Ahhh, 5 days worth of news :) I have been waiting til all the photos on the camera were sorted through and uploaded, because it's always so much nicer to update with photos I think!
Before I start off, I'll post the photo we took of Robert asleep in his highchair with the bread roll in his mouth. It was quite funny, bless him! It's the first time he's fallen asleep while eating proper food!

This one was earlier in the day, he's wearing one of the t-shirts my dad got him from France, and he looks quite nice in it!

Robert now is soooo so active! There is absolutely no stopping him, and he has been sporting bruises from toppling over because now he crawls, hawls himself up on anything that will stay still long enough, and he's just SO quick! It's nice in a way because if he wants to stand, he can stand himself up, and he's happy! But also scary how quickly he's become a mobile little person!

Anyway following on from the last entry (or the one before that, I can't remember, we finally got around to ordering Robert a Taggie's blanket (thanks Megan!!! I'd not heard of them before!)and it was an instant hit!

Unfortunately it's too interesting for him for me to use as a finger distraction while breast feeding, he wants to look at it and put it in his mouth as well as feel the ribbons, so I can't use it to stop him from pinching my boobs :( I'm going to wait til after my birthday, and if no-one's bought me one, I'll go and buy myself a nursing necklace for Robert to fiddle with hopefully that'll work!
Anyway, on Friday, Jonathan took the day off work, just because, and we were getting the house tidy for a photo shoot yesterday, one of Jonathan's colleague's wife is an aspiring photographer (and her photos are pretty damn good!!) and she came over to photograph Robert! :) Anyway Jonathan suggested going for a walk with Sarah and Keiran down to the local lakes while he carried on tidying, so off we went, and we had a blast! It was sooo nice, but tiring, as it's 2 miles there, 2 miles back, and probably a little extra while we were there as well.
I just can't get over how lucky I am to have found such a lovely friend only 3 doors away!!! We get on SOOOO well, have so much in common, and we both really enjoy spending time with each other!
Here she is holding Robert during our picnic :)

And here's Robert on the picnic blanket, I think this was just after I gave him a cheese sandwich and then cleaned him up ;)

And Sarah took this photo of me and Robert

After the picnic we took the kids to the center of the lakes, where there's a huge adventure playground made of wood, set in a giant sandpit, and surrounded by a thin moat (!!)
Keiron loved the sand and the big adventure playground structure, we sat with Robert while Keiron went off and played, keeping an eye on him of course, and Robert loved the sand, wanted to eat it, but I wouldn't let him as it's probably got poo in from various animals!

So that was a lovely day! My legs were killing me by the time we got back, and they ached ALL evening, but luckily by morning they were fine. :)
Yesterday then was the photo shoot by Natasha. Her husband (Jonathan's colleague) and her baby girl Alexa came along too, and it was lovely actually, she's a very cute little girl, and while Natasha was taking photos, Jonathan decided to get a few snaps too, which were quite cute. There's only about 3 weeks between them (Alexa being the younger), but the size difference is amazing! I can't believe what a big boy Robert is!

Oh, and here's Robert's first snog (at least with a girl his own age haha!)

And finally, a picture of my very own santa, cutest santa ever I think...

Before I head off I want to say congratulations to Alice, on the birth of her fourth baby boy Benjamin Isaac, who was born on Thursday 9th July. Congratulations!