his room while playing with his toys. We tend to end up with cars/farm animals/books on our bed, on the floor next to our bed, under the covers, in our underwear drawers etc. It's somewhat of a treasure hunt to try and find them all to move them back into his room.
After a while, he will get bored of playing by himself, and begin yelling at the top of his lungs for "DADDY!! AY ARM!" (Daddy, play with the farm).
7.30-7.45am: Jonathan gets up to "ay arm" with Robert, while I doze or feed Christopher if he has woken up. Jonathan will brush Robert's teeth.
8.15am: One of us heads downstairs to make breakfast, while the other changes Robert's nappy and gets him dressed. Christopher is usually asleep, but if he's not, Robert usually goes downstairs with the breakfast maker to play. Christopher, if awake, gets his nappy changed and gets dressed.
8.30am-8.45am: We eat breakfast together at the table. Christopher in his bouncy chair if awake.
9am-9.15am: Jonathan heads off to work. I get Robert cleaned up, and go and take out and wash up the dishes, while Robert plays.
During the morning: I try and do any urgent jobs that need doing as and when I can, eg, loads of washing, hanging up said washing, putting away washing, along with tending to Christopher, playing with Robert, and maybe putting my feet up for half an hour. I must admit Robert does watch a fair amount of TV, although these days it tends to be DVDs (either Peppa Pig or Thomas the Tank Engine).
11.30am: I go and make Robert's lunch, and give it to him to eat at his table. I tend to wait because if he doesn't eat it all, I'll eat what's left of his (if it's in a state to do so!) and make myself something proportionally less while he naps, to save wastage.
12.15pm: I give Robert his 5/10 minute warning that it's nearly nap time, after which we head upstairs for his nap. I put him in his cot, tuck him in, then proceed to listen to train/cow/whatever other noises for half an hour. If I time it well, then I get Christopher down for his nap shortly before I take Robert upstairs, and he sleeps past when Robert wakes if he's particularly tired.
During Robert's nap, I class this as ME time, unless of course C is awake. I play on my computer, or watch TV, eat lunch, take a shower, etc. If I'm really behind on the essential housework I'll do that.
1.45-3pm: Robert wakes from his nap (although this depends on when he goes to sleep, sometimes he'll be awake in his cot for an hour before going to sleep!! If he's happy I leave him to it!). We go downstairs, I make him a snack and a drink, and we play til Christopher wakes up. During the day when I feed Christopher, Robert will usually climb up too and ask for milk, but he's taken to asking quite often throughout the day anyway now, regardless on whether Christopher is even downstairs or not.
4.45-5pm: I go make (or reheat from the freezer) Robert's dinner. He eats it either at his little table if he sits well, or at the big table on his booster chair if he doesn't. After his dinner (he will usually eat most of a full child's plate of food, followed by a pudding of yoghurt and fruit afterwards), he will play until 6.30-7pm, when I take him upstairs for his bath.
7pm: he's in his bath by now, we play, wash hair and face after what's usually quite a messy dinner (especially if it's spag bol, he loves this and shovels it into his mouth with his hand absolutely full of it, too much to go into his mouth properly and ends up smeared around his face)
7.30pm: Jonathan is back by now, he comes in, and Robert hears his keys clank on the table downstairs. "ooooh! Dadda!" he will exclaim, and if he's in the bath he will lean over the edge of the bath to see him. :) Robert gets out of the bath (usually to protests), dry, and nappy on, gets changed, teeth brushed, and story read, before we pick him up for a "big hug" and a "big kiss", then Jonathan tucks him in, sings him some songs (usually Grand Old Duke of York and Twinkle Twinkle, but occasionally others too), then close the door. Robert is 9.5 times out of ten down for the night then.
The rest of the evening is spent with us eating our dinner, feeding and playing with Christopher, then getting him to sleep, and relaxing.